6 research outputs found

    Evaluating color texture descriptors under large variations of controlled lighting conditions

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    The recognition of color texture under varying lighting conditions is still an open issue. Several features have been proposed for this purpose, ranging from traditional statistical descriptors to features extracted with neural networks. Still, it is not completely clear under what circumstances a feature performs better than the others. In this paper we report an extensive comparison of old and new texture features, with and without a color normalization step, with a particular focus on how they are affected by small and large variation in the lighting conditions. The evaluation is performed on a new texture database including 68 samples of raw food acquired under 46 conditions that present single and combined variations of light color, direction and intensity. The database allows to systematically investigate the robustness of texture descriptors across a large range of variations of imaging conditions.Comment: Submitted to the Journal of the Optical Society of America

    Colorectal Cancer Tissue Classification Based on Machine Learning

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    For digital pathology, automatic recognition of different tissue types in histological images is important for diagnostic assistance and healthcare. Since histological images generally contain more than one tissue type, multi-class texture analysis plays a critical role to solve this problem. This study examines the important statistical features including Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM), Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), Spatial filters, Wiener filter, Gabor filters, Haralick features, fractal filters, and local binary pattern (LBP) for colorectal cancer tissue identification by using support vector machine (SVM) and decision fusion of feature selection. The average experimental results achieve high identification rate which is significantly superior to the existing known methods. In summary, the proposed method based on machine learning outperforms the techniques described in the literatures and achieve high classification accuracy rate at 93.17% for eight classes and 96.02% for ten classes which demonstrate promising applications for cancer tissue classification of histological image

    Global and local characterization of rock classification by Gabor and DCT filters with a color texture descriptor

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    In the automatic classification of colored natural textures, the idea of proposing methods that reflect human perception arouses the enthusiasm of researchers in the field of image processing and computer vision. Therefore, the color space and the methods of analysis of color and texture, must be discriminating to correspond to the human vision. Rock images are a typical example of natural images and their analysis is of major importance in the rock industry. In this paper, we combine the statistical (Local Binary Pattern (LBP) with Hue Saturation Value (HSV) and Red Green Blue (RGB) color spaces fusion) and frequency (Gabor filter and Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)) descriptors named respectively Gabor Adjacent Local Binary Pattern Color Space Fusion (G-ALBPCSF) and DCT Adjacent Local Binary Pattern Color Space Fusion (D-ALBPCSF) for the extraction of visual textural and colorimetric features from direct view images of rocks. The textural images from the two G-ALBPCSF and D-ALBPCSF approaches are evaluated through similarity metrics such as Chi2 and the intersection of histograms that we have adapted to color histograms. The results obtained allowed us to highlight the discrimination of the rock classes. The proposed extraction method provides better classification results for various direct view rock texture images. Then it is validated by a confusion matrix giving a low error rate of 0.8% of classification

    Visibility graphs for image processing.

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    The family of image visibility graphs (IVG/IHVG) have been recently introduced as simple algorithms by which scalar fields can be mapped into graphs. Here we explore the usefulness of such operator in the scenario of image processing and image classication. We demonstrate that the link architecture of the image visibility graphs encapsulates relevant information on the structure of the images and we explore their potential as image filters. We introduce several graph features, including the novel concept of Visibility Patches, and show through several examples that these features are highly informative, computationally efficient and universally applicable for general pattern recognition and image classication tasks

    Mobile-cloud assisted video summarization framework for efficient management of remote sensing data generated by wireless capsule sensors

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    YesWireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) has great advantages over traditional endoscopy because it is portable and easy to use, especially in remote monitoring health-services. However, during the WCE process, the large amount of captured video data demands a significant deal of computation to analyze and retrieve informative video frames. In order to facilitate efficient WCE data collection and browsing task, we present a resource- and bandwidth-aware WCE video summarization framework that extracts the representative keyframes of the WCE video contents by removing redundant and non-informative frames. For redundancy elimination, we use Jeffrey-divergence between color histograms and inter-frame Boolean series-based correlation of color channels. To remove non-informative frames, multi-fractal texture features are extracted to assist the classification using an ensemble-based classifier. Owing to the limited WCE resources, it is impossible for the WCE system to perform computationally intensive video summarization tasks. To resolve computational challenges, mobile-cloud architecture is incorporated, which provides resizable computing capacities by adaptively offloading video summarization tasks between the client and the cloud server. The qualitative and quantitative results are encouraging and show that the proposed framework saves information transmission cost and bandwidth, as well as the valuable time of data analysts in browsing remote sensing data.Supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (2013R1A1A2012904)