1,181 research outputs found

    Analog VLSI-Based Modeling of the Primate Oculomotor System

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    One way to understand a neurobiological system is by building a simulacrum that replicates its behavior in real time using similar constraints. Analog very large-scale integrated (VLSI) electronic circuit technology provides such an enabling technology. We here describe a neuromorphic system that is part of a long-term effort to understand the primate oculomotor system. It requires both fast sensory processing and fast motor control to interact with the world. A one-dimensional hardware model of the primate eye has been built that simulates the physical dynamics of the biological system. It is driven by two different analog VLSI chips, one mimicking cortical visual processing for target selection and tracking and another modeling brain stem circuits that drive the eye muscles. Our oculomotor plant demonstrates both smooth pursuit movements, driven by a retinal velocity error signal, and saccadic eye movements, controlled by retinal position error, and can reproduce several behavioral, stimulation, lesion, and adaptation experiments performed on primates

    Efficient audio signal processing for embedded systems

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    We investigated two design strategies that would allow us to efficiently process audio signals on embedded systems such as mobile phones and portable electronics. In the first strategy, we exploit properties of the human auditory system to process audio signals. We designed a sound enhancement algorithm to make piezoelectric loudspeakers sound "richer" and "fuller," using a combination of bass extension and dynamic range compression. We also developed an audio energy reduction algorithm for loudspeaker power management by suppressing signal energy below the masking threshold. In the second strategy, we use low-power analog circuits to process the signal before digitizing it. We designed an analog front-end for sound detection and implemented it on a field programmable analog array (FPAA). The sound classifier front-end can be used in a wide range of applications because programmable floating-gate transistors are employed to store classifier weights. Moreover, we incorporated a feature selection algorithm to simplify the analog front-end. A machine learning algorithm AdaBoost is used to select the most relevant features for a particular sound detection application. We also designed the circuits to implement the AdaBoost-based analog classifier.PhDCommittee Chair: Anderson, David; Committee Member: Hasler, Jennifer; Committee Member: Hunt, William; Committee Member: Lanterman, Aaron; Committee Member: Minch, Bradle

    Analogue CMOS Cochlea Systems: A Historic Retrospective

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    Low-Power Analog Circuits for Sub-Band Speech Processing

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    The need for efficient electronics has been increasing by the day, as have the constraints on power and size of the devices. Also the increase in use of mobile and wearable electronics has been leading to innovative methods to conserve power and increase functionality. The traditional approach of signal processing heavily relies on the Digital Signal Processing (DSP) hardware to perform most of the tasks, which has lead to power-hungry circuits. Use of analog front-end devices could prove to be efficient, since most of the real-world data is analog and since the DSP could be spared for more application-specific tasks within the system, thereby resulting in more efficient mixed-signal systems.;The focus in this work is to develop an analog front-end for speech-processing applications with inspiration from biology, and trying to mimic human auditory perception techniques. The circuits are designed in 600nm, 350nm and 180nm CMOS processes and are biased in the sub-threshold region to consume low-power. Also, various modules of the system are connected using multiplexing circuits to allow post-fabrication reconfigurability to suit various applications. These circuits are biased using a network of floating-gate transistors which allow reconfigurability and increased bias accuracy. This thesis mainly describes two modules of the analog front-end used for speech processing: derivative circuit and voltage-mode subtractor circuit, which are used for processing spectrally decomposed signals. These circuits could be used for applications like audio analysis or event detection

    Interfacing of neuromorphic vision, auditory and olfactory sensors with digital neuromorphic circuits

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    The conventional Von Neumann architecture imposes strict constraints on the development of intelligent adaptive systems. The requirements of substantial computing power to process and analyse complex data make such an approach impractical to be used in implementing smart systems. Neuromorphic engineering has produced promising results in applications such as electronic sensing, networking architectures and complex data processing. This interdisciplinary field takes inspiration from neurobiological architecture and emulates these characteristics using analogue Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI). The unconventional approach of exploiting the non-linear current characteristics of transistors has aided in the development of low-power adaptive systems that can be implemented in intelligent systems. The neuromorphic approach is widely applied in electronic sensing, particularly in vision, auditory, tactile and olfactory sensors. While conventional sensors generate a huge amount of redundant output data, neuromorphic sensors implement the biological concept of spike-based output to generate sparse output data that corresponds to a certain sensing event. The operation principle applied in these sensors supports reduced power consumption with operating efficiency comparable to conventional sensors. Although neuromorphic sensors such as Dynamic Vision Sensor (DVS), Dynamic and Active pixel Vision Sensor (DAVIS) and AEREAR2 are steadily expanding their scope of application in real-world systems, the lack of spike-based data processing algorithms and complex interfacing methods restricts its applications in low-cost standalone autonomous systems. This research addresses the issue of interfacing between neuromorphic sensors and digital neuromorphic circuits. Current interfacing methods of these sensors are dependent on computers for output data processing. This approach restricts the portability of these sensors, limits their application in a standalone system and increases the overall cost of such systems. The proposed methodology simplifies the interfacing of these sensors with digital neuromorphic processors by utilizing AER communication protocols and neuromorphic hardware developed under the Convolution AER Vision Architecture for Real-time (CAVIAR) project. The proposed interface is simulated using a JAVA model that emulates a typical spikebased output of a neuromorphic sensor, in this case an olfactory sensor, and functions that process this data based on supervised learning. The successful implementation of this simulation suggests that the methodology is a practical solution and can be implemented in hardware. The JAVA simulation is compared to a similar model developed in Nengo, a standard large-scale neural simulation tool. The successful completion of this research contributes towards expanding the scope of application of neuromorphic sensors in standalone intelligent systems. The easy interfacing method proposed in this thesis promotes the portability of these sensors by eliminating the dependency on computers for output data processing. The inclusion of neuromorphic Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) board allows reconfiguration and deployment of learning algorithms to implement adaptable systems. These low-power systems can be widely applied in biosecurity and environmental monitoring. With this thesis, we suggest directions for future research in neuromorphic standalone systems based on neuromorphic olfaction

    A review of current neuromorphic approaches for vision, auditory, and olfactory sensors

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    Conventional vision, auditory, and olfactory sensors generate large volumes of redundant data and as a result tend to consume excessive power. To address these shortcomings, neuromorphic sensors have been developed. These sensors mimic the neuro-biological architecture of sensory organs using aVLSI (analog Very Large Scale Integration) and generate asynchronous spiking output that represents sensing information in ways that are similar to neural signals. This allows for much lower power consumption due to an ability to extract useful sensory information from sparse captured data. The foundation for research in neuromorphic sensors was laid more than two decades ago, but recent developments in understanding of biological sensing and advanced electronics, have stimulated research on sophisticated neuromorphic sensors that provide numerous advantages over conventional sensors. In this paper, we review the current state-of-the-art in neuromorphic implementation of vision, auditory, and olfactory sensors and identify key contributions across these fields. Bringing together these key contributions we suggest a future research direction for further development of the neuromorphic sensing field

    Robust Auditory-Based Speech Processing Using the Average Localized Synchrony Detection

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    In this paper, a new auditory-based speech processing system based on the biologically rooted property of the average localized synchrony detection (ALSD) is proposed. The system detects periodicity in the speech signal at Bark-scaled frequencies while reducing the response’s spurious peaks and sensitivity to implementation mismatches, and hence presents a consistent and robust representation of the formants. The system is evaluated for its formant extraction ability while reducing spurious peaks. It is compared with other auditory-based and traditional systems in the tasks of vowel and consonant recognition on clean speech from the TIMIT database and in the presence of noise. The results illustrate the advantage of the ALSD system in extracting the formants and reducing the spurious peaks. They also indicate the superiority of the synchrony measures over the mean-rate in the presence of noise

    A Survey on Application Specific Processor Architectures for Digital Hearing Aids

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    On the one hand, processors for hearing aids are highly specialized for audio processing, on the other hand they have to meet challenging hardware restrictions. This paper aims to provide an overview of the requirements, architectures, and implementations of these processors. Special attention is given to the increasingly common application-specific instruction-set processors (ASIPs). The main focus of this paper lies on hardware-related aspects such as the processor architecture, the interfaces, the application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) technology, and the operating conditions. The different hearing aid implementations are compared in terms of power consumption, silicon area, and computing performance for the algorithms used. Challenges for the design of future hearing aid processors are discussed based on current trends and developments

    Speech Processing Front-end in Low-power Hardware

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    The objective of this work is to develop analog integrated circuits to serve as low-power auditory front-ends in signal processing systems. An analog front-end can be used for feature-extraction to reduce the requirements of the digital back-end, or to detect and call attention to compelling characteristics of a signal while the back-end is in sleep mode. Such a front-end should be advantageous for speech recognition, noise suppression, auditory scene analysis, hearing prostheses, biological modeling, or hardware-based event detection.;This work presents a spectral decomposition system, which consists of a bandpass filter bank with sub-band magnitude detection. The bandpass filter is low-power and each channel can be individually programmed for different quality factors and passband gains. The novel magnitude detector has a 68 decibel dynamic range, excellent tracking capability, and consumes less than a microwatt of power. The system, which was fabricated in a 0.18 micron process, consists of a 16-channel filter bank and a variety of sub-band computational elements

    Spike Events Processing for Vision Systems

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    In this paper we briefly summarize the fundamental properties of spike events processing applied to artificial vision systems. This sensing and processing technology is capable of very high speed throughput, because it does not rely on sensing and processing sequences of frames, and because it allows for complex hierarchically structured cortical-like layers for sophisticated processing. The paper includes a few examples that have demonstrated the potential of this technology for highspeed vision processing, such as a multilayer event processing network of 5 sequential cortical-like layers, and a recognition system capable of discriminating propellers of different shape rotating at 5000 revolutions per second (300000 revolutions per minute)
