9 research outputs found

    Knowledge transfer of the wireless healthcare application in rural community: A case study in Baling, Kedah

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    Healthcare system in rural area is equally as important as who live in the urban or modern city counterparts.Due to geographically difficulty to access by the modern transportation, wireless communication is one of the possible approaches to reach these areas.On the key aspect is the infrastructure reliability to securing knowledge transfer amongst knowledge of the rural society.This study is to determine the readiness of the rural communities in accepting wireless healthcare applications for the effective transfer of acquired knowledge from healthcare expertise to the rural communities.The instruments were developed and survey was conducted in rural area of Baling, Kedah. 435 questionnaires have been distributed and only 245 are qualified to be analyzed using quantitative analysis.The result shows that the rural communities are appreciate and long-wait with this new type of technology in helping them to improve the healthcare rural system even though the wireless infrastructure is hindering

    Reflective Practice for Learning From Experience: Navigating the Back Roads at Work

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    What are the roadblocks that limit reflective practice in the field of philanthropy? Between the desire to move the needle on social change and the pressure to be productive, philanthropy as a field is understandably driven to focus on doing and resistant to taking time to reflect on practice. This article is designed to help foundations encourage leadership and staff to put their expertise into play as a learning strategy. This article defines reflective practice and traces roots and research that can inform its use. It also reports on interviews with philanthropy practitioners about how they use various reflective practice methods to navigate high-stakes situations. In an examination of some of the barriers to learning on the job in philanthropy, this article also suggests some activities that might build a more receptive environment for reflective practice for individuals, groups, and organizations

    طراحی چارچوب مدیریت دانش هم‌افزا در بیمارستان‌ها و مراکز درمانی

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    Improving quality and reducing the expenses in Department of Health has always been one of the main priorities of different stakeholders and value seekers in this very prominent section of communities and governments. Knowledge asset management in this field has had an undeniable effect on the aspects of quality improvement and cost reduction strategies as well as playing an effective role in medical decision making and clinical processes. The purpose behind the present study was achieving a true understanding of the actual position knowledge management processes in health centers and hospitals. Moreover, it was aimed at proposing technology-driven solutions, based on knowledge management, to manage such valuable medical assets. The current study was qualitative from the viewpoint of administrative process, and falls into applied research from the perspective of results. In addition, in order to describe and discover the phenomena relating to knowledge management in hospitals, field studies have been drawn upon. To represent the findings, different approaches and methods regarding knowledge management in hospitals were expressed. In knowledge acquisition level, controlled and uncontrolled activities to elicit knowledge have been considered. Knowledge storage process, knowledge encoding, and benefits of reusing knowledge repertoires in hospitals have been regarded as well. Also, in publishing and distributing sector of knowledge, access was personalized and maintaining security has been expressed. Meanwhile, in the implementation and operation phase, the manner of using proved explicit knowledge has been mentioned. The results show that tools and indices of knowledge management are capable of helping the hospitals in acquisition, storage, retrieval, and learning assets relating to knowledge, both tangibly and non-tangibly. Applying knowledge process in order to utilize tacit and explicit knowledge in hospital environment is recommended. Knowledge management will be able to establish consistency in the knowledge structure resources in hospitals, assuring that by experts and elites leaving the field, their knowledge will remain stable and intact

    سامانه مدیریت دانش، گزیری هوشمند برای بهبود در مدیریت خطاهای درمان

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    Errors in treatment process are of the main issues regarding patient safety in health centers and hospitals that have had a growing rate, causing concern in health industry. Using the knowledge associated with such incidents in hospitals has facilitated management as well as reporting process. It is also effective in managerial decisions. The purpose of this study is exploiting the main processes of knowledge management for improving the management and reporting medical errors for medical centers and hospitals, paving the way for achieving and recording the knowledge related to such incidents by presenting proper strategies. Afterwards, by disseminating and proper transferring of knowledge to right people, implementation and efficient utilization of this knowledge will be made possible. The present study is qualitative from the viewpoint of the implementation process and is applied from the perspective of studying the results. Next, to understand the role of knowledge management processes in hospitals, filed studies have been employed. In presenting the findings, we managed to achieve various methods and approaches of the four processes of knowledge management in management of documents related to errors in hospitals. The manner of doing different stages was considered from individual, group and inter organizational viewpoints. Then, the manner of gaining knowledge related to treatment errors was explained. At the stage of storing knowledge, the manner of coding knowledge and the benefits of reusing knowledge repositories in hospitals has been mentioned. At the stage of publishing and distributing knowledge, the importance of maintaining the security and privacy of individuals as well as respecting their privacy have been regarded. In the process of adoption and utilization, the method of using knowledge in making decisions and planning is expressed. The results reveal that knowledge management systems are capable of creating cohesion and sustainability. In explicit knowledge associated with treatment errors, they can also help preserve the knowledge and experience of experts and the elite in this field. In case they leave, this knowledge and experience will not vanish

    An electronic service quality transactional model of attraction, trust and loyalty for interactive healthcare portal

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    Interactive Health Portals (IHPs) are portals of healthcare providers which offer e-services for patients to assist them in obtaining required health information, communicate easily and access all services offered. The quality of e-services provided by the IHP is a critical concern since it serves as a gateway to patients to interact with a respective healthcare provider. IHPs are well developed in US and Europe, but developing countries such as Malaysia are still lagging behind this trend. IHPs are very important for private hospitals whose aim include servicing patients from other countries. Previous studies have investigated how to attract patients, to increase their trust and to make them loyal to IHPs within developing countries, however they were studied in a segregate manner. The relationship among them have yet been explored in the context of healthcare and as a transaction model for patients’ loyalty on IHP is not studied yet. The aim of this study is to identify the e-service quality (e-SQ) factors that may influence attraction, trust and loyalty on IHP and thus propose an e-SQ transactional model of attraction, trust and loyalty for IHP. A survey method was employed to examine the influence of the identified e-SQ factors on three components of attraction, trust and loyalty in the proposed model. Questionnaires were distributed targeting patients at three private hospitals who had experience in using e-services in which two hundred and three patients responded to the survey. Collected data were analysed using the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) technique. The results showed that e-SQ factors of usability, information quality, virtual training, IHP services, and cost savings positively influenced patients’ attraction. Trust of patients was positively influenced by security, privacy, reliability, and policy of IHPs. Finally, the e-SQ factors of compensation, responsiveness and hospitality affected patient loyalty in a positive manner. The Importance-Performance Matrix Analysis indicated that the top priority to be addressed to attract patients are IHP services and cost saving. Next, attraction, reliability and privacy are the most important factors to gain patients’ trust, while hospitality and trust are most significant to make patients loyal. The e-SQ transactional model as an outcome of this study is hoped to assist Malaysian IHP providers to better understand patients’ demands and allow them to design more patient-centric portals. This study is especially beneficial to private hospitals which receive no governmental financial aids and are in close competition with other private hospitals

    Full Issue #11.1

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    Gestão do conhecimento e mapeamento de competências

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2013.A competência é compreendida como um conjunto de conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes, do ponto de vista individual, como um saber ou saber fazer algo bem, já em termos organizacionais, é a contribuição do indivíduo para com a organização. A Gestão por Competência utiliza o Mapeamento de Competências como uma das formas de identificar as competências existentes em uma organização, potencializando sua capacidade de adaptação às novas demandas do mercado. Tais demandas referem-se à nova forma de gestão, sendo o capital intelectual primordial para a geração de estratégias e diferencial competitivo. A nova forma de gestão estabelece o uso do conhecimento como diferencial competitivo, onde o conhecimento passa a exercer um papel fundamental para os processos organizacionais. A Gestão do Conhecimento busca desenvolver e criar conhecimento como solução essencial às estratégias das empresas, sendo dessa forma, uma ferramenta empresarial, que prepara a organização, tanto em seus aspectos estruturais, como humanos. O Mapeamento de Competências oferece à Gestão do Conhecimento um entendimento da capacidade de conhecimento por conta das competências organizacionais disponíveis e necessárias, possibilitando verificar conhecimentos que possam ir além das competências. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo geral, analisar o Mapeamento de Competências como subsídio para Gestão do Conhecimento, abordando o Mapeamento de Competências como uma ferramenta gerencial para auxiliar a Gestão do Conhecimento, agregando valor estratégico frente à possibilidade de identificar a potencialidade das competências disponíveis e essenciais para atender demandas do planejamento estratégico da organização em estudo. A pesquisa classifica-se como quali-quantitativa quanto a sua abordagem, possui caráter exploratório e descritivo quanto aos fins e quanto aos meios, este estudo envolve uma pesquisa de campo, documental, bibliográfica e de estudo de caso. Os atores selecionados da organização pesquisada consistiram em quatro sujeitos alocados no setor administrativo do Escritório de Advocacia Machado, Corrêa e Silva Advogados Associados. A partir do modelo de Borges-Andrade e Lima(1983) foi desenvolvido e aplicado um modelo de mapeamento de competências, possibilitando uma análise dos dados em relação às competências existente na empresa e àquelas que necessitam ser desenvolvidas ou melhoradas. Pelos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que o Mapeamento de Competências é uma ferramenta essencial para a Gestão do Conhecimento, pois além de identificar o potencial de conhecimento nas competências existentes da organização, permitem identificar as competências essenciais e também as competências que podem ser realocadas na organização com o intuito de atender, da melhor maneira, as demandas estratégicas da organização. Abstract : Competence is understood as a set of knowledges, skills and attitudes of the individual point of view, as a knowlegde or ability to do something well, already in organizational terms, is the contribution of the individual for the organization. The Management by Competence uses the Mapping Competence as one of the ways to identify exisitent competences in an organization, enhancing its ability to adapt to new market demands. Such demands refer to the new form of management, being the intellectual capital is essential for the generation of strategies and competitive advantage. This new form of management establishes the use of knowledge as a competitive differentiator, where knowledge plays a key role in organizational processes. Knowledge Management aims to develop and create knowledge as essential solution for corporate strategies, being in its form, a business tool that prepares the organization, both in its structural an human aspects. Mapping Competence offers an understanding of knowledge capacity to the Knowledge Management due to the organizational competences needed and available, enabling checking of knowledge that can go beyond the competences. This dissertation has as general objective to analyse the Mapping Competence as subsidy for Knowledge Management, addressing Mapping Competence as a management tool to assist in Knowledge Management, adding strategic value to the possibility of identifying potential competences available and essential to attend the demands of the organization's strategic project in study. The survey is classified as qualitative and quantitative in its approaches, has an exploratory and descriptive as to the purposes and the means, this study involves field research, documentation, literature and case study. The selected actors of the surveyed organization consisted of four subjects allocated in the administrative sector of the Law Offices of Machado Corrêa e Silva Awyers Associated. From the model of Borges-Andrade and Lima (1983) a model of mapping competences was developed and applied, enabling an analysis of data regarding the company's existing competences and those that need to be developed or improved. From the obtained results, is possible to conclude that the Mapping Competence isan essential tool for Knowledge Management, since besides identifying the potential of knowledge in the existent competences of the organization, allow to identify essential competences and also competences that may be relocated in the organization in order to attend in the best way, the strategic demands of the organization