45,437 research outputs found

    Compressive Sensing of Analog Signals Using Discrete Prolate Spheroidal Sequences

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    Compressive sensing (CS) has recently emerged as a framework for efficiently capturing signals that are sparse or compressible in an appropriate basis. While often motivated as an alternative to Nyquist-rate sampling, there remains a gap between the discrete, finite-dimensional CS framework and the problem of acquiring a continuous-time signal. In this paper, we attempt to bridge this gap by exploiting the Discrete Prolate Spheroidal Sequences (DPSS's), a collection of functions that trace back to the seminal work by Slepian, Landau, and Pollack on the effects of time-limiting and bandlimiting operations. DPSS's form a highly efficient basis for sampled bandlimited functions; by modulating and merging DPSS bases, we obtain a dictionary that offers high-quality sparse approximations for most sampled multiband signals. This multiband modulated DPSS dictionary can be readily incorporated into the CS framework. We provide theoretical guarantees and practical insight into the use of this dictionary for recovery of sampled multiband signals from compressive measurements

    Development of a dc-ac power conditioner for wind generator by using neural network

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    This project present of development single phase DC-AC converter for wind generator application. The mathematical model of the wind generator and Artificial Neural Network control for DC-AC converter is derived. The controller is designed to stabilize the output voltage of DC-AC converter. To verify the effectiveness of the proposal controller, both simulation and experimental are developed. The simulation and experimental result show that the amplitude of output voltage of the DC-AC converter can be controlled

    Frame Permutation Quantization

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    Frame permutation quantization (FPQ) is a new vector quantization technique using finite frames. In FPQ, a vector is encoded using a permutation source code to quantize its frame expansion. This means that the encoding is a partial ordering of the frame expansion coefficients. Compared to ordinary permutation source coding, FPQ produces a greater number of possible quantization rates and a higher maximum rate. Various representations for the partitions induced by FPQ are presented, and reconstruction algorithms based on linear programming, quadratic programming, and recursive orthogonal projection are derived. Implementations of the linear and quadratic programming algorithms for uniform and Gaussian sources show performance improvements over entropy-constrained scalar quantization for certain combinations of vector dimension and coding rate. Monte Carlo evaluation of the recursive algorithm shows that mean-squared error (MSE) decays as 1/M^4 for an M-element frame, which is consistent with previous results on optimal decay of MSE. Reconstruction using the canonical dual frame is also studied, and several results relate properties of the analysis frame to whether linear reconstruction techniques provide consistent reconstructions.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures; detailed added to proof of Theorem 4.3 and a few minor correction

    Controlling symmetry and localization with an artificial gauge field in a disordered quantum system

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    Anderson localization, the absence of diffusion in disordered media, draws its origins from the destructive interference between multiple scattering paths. The localization properties of disordered systems are expected to be dramatically sensitive to their symmetry characteristics. So far however, this question has been little explored experimentally. Here, we investigate the realization of an artificial gauge field in a synthetic (temporal) dimension of a disordered, periodically-driven (Floquet) quantum system. Tuning the strength of this gauge field allows us to control the time-reversal symmetry properties of the system, which we probe through the experimental observation of three symmetry-sensitive `smoking-gun' signatures of localization. The first two are the coherent backscattering, marker of weak localization, and the coherent forward scattering, genuine interferential signature of Anderson localization, observed here for the first time. The third is the direct measurement of the β(g)\beta(g) scaling function in two different symmetry classes, allowing to demonstrate its universality and the one-parameter scaling hypothesis

    Stochastic multi-channel lock-in detection

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    High-precision measurements benefit from lock-in detection of small signals. Here we discuss the extension of lock-in detection to many channels, using mutually orthogonal modulation waveforms, and show how the the choice of waveforms affects the information content of the signal. We also consider how well the detection scheme rejects noise, both random and correlated. We address the particular difficulty of rejecting a background drift that makes a reproducible offset in the output signal and we show how a systematic error can be avoided by changing the waveforms between runs and averaging over many runs. These advances made possible a recent measurement of the electron's electric dipole moment.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure