3 research outputs found


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    The palm oil’s partnership model in Indonesia, which is dominated by smallholders in practice, still finds injustices where farmers do not have the same bargaining power as the company although their relationship is as partners. This study aimed to develop a partnership model that considers the conditions of farmers as part of a valuable partner to carry out equality in the partnership itself using indicator profitability, social welfare, and replanting. The Analytic Network Process (ANP) was  used to determine the priority of indicator in partnership model considered as the most important for oil palm farmers by comparing the available criteria and alternative factors. It is known fro this study that the oil palm farmer chooses the priority of model partnership with cooperation model and the criteria for agreement, transparency, and saving mechanism for replanting farmers in developing a model of the partnership of oil palm farmers in Indonesia. Keywords: analytic network process, partnership model, oil palm farmer

    Propuesta de un método de selección de proyectos de infraestructura universitaria, mediante un análisis multicriterio.

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    En las organizaciones tanto públicas como privadas, existen múltiples necesidades, que, dependiendo de su tamaño e impacto, pueden solucionarse a través de un proyecto, sin embargo, no es posible realizar cada uno de los proyectos que se presentan, pues sin importar el tipo de entidad, los recursos siempre serán limitados, es por eso que estas se ven en la necesidad de tomar la difícil decisión de seleccionar que proyectos serán ejecutados, y en qué lugar temporal respecto a los otros. Debido a que se postulan una gran cantidad de proyectos, las organizaciones se ven en la necesidad de crear un banco de proyectos, es esta el área encargada de gestionar aquellos proyectos, formar portafolios y tomar las mejores decisiones respecto a la inversión del presupuesto en ellos. Para el caso de las universidades, especialmente de las públicas, no solo se debe pensar en optimizar el uso de los recursos, sino que además se debe pensar en que estos proyectos deben de estar alineados con el Plan de Desarrollo Nacional y los Planes de Desarrollo Institucionales, sin ello al proyecto se le restará importancia. Es por eso que con este trabajo se mostrará una metodología que permita escoger los proyectos más pertinentes para toda la comunidad universitaria, así como el orden en que deberán ser ejecutados, de tal manera que se permita realizar una distribución adecuada de esas grandes cantidades de dinero que son asignadas a este tipo de proyectos.PregradoINGENIERO(A) EN INDUSTRIA

    More Important Than Their Money Offering: The Application of Action Research, ANP and TOPSIS to Real Estate Investing

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    This thesis examines the supplier selection process of non-institutional financial capital suppliers by small-scale real estate investing organizations and focuses specifically on the key criterion that real estate investing companies should seek when selecting and evaluating potential suppliers to promote an ideal partnership. These partnerships can provide the real estate investing organizations with vital capital access that allows business growth, larger transaction sizes, and greater volume but can be detrimental if the partners are ill-matched. Without a reputation or industry experience, many novice real estate investors are unaware of what qualities are most important to pursue when forming these critical relationships and simply accept any partner willing to provide capital. By using Action Research and quantitative methodologies of Analytical Network Process (ANP) and TOPSIS, this thesis documents the development of a start-up, solo-entrepreneurial investing organization and the actionable creation of an organizational supplier onboarding tool. The study surveys nineteen real estate industry expert participants and ultimately highlights six criterions as most important when selecting and evaluating potential financial capital suppliers: trustworthiness, motivation, quality of past experience, collateral and capacity, risk tolerance and risk appetite, and responsiveness. Using these findings, the entrepreneurial organization successfully develops and launches a free, online personalized questionnaire service for the benefit of both the future potential financial suppliers and the investing organization that strengthens partner communication, clarifies organizational culture and business development, and promotes overall service supply chain growth