238 research outputs found

    The role of morphology of the thumb in anthropomorphic grasping : a review

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    The unique musculoskeletal structure of the human hand brings in wider dexterous capabilities to grasp and manipulate a repertoire of objects than the non-human primates. It has been widely accepted that the orientation and the position of the thumb plays an important role in this characteristic behavior. There have been numerous attempts to develop anthropomorphic robotic hands with varying levels of success. Nevertheless, manipulation ability in those hands is to be ameliorated even though they can grasp objects successfully. An appropriate model of the thumb is important to manipulate the objects against the fingers and to maintain the stability. Modeling these complex interactions about the mechanical axes of the joints and how to incorporate these joints in robotic thumbs is a challenging task. This article presents a review of the biomechanics of the human thumb and the robotic thumb designs to identify opportunities for future anthropomorphic robotic hands

    Virtual and rapid prototyping of an underactuated space end effector

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    A fast and reliable verification of an initial concept is an important need in the field of mechatronics. Usually, the steps for a successful design require multiple iterations involving a sequence of design phases-the initial one and several improvements-and the tests of the resulting prototypes, in a trial and error scheme. Now a day’s software and hardware tools allow for a faster approach, in which the iterations between design and prototyping are by far reduced, even to just one in favorable situation. This work presents the design, manufacturing and testing of a robotic end effector for space applications, realized through virtual prototyping, followed by rapid prototyping realization. The first process allows realizing a mathematical model of the robotic system that, once all the simulations confirm the effectiveness of the design, can be directly used for the rapid prototyping by means of 3D printing. The workflow and the results of the process are described in detail in this paper, showing the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the performance of both the virtual end effector and the actual physical robotic hand

    Adaptive Synergies for the Design and Control of the Pisa/IIT SoftHand

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    In this paper we introduce the Pisa/IIT SoftHand, a novel robot hand prototype designed with the purpose of being robust and easy to control as an industrial gripper, while exhibiting high grasping versatility and an aspect similar to that of the human hand. In the paper we briefly review the main theoretical tools used to enable such simplification, i.e. the neuroscience-based notion of soft synergies. A discussion of several possible actuation schemes shows that a straightforward implementation of the soft synergy idea in an effective design is not trivial. The approach proposed in this paper, called adaptive synergy, rests on ideas coming from underactuated hand design. A synthesis method to realize a desired set of soft synergies through the principled design of adaptive synergy is discussed. This approach leads to the design of hands accommodating in principle an arbitrary number of soft synergies, as demonstrated in grasping and manipulation simulations and experiments with a prototype. As a particular instance of application of the synthesis method of adaptive synergies, the Pisa/IIT SoftHand is described in detail. The hand has 19 joints, but only uses 1 actuator to activate its adaptive synergy. Of particular relevance in its design is the very soft and safe, yet powerful and extremely robust structure, obtained through the use of innovative articulations and ligaments replacing conventional joint design. The design and implementation of the prototype hand are shown and its effectiveness demonstrated through grasping experiments, reported also in multimedia extensio

    Design and Prototyping of an Underactuated Hand Exoskeleton With Fingers Coupled by a Gear-Based Differential

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    Exoskeletons and more in general wearable mechatronic devices represent a promising opportunity for rehabilitation and assistance to people presenting with temporary and/or permanent diseases. However, there are still some limits in the diffusion of robotic technologies for neuro-rehabilitation, notwithstanding their technological developments and evidence of clinical effectiveness. One of the main bottlenecks that constrain the complexity, weight, and costs of exoskeletons is represented by the actuators. This problem is particularly evident in devices designed for the upper limb, and in particular for the hand, in which dimension limits and kinematics complexity are particularly challenging. This study presents the design and prototyping of a hand finger exoskeleton. In particular, we focus on the design of a gear-based differential mechanism aimed at coupling the motion of two adjacent fingers and limiting the complexity and costs of the system. The exoskeleton is able to actuate the flexion/extension motion of the fingers and apply bidirectional forces, that is, it is able to both open and close the fingers. The kinematic structure of the finger actuation system has the peculiarity to present three DoFs when the exoskeleton is not worn and one DoF when it is worn, allowing better adaptability and higher wearability. The design of the gear-based differential is inspired by the mechanism widely used in the automotive field; it allows actuating two fingers with one actuator only, keeping their movements independent


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    This paper describes a mechanical underactuated hand, whose design is under patenting. The proposed hand can be used as robot grasping end-effector and, mainly, as a human prosthesis. The proposed underactuated mechanism is based on an adaptive scheme, hence it permits to move five fingers with only one actuator. The actuator is connected to a set of pulleys that operate five tendons. Each tendon will move the phalanxes of a finger. The proposed mechanism permits each finger to adapt its configuration to almost any object shape so that each of the fingers will grasp the object independently on the configuration of the finger itself and independently on the configuration of the other fingers. The tendons are un-extendible so that each finger will grasp an object always with the same force, regardless of object shape. The overall grasping force will be controlled just by adjusting the input actuator torque. This paper also reports preliminary kinematic and dynamic studies aiming to a validation of the feasibility of the proposed design solution. Finally an early experimental prototype is shown

    On Grasp Quality Measures: Grasp Robustness and Contact Force Distribution in Underactuated and Compliant Robotic Hands

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    The availability of grasp quality measures is fundamental for grasp planning and control, and also to drive designers in the definition and optimization of robotic hands. This work investigates on grasp robustness and quality indexes that can be applied to power grasps with underactuated and compliant hands. When dealing with such types of hands, there is the need of an evaluation method that takes into account the forces that can be actually controlled by the hand, depending on its actuation system. In this paper, we study the potential contact robustness and the potential grasp robustness (PCR, PGR) indexes. They both consider main grasp properties: contact points, friction coefficient, etc., but also hand degrees of freedom and consequently, the directions of controllable contact forces. The PCR comes directly from the classical grasp theory and can be easily evaluated, but often leads to too conservative solutions, particularly when the grasp has many contacts. The PGR is more complex and computationally heavier, but gives a more realistic, even if still conservative, estimation of the overall grasp robustness, also in power grasps. We evaluated the indexes for various simulated grasps, performed with underactuated and compliant hands, and we analyzed their variations with respect to the main grasp parameters

    Advanced grasping with the Pisa/IIT softHand

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    This chapter presents the hardware, software and overall strategy used by the team UNIPI-IIT-QB to participate to the Robotic Grasping and Manipulation Competition. It relies on the PISA/IIT SoftHand, which is underactuated soft robotic hand that can adapt to the grasped object shape and is compliant with the environment. It was used for the hand-in-hand and for the simulation tracks, where the team reached first and third places respectively

    On the development of a cybernetic prosthetic hand

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    The human hand is the end organ of the upper limb, which in humans serves the important function of prehension, as well as being an important organ for sensation and communication. It is a marvellous example of how a complex mechanism can be implemented, capable of realizing very complex and useful tasks using a very effective combination of mechanisms, sensing, actuation and control functions. In this thesis, the road towards the realization of a cybernetic hand has been presented. After a detailed analysis of the model, the human hand, a deep review of the state of the art of artificial hands has been carried out. In particular, the performance of prosthetic hands used in clinical practice has been compared with the research prototypes, both for prosthetic and for robotic applications. By following a biomechatronic approach, i.e. by comparing the characteristics of these hands with the natural model, the human hand, the limitations of current artificial devices will be put in evidence, thus outlining the design goals for a new cybernetic device. Three hand prototypes with a high number of degrees of freedom have been realized and tested: the first one uses microactuators embedded inside the structure of the fingers, and the second and third prototypes exploit the concept of microactuation in order to increase the dexterity of the hand while maintaining the simplicity for the control. In particular, a framework for the definition and realization of the closed-loop electromyographic control of these devices has been presented and implemented. The results were quite promising, putting in evidence that, in the future, there could be two different approaches for the realization of artificial devices. On one side there could be the EMG-controlled hands, with compliant fingers but only one active degree of freedom. On the other side, more performing artificial hands could be directly interfaced with the peripheral nervous system, thus establishing a bi-directional communication with the human brain
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