4,672 research outputs found

    Arena: A General Evaluation Platform and Building Toolkit for Multi-Agent Intelligence

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    Learning agents that are not only capable of taking tests, but also innovating is becoming a hot topic in AI. One of the most promising paths towards this vision is multi-agent learning, where agents act as the environment for each other, and improving each agent means proposing new problems for others. However, existing evaluation platforms are either not compatible with multi-agent settings, or limited to a specific game. That is, there is not yet a general evaluation platform for research on multi-agent intelligence. To this end, we introduce Arena, a general evaluation platform for multi-agent intelligence with 35 games of diverse logics and representations. Furthermore, multi-agent intelligence is still at the stage where many problems remain unexplored. Therefore, we provide a building toolkit for researchers to easily invent and build novel multi-agent problems from the provided game set based on a GUI-configurable social tree and five basic multi-agent reward schemes. Finally, we provide Python implementations of five state-of-the-art deep multi-agent reinforcement learning baselines. Along with the baseline implementations, we release a set of 100 best agents/teams that we can train with different training schemes for each game, as the base for evaluating agents with population performance. As such, the research community can perform comparisons under a stable and uniform standard. All the implementations and accompanied tutorials have been open-sourced for the community at https://sites.google.com/view/arena-unity/

    Exploratory study to explore the role of ICT in the process of knowledge management in an Indian business environment

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    In the 21st century and the emergence of a digital economy, knowledge and the knowledge base economy are rapidly growing. To effectively be able to understand the processes involved in the creating, managing and sharing of knowledge management in the business environment is critical to the success of an organization. This study builds on the previous research of the authors on the enablers of knowledge management by identifying the relationship between the enablers of knowledge management and the role played by information communication technologies (ICT) and ICT infrastructure in a business setting. This paper provides the findings of a survey collected from the four major Indian cities (Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai and Villupuram) regarding their views and opinions about the enablers of knowledge management in business setting. A total of 80 organizations participated in the study with 100 participants in each city. The results show that ICT and ICT infrastructure can play a critical role in the creating, managing and sharing of knowledge in an Indian business environment

    Automated Machine Learning for Deep Recommender Systems: A Survey

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    Deep recommender systems (DRS) are critical for current commercial online service providers, which address the issue of information overload by recommending items that are tailored to the user's interests and preferences. They have unprecedented feature representations effectiveness and the capacity of modeling the non-linear relationships between users and items. Despite their advancements, DRS models, like other deep learning models, employ sophisticated neural network architectures and other vital components that are typically designed and tuned by human experts. This article will give a comprehensive summary of automated machine learning (AutoML) for developing DRS models. We first provide an overview of AutoML for DRS models and the related techniques. Then we discuss the state-of-the-art AutoML approaches that automate the feature selection, feature embeddings, feature interactions, and system design in DRS. Finally, we discuss appealing research directions and summarize the survey

    Decision of Multimodal Transportation Scheme Based on Swarm Intelligence

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    In this paper, some basic concepts of multimodal transportation and swarm intelligence were described and reviewed and analyzed related literatures of multimodal transportation scheme decision and swarm intelligence methods application areas. Then, this paper established a multimodal transportation scheme decision optimization mathematical model based on transportation costs, transportation time, and transportation risks, explained relevant parameters and the constraints of the model in detail, and used the weight coefficient to transform the multiobjective optimization problems into a single objective optimization transportation scheme decision problem. Then, this paper is proposed by combining particle swarm optimization algorithm and ant colony algorithm (PSACO) to solve the combinatorial optimization problem of multimodal transportation scheme decision for the first time; this algorithm effectively combines the advantages of particle swarm optimization algorithm and ant colony algorithm. The solution shows that the PSACO algorithm has two algorithms’ advantages and makes up their own problems; PSACO algorithm is better than ant colony algorithm in time efficiency and its accuracy is better than that of the particle swarm optimization algorithm, which is proved to be an effective heuristic algorithm to solve the problem about multimodal transportation scheme decision, and it can provide economical, reasonable, and safe transportation plan reference for the transportation decision makers

    Treasure hunt : a framework for cooperative, distributed parallel optimization

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Daniel WeingaertnerCoorientadora: Profa. Dra. Myriam Regattieri DelgadoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa : Curitiba, 27/05/2019Inclui referências: p. 18-20Área de concentração: Ciência da ComputaçãoResumo: Este trabalho propõe um framework multinível chamado Treasure Hunt, que é capaz de distribuir algoritmos de busca independentes para um grande número de nós de processamento. Com o objetivo de obter uma convergência conjunta entre os nós, este framework propõe um mecanismo de direcionamento que controla suavemente a cooperação entre múltiplas instâncias independentes do Treasure Hunt. A topologia em árvore proposta pelo Treasure Hunt garante a rápida propagação da informação pelos nós, ao mesmo tempo em que provê simutaneamente explorações (pelos nós-pai) e intensificações (pelos nós-filho), em vários níveis de granularidade, independentemente do número de nós na árvore. O Treasure Hunt tem boa tolerância à falhas e está parcialmente preparado para uma total tolerância à falhas. Como parte dos métodos desenvolvidos durante este trabalho, um método automatizado de Particionamento Iterativo foi proposto para controlar o balanceamento entre explorações e intensificações ao longo da busca. Uma Modelagem de Estabilização de Convergência para operar em modo Online também foi proposto, com o objetivo de encontrar pontos de parada com bom custo/benefício para os algoritmos de otimização que executam dentro das instâncias do Treasure Hunt. Experimentos em benchmarks clássicos, aleatórios e de competição, de vários tamanhos e complexidades, usando os algoritmos de busca PSO, DE e CCPSO2, mostram que o Treasure Hunt melhora as características inerentes destes algoritmos de busca. O Treasure Hunt faz com que os algoritmos de baixa performance se tornem comparáveis aos de boa performance, e os algoritmos de boa performance possam estender seus limites até problemas maiores. Experimentos distribuindo instâncias do Treasure Hunt, em uma rede cooperativa de até 160 processos, demonstram a escalabilidade robusta do framework, apresentando melhoras nos resultados mesmo quando o tempo de processamento é fixado (wall-clock) para todas as instâncias distribuídas do Treasure Hunt. Resultados demonstram que o mecanismo de amostragem fornecido pelo Treasure Hunt, aliado à maior cooperação entre as múltiplas populações em evolução, reduzem a necessidade de grandes populações e de algoritmos de busca complexos. Isto é especialmente importante em problemas de mundo real que possuem funções de fitness muito custosas. Palavras-chave: Inteligência artificial. Métodos de otimização. Algoritmos distribuídos. Modelagem de convergência. Alta dimensionalidade.Abstract: This work proposes a multilevel framework called Treasure Hunt, which is capable of distributing independent search algorithms to a large number of processing nodes. Aiming to obtain joint convergences between working nodes, Treasure Hunt proposes a driving mechanism that smoothly controls the cooperation between the multiple independent Treasure Hunt instances. The tree topology proposed by Treasure Hunt ensures quick propagation of information, while providing simultaneous explorations (by parents) and exploitations (by children), on several levels of granularity, regardless the number of nodes in the tree. Treasure Hunt has good fault tolerance and is partially prepared to full fault tolerance. As part of the methods developed during this work, an automated Iterative Partitioning method is proposed to control the balance between exploration and exploitation as the search progress. A Convergence Stabilization Modeling to operate in Online mode is also proposed, aiming to find good cost/benefit stopping points for the optimization algorithms running within the Treasure Hunt instances. Experiments on classic, random and competition benchmarks of various sizes and complexities, using the search algorithms PSO, DE and CCPSO2, show that Treasure Hunt boosts the inherent characteristics of these search algorithms. Treasure Hunt makes algorithms with poor performances to become comparable to good ones, and algorithms with good performances to be capable of extending their limits to larger problems. Experiments distributing Treasure Hunt instances in a cooperative network up to 160 processes show the robust scaling of the framework, presenting improved results even when fixing a wall-clock time for the instances. Results show that the sampling mechanism provided by Treasure Hunt, allied to the increased cooperation between multiple evolving populations, reduce the need for large population sizes and complex search algorithms. This is specially important on real-world problems with time-consuming fitness functions. Keywords: Artificial intelligence. Optimization methods. Distributed algorithms. Convergence modeling. High dimensionality