19 research outputs found


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    Dengue fever is one of the main public health problems in Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to know the endemic area of dengue fever by using AHP and SMARTER method. AHP method is used to define the priority criteria, and SMARTER method is used to determine the final weight of criteria based on Rank Order Centroid (ROC) calculation. The result of research using AHP and SMARTER method get the rank order. The alternative ranks are rank 1 with the highest weight of 0.572 is Tembalang subdistrict. The lowest weight of 0.367 is Tugu and Mijen subdistricts. Alternatives with the highest Weight become the first priority in obtaining policies to cope with dengue cases. After that, followed by the rank order below because priority to tackle dengue fever case is done based on the order of ranking of each alternative. In addition, humidity criteria is very influential on the determination of dengue endemic areas with the highest weight criterion 0.46. Keywords—AHP, SMARTER, dengue feve

    An integrated multiple criteria preference ranking approach to the Canadian west coast port congestion conflict

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    An integrative conflict analysis approach, incorporating an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) based preference ranking method into the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution (GMCR), is employed to investigate the Canadian west coast port congestion dispute. The Canadian west coast has historically been an important gateway connecting North America to Asia thanks to its specific geographical and strategic location. Despite successful operations and maintenance of the port facilities to handle international trade during the past few decades, the west coast is now facing increasing congestion problems, resulting in significant delays in transporting goods from the west coast to other parts of Canada and the USA. The strategic analyses carried out in this research suggest potential resolutions in which Canada would expand port facilities at various locations, encouraging traders to continue choosing the Canadian west coast as one of their trade gateways to North America

    Analytic hierarchy process and technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution: a bibliometric analysis from past, present and future of AHP and TOPSIS

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    Previous review papers on analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) mainly focused on the application areas and paid scant attention to the framework development of AHP, TOPSIS and their hybrid methods. The purpose of this paper is to review the literature on analytic hierarchy process (AHP), type of scale used in AHP, modified AHP, rank reversal problem of AHP, validation of AHP, application of AHP, TOPSIS, normalization methods for TOPSIS, distance functions for TOPSIS, fuzzy hierarchical TOPSIS, rank reversal problem of TOPSIS and various applications of TOPSIS to prepare a readymade reference for academician, research scholar and industry people. In this regard, research works are gathered from 1980 to 2013 (searched via ScienceDirect, IEEE etc) and out of which 61 research papers are critically assayed to depict the development of AHP, TOPSIS and their hybrid methods. Meaningful information and critical remarks are summarized in various tabular formats and charts to give readers easy information

    Analytic hierarchy process and technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution: a bibliometric analysis from past, present and future of AHP and TOPSIS

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    Previous review papers on analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) mainly focused on the application areas and paid scant attention to the framework development of AHP, TOPSIS and their hybrid methods. The purpose of this paper is to review the literature on analytic hierarchy process (AHP), type of scale used in AHP, modified AHP, rank reversal problem of AHP, validation of AHP, application of AHP, TOPSIS, normalization methods for TOPSIS, distance functions for TOPSIS, fuzzy hierarchical TOPSIS, rank reversal problem of TOPSIS and various applications of TOPSIS to prepare a readymade reference for academician, research scholar and industry people. In this regard, research works are gathered from 1980 to 2013 (searched via ScienceDirect, IEEE etc) and out of which 61 research papers are critically assayed to depict the development of AHP, TOPSIS and their hybrid methods. Meaningful information and critical remarks are summarized in various tabular formats and charts to give readers easy information

    A knowledge management performance measurement system for small and medium enterprises

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    An important step after the implementation of knowledge management (KM) is to evaluate its effectiveness and performance. Knowledge management performance measurement (KMPM) is necessary in order to achieve effective and successful KM. Comprehensive set of constructs and metrics for KMPM have yet to be developed. In addition, a KMPM system that applies these constructs and metrics is found lacking. It is more apparent in the case of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) as most of the studies have focused on large organizations. Furthermore, as KM is characterized by an environment subject to uncertainties and fuzziness, there is a need to adopt a specific approach to address this issue. In this research, the focus is on the development of a KMPM system for the SMEs. A novel conceptual framework that categorized KM into three main aspects; knowledge resources, KM processes, and KM factors was used as a foundation for developing the system. New set of KMPM constructs and metrics were developed and tailored for the SMEs. Investigation of the developed constructs and metrics in terms of their applicability was carried out through a questionnaire survey. The constructs and metrics were validated through statistical analysis using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, where reliability analysis was conducted followed by validity analysis in terms of content, construct, convergent, discriminant, and criterion validities. The analysis results indicated that the developed constructs and metrics were applicable, reliable, and valid. Following this, a fuzzy logic methodology was utilized as the evaluation mechanism for the KMPM system. MATLAB software was used to develop the fuzzy inference system and Simulink was used to design and develop the system’s layout and interface. Case studies were conducted in three small and medium sized consultancy companies to evaluate the developed system. From the evaluation, the evaluators commented that the system was comprehensive, userfriendly, and suitable for SMEs application. In essence, this research has developed new set of constructs and metrics as well as a KMPM system specifically designed for SMEs

    Evaluating the performance of airports using an integrated AHP/DEA-AR technique

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    Airport efficiency is an area of increasing interest to academics, policy makers and practitioners. This has resulted in a body of literature applying various econometric techniques to compare efficiency between different samples of airports. This paper uses the multi-criteria decision making method Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to incorporate the weightings of input and output variables into Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Assurance Region DEA (DEA-AR) models, with 24 major international airports in the empirical analysis. The paper concludes the discriminatory power in the proposed AHP/DEA-AR model is greater than in the basic DEA model when measuring the efficiency of airports. By applying this approach, policy makers and practitioners can effectively compare operational efficiency between airports, and therefore generate more informed decisions

    Modelo de avaliação de propostas de concurso público na Força Aérea Portuguesa : uma aplicação da análise multicritério

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    Mestrado em Contabilidade, Fiscalidade e Finanças EmpresariaisDecidir melhor tem sido uma preocupação manifesta em diversos ramos de atividade, incluindo o setor público. Particularmente na Força Aérea, decidir melhor é evidentemente necessário devido aos recursos que se consomem e que não são, naturalmente, apenas financeiros. O presente trabalho de projeto enquadra-se na temática da análise multicritério e tem por finalidade aplicar o método MACBETH a um concurso público da Força Aérea Portuguesa. É particularmente elaborado um modelo, para avaliação de propostas, a fim do cumprimento de um concurso de construção de infraestruturas. O modelo é formulado através de reuniões, em conferência, entre os avaliadores dos concorrentes a concurso. Os resultados obtidos pelo modelo proposto são comparados com os resultados do modelo atual, não apenas pela análise comparativa das pontuações dos concorrentes com melhor desempenho, mas também pela análise de sensibilidade efetuadas através da plataforma wised com fundamentos teóricos no método MACBETH. Assim, pretendeu-se dotar a FA de uma ferramenta que otimize a avaliação de propostas de concorrentes aos concursos públicos.Making the best decision has been a major concern in many fields of activity including the public sector. Particularly in the Air Force (AF), making the best decision is very evident due to the resources, not only financial, but all that are used. The present project centres on multi-criteria analysis and aims to employ MACBETH's method to a public tender of the Portuguese Air Force. In particular, it draws up a model for the evaluation of proposals for an infrastructure construction tender. The model is formulated through conference meetings between the appraisers of the candidates for the tender. The results obtained through the proposed model are then compared to those from the current model, not only through the comparative analysis of the scores of the candidates who performed better but also through the sensitivity analysis carried out by the wised platform with theoretical foundations from the MACBETH method. Thus, it was intended to provide the AF with a tool that optimizes the evaluation of proposals of candidates to public tenders

    An analysis of distributions of priority values from alternative comparison scales within AHP

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    The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) introduced by T.L. Saaty is a well known and popular method of multi-criteria decision making. Central to this method are the pairwise comparisons between criteria (and decision alternatives) made using a 9-unit scale. The appropriateness of Saaty's original one-to-nine (1–9) scale has been the subject of much debate and cause for concern. This paper contrasts the appropriateness of the 1–9 scale with other alternative 9-unit scales also used in AHP, by looking at the probability distributions of the associated priority values. For large problems, estimated probability distributions are found for the priority values through using the method of Parzen Windows