13,299 research outputs found

    Exploration of a Polarized Surface Bidirectional Reflectance Model Using the Ground-Based Multiangle Spectropolarimetric Imager

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    Accurate characterization of surface reflection is essential for retrieval of aerosols using downward-looking remote sensors. In this paper, observations from the Ground-based Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (GroundMSPI) are used to evaluate a surface polarized bidirectional reflectance distribution function (PBRDF) model. GroundMSPI is an eight-band spectropolarimetric camera mounted on a rotating gimbal to acquire pushbroom imagery of outdoor landscapes. The camera uses a very accurate photoelastic-modulator-based polarimetric imaging technique to acquire Stokes vector measurements in three of the instrument's bands (470, 660, and 865 nm). A description of the instrument is presented, and observations of selected targets within a scene acquired on 6 January 2010 are analyzed. Data collected during the course of the day as the Sun moved across the sky provided a range of illumination geometries that facilitated evaluation of the surface model, which is comprised of a volumetric reflection term represented by the modified Rahman-Pinty-Verstraete function plus a specular reflection term generated by a randomly oriented array of Fresnel-reflecting microfacets. While the model is fairly successful in predicting the polarized reflection from two grass targets in the scene, it does a poorer job for two manmade targets (a parking lot and a truck roof), possibly due to their greater degree of geometric organization. Several empirical adjustments to the model are explored and lead to improved fits to the data. For all targets, the data support the notion of spectral invariance in the angular shape of the unpolarized and polarized surface reflection. As noted by others, this behavior provides valuable constraints on the aerosol retrieval problem, and highlights the importance of multiangle observations.NASAJPLCenter for Space Researc

    Combinatorial Gradient Fields for 2D Images with Empirically Convergent Separatrices

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    This paper proposes an efficient probabilistic method that computes combinatorial gradient fields for two dimensional image data. In contrast to existing algorithms, this approach yields a geometric Morse-Smale complex that converges almost surely to its continuous counterpart when the image resolution is increased. This approach is motivated using basic ideas from probability theory and builds upon an algorithm from discrete Morse theory with a strong mathematical foundation. While a formal proof is only hinted at, we do provide a thorough numerical evaluation of our method and compare it to established algorithms.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Imaging sub-milliarcsecond stellar features with intensity interferometry using air Cherenkov telescope arrays

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    Recent proposals have been advanced to apply imaging air Cherenkov telescope arrays to stellar intensity interferometry (SII). Of particular interest is the possibility of model-independent image recovery afforded by the good (u, v)-plane coverage of these arrays, as well as recent developments in phase retrieval techniques. The capabilities of these instruments used as SII receivers have already been explored for simple stellar objects, and here the focus is on reconstructing stellar images with non-uniform radiance distributions. We find that hot stars (T > 6000 K) containing hot and/or cool localized regions (T \sim 500 K) as small as \sim 0.1 mas can be imaged at short wavelengths ({\lambda} = 400 nm).Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 6 pages, 10 figure

    CMB component separation by parameter estimation

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    We propose a solution to the CMB component separation problem based on standard parameter estimation techniques. We assume a parametric spectral model for each signal component, and fit the corresponding parameters pixel by pixel in a two-stage process. First we fit for the full parameter set (e.g., component amplitudes and spectral indices) in low-resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio maps using MCMC, obtaining both best-fit values for each parameter, and the associated uncertainty. The goodness-of-fit is evaluated by a chi^2 statistic. Then we fix all non-linear parameters at their low-resolution best-fit values, and solve analytically for high-resolution component amplitude maps. This likelihood approach has many advantages: The fitted model may be chosen freely, and the method is therefore completely general; all assumptions are transparent; no restrictions on spatial variations of foreground properties are imposed; the results may be rigorously monitored by goodness-of-fit tests; and, most importantly, we obtain reliable error estimates on all estimated quantities. We apply the method to simulated Planck and six-year WMAP data based on realistic models, and show that separation at the muK level is indeed possible in these cases. We also outline how the foreground uncertainties may be rigorously propagated through to the CMB power spectrum and cosmological parameters using a Gibbs sampling technique.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, submitted to ApJ. For a high-resolution version, see http://www.astro.uio.no/~hke/docs/eriksen_et_al_fgfit.p

    Clustering of the Diffuse Infrared Light from the COBE DIRBE maps. III. Power spectrum analysis and excess isotropic component of fluctuations

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    The cosmic infrared background (CIB) radiation is the cosmic repository for energy release throughout the history of the universe. Using the all-sky data from the COBE DIRBE instrument at wavelengths 1.25 - 100 mic we attempt to measure the CIB fluctuations. In the near-IR, foreground emission is dominated by small scale structure due to stars in the Galaxy. There we find a strong correlation between the amplitude of the fluctuations and Galactic latitude after removing bright foreground stars. Using data outside the Galactic plane (b>20deg|b| > 20\deg) and away from the center (90deg<l<270deg90\deg< l <270\deg) we extrapolate the amplitude of the fluctuations to cosecb=0|b|=0. We find a positive intercept of δFrms=15.57.0+3.7,5.93.7+1.6,2.40.9+0.5,2.00.5+0.25\delta F_{\rm rms} = 15.5^{+3.7}_{-7.0},5.9^{+1.6}_{-3.7}, 2.4^{+0.5}_{-0.9}, 2.0^{+0.25}_{-0.5} nW/m2/sr at 1.25, 2.2,3.5 and 4.9 mic respectively, where the errors are the range of 92% confidence limits. For color subtracted maps between band 1 and 2 we find the isotropic part of the fluctuations at 7.62.4+1.27.6^{+1.2}_{-2.4} nW/m2/sr. Based on detailed numerical and analytic models, this residual is not likely to originate from the Galaxy, our clipping algorithm, or instrumental noise. We demonstrate that the residuals from the fit used in the extrapolation are distributed isotropically and suggest that this extra variance may result from structure in the CIB. For 2\deg< \theta < 15^\deg, a power-spectrum analysis yields firm upper limits of (\theta/5^\deg) \times\delta F_{\rm rms} (\theta) < 6, 2.5, 0.8, 0.5 nW/m2/sr at 1.25, 2.2, 3.5 and 4.9 mic respectively. From 10-100 mic, the upper limits <1 nW/m2/sr.Comment: Ap.J., in press. 69 pages including 24 fig