32 research outputs found

    The Irish Research electronic Library initiative – levelling the playing field?

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    Purpose - The Irish Research electronic Library (IReL) is a nationally funded electronic research library providing online access to full text articles from thousands of peer-reviewed publications in a range of disciplines. This paper examines the opportunities that have arisen for academic libraries at a local level in terms of how they expose resources and promote the initiative. It discusses the challenges that have arisen as libraries enhance, or indeed introduce, value added services to their research community. It examines the results of an in-depth national survey which yielded invaluable insights into how Irish researchers were using library services. Finally, it reflects on the challenges libraries face in facilitating and nurturing research behaviour. Design/methodology/approach – In the first quarter of 2007, seven university libraries asked their researchers for feedback on how they use IReL resources and their awareness of the initiative in the form of a national survey. These results and in particular the feedback from DCU researchers are further analysed. Focus groups and visits to research centres also provided more in-depth analysis. Findings- This paper finds that a collaborative approach to the negotiation of a single national licence for seven academic libraries, with associated training and a discount for consortium contracts has been highly successful. However, it has also posed significant challenges for all libraries in terms of ensuring that the resources are fully exploited and that the necessary support structures are in place to facilitate the provision of appropriate services to the growing research community. Originality/Value –This paper will be useful to libraries planning services for fourth level researchers and in particular, services that promote access to online resources

    Branded scholarly information services among young researchers

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    The study examines the transition of scientific journals to branded scholarly information services. It has been suggested that electronic publishing systems could provide new opportunities to create advanced linking capabilities, community collaboration, and integration across research and application communities at a level not possible with print systems. The scientific journals that are licensed as web-based services include a variety of augmented services to supplement the plain journal articles and reference databases. Branding the services has offered a way to both differentiate and ensure confidence in the Internet. The study seeks to answer the following questions: how do young researchers take notice of branded scholarly information services, how do they value the augmented services, and what, if any, brand value aspects emerged between them and the electronic information services? The theoretical background of the study derives from information-seeking behavior supplemented with marketing and consumer theories about branding and the commodification of information. The empirical research material is compiled from the views of young researchers in the fields of science and technology and the data is statistically analyzed. The results of the study demonstrate that the brand value, the differential effect of the brand name, can be positively affected over time. The study shows that library websites together with colleagues are an important source of initial information about the electronic scholarly information services. The awareness of service brands increases significantly with the frequency of use. The results indicate that the services directly linked with the current core product are becoming an essential part of the journal services. The value of links between other services and products is found to increase significantly with experience. The ability to personalize the services is found to be more important among users with moderate experience. Satisfaction in the services is found to influence the intentions to advocate for the services. In general, young researchers are found inclined to continue using the electronic scholarly information services. However, there is no clear evidence of brand loyalty

    Journal Use Pattern at E. Latunde Odeku Medical Library, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan

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    In spite of the importance of journals and journal use studies, consultation of Literature (the Africa Index Medicus, LIS journals and Health Literature in Nigeria i.e HELIN) revealed that prior to this study, no study on journal use in E. Latunde Odeku Medical Library (ELOML) -College of Medicine - University of Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria was found. This study was carried out to determine journal use behaviour of users and patterns as observed at the E. Latunde Odeku Medical library. The study has revealed the active users of the ELOML journal collection and at the same time assessed it. Related studies from India, US, Iran and Nigeria were reviewed with a view to determine resemblances in journal use patterns observed by other scholars from these countries. A total of One hundred and Twenty (120) questionnaires were placed at the circulation desk (from October to December 2011) for filling by journal users in this library and out of which One hundred and Two (102) were retrieved for data analysis. Data analysis was carried out using Statistical Package for social Sciences (SPSS), and the outputs were represented with tables and figures. Over all, the study has revealed that doctors are the most active users of ELOML journalCollection and most of the respondents prefer to read international journals more than local journals. However, a reasonable percentage of student doctors, student nurses and other professionals under study read more prints than ejournals

    Contribution of Jimma University to Provide Scintific Information and Research Culture in Ethiopia

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    Background: Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences is published by Jimma University since July 1990 to provide scientific and technological information on health and related fields for informed planning and decision-making and to enable researchers share their scientific work, observations and experiences. This study does the content analysis of EJHS regarding its contribution publishing the type of articles, discipline of the study, cultural area (urban/rural), and region of the study, research conducted by (University/college), topics of research and other variables. Methods: Broad categories as variable of each article of all the volumes available in Jimma University were entered in the software SPSS 11.0. Interpretation was based on the simple frequency analysis. Results: A total 209 articles in 15 volumes until January 2005 were analyzed. The journal is regularly published in January and July every year (87%). Emphasis was on original articles (70%) published an average by 2 authors holding Bachelor (55%) and Master (35%) degree. Medical sciences were the dominating discipline publishing 50% articles followed by social and behavioral sciences (22%). Majority research was conducted in urban (82%) by Jimma (82%) university in Oromiya (76%) region. Major topics studied were on communicable diseases (22%), environmental health (11%), demography/family planning (10%), nutrition (9%), pharmacy & drug testing (8%) using quantitative methods (86%). Conclusion: Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences served its primary purpose providing scientific and technological information regularly. Research community needs to conduct research in rural areas with emphasis on social and behavioral sciences using qualitative methods.Ethiop. J Health Sci. Vol. 16, No. 2 July 200

    Usage of Subscribed & Open Access Information Resources by LIS Research Scholars

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    Objectives of this study were to investigate the usage of subscribed and open access resources, preferences, level of awareness, reasons to utilize subscribed & open access information resources, and problems being faced while using the information resources by Library and Information Science (LIS) research scholars. Quantitative method followed by survey research design was used to conduct this study. Self-administered questionnaire validated by field experts was used to gather the data from the participants. The population of this study was postgraduate LIS research scholars from Punjab, who were enrolled in M. Phil. (2015-2017) and Ph. D. (2015-2018) programs. The survey was administrated personally. The data was gathered from 78 research scholars of Library and Information Science from the five LIS schools in Punjab. The data were analyzed through Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Software. This study found that LIS participants preferred both resources like, subscribed and open access resources. The use of subscribed resources by Library and Information Science research scholars was preferred to open access resources for finding the articles and accessible anywhere of the world. There is a tendency among the researchers that due to lack of awareness, limited knowledge about existing research facilities, they do not fully utilize open access resources for their research and the database developed by the institution(s). A bunch of scholars does not aware of open access resources and due to this their utilization of this facility is quite low. Most of the libraries and the organization(s) do not have the facility and resources to have access to “subscribed electronic resources” due to heavy cost. Present study concludes that the LIS scholars prefer to use open access resources because of free availability on internet as compared to subscribed resources. Subscribed resources have a limited access only within the campus

    O uso de periódicos científicos electrónicos nas instituições do ensino superior público em Portugal

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    Tese de mestrado em Ciências da Documentação e Informação apresentada à Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, 2008A introdução das novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação provocou alterações profundas na comunicação científica. A disponibilização electrónica dos periódicos científicos teve consequências inevitáveis na forma de aceder ao conhecimento por parte de toda a comunidade académica, bem como nos seus hábitos de pesquisa. É neste contexto que surge o presente estudo que procura analisar a utilização dos periódicos científicos electrónicos nas instituições do ensino superior público portuguesas, com o objectivo de compreender o nível de conhecimento que a comunidade académica tem relativamente à existência e disponibilidade destes periódicos, conhecer práticas e frequência do seu uso, aferir vantagens e desvantagens e perceber as principais consequências, benefícios e preocupações que estes periódicos trouxeram também aos técnicos de biblioteca e documentação. Para tal foi realizado um inquérito online entre Maio e Junho de 2008, dirigido aos utilizadores de 34 instituições de ensino superior público, e através do qual foram obtidas 3.357 respostas completas. Os resultados indicam que a utilização destes periódicos está a aumentar e que é feita de uma forma rotineira por grande parte da comunidade académica nacional, sobretudo docentes que os utilizam muito frequentemente nas suas pesquisas e para preparação das suas aulas. Todavia, a cultura do impresso está ainda muito enraizada. Ficou clara a necessidade de uma maior divulgação e até formação no uso destes recursos, sobretudo dos Alunos de 1.º ciclo que ou desconhecem por completo a sua existência ou afirmam não os saber usar. O acesso a qualquer hora e a partir de qualquer local são os aspectos mais apreciados. A dificuldade de acesso a números antigos e a dificuldade de leitura no monitor as principais dificuldades. Questões como a preservação e o acesso perpétuo são questões preocupantes especialmente para os técnicos de biblioteca e documentação.The introduction of new information and communication technologies caused profound changes in communication science. The availability of electronic scientific journals had inevitable consequences in the way academic community have access to knowledge and in their search habits, as well. In this context, this study analyzes the use of electronic scientific journals in Portuguese public higher education institutions, having some purposes such as: to understand the level of knowledge that the academic community has regarding the existence and availability of these journals; to get acquainted with the practices and frequency of its use; to verify advantages, disadvantages, benefits and concerns that these journals brought to the technical library and documentation personnel. An online survey was conducted between May and June 2008, addressed to users of 34 public higher education institutions. It were obtained 3.357 complete answers. The results indicate that the use of these journals is increasing and it is done in a routine way by much of the national academic community, especially teachers who use them, very often, in their research and to prepare their lessons. However, print culture is still very deep-rooted. It was clear that it's needed a greater dissemination and training regarding the use of these resources, especially among the first cycle students, who are either completely unaware of ts existence or claim not to know how to use these same resources. Access at any time and from any place is the most appreciated. The difficulty of access to old numbers and the difficulty of reading on screen the main difficulties. Issues such as the preservation and the perpetual access to these journals are difficult to handle, especially by the technical library and documentation personnel

    The Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography: 2008 Annual Edition

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    The Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography: 2008 Annual Edition presents over 3,350 English-language articles, books, and other printed and electronic sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet. Most sources have been published from 1990 through 2008; however, a limited number of key sources published prior to 1990 are also included. Where possible, links are provided to works that are freely available on the Internet, including e-prints in disciplinary archives and institutional repositories. It is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License