28 research outputs found

    A multi-agent-based novel framework for flexible and tailorable modeling and smart simulation for supply chains

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    To achieve competitive advantage in today’s global markets, supply chains need to be reconfigured in order to respond to unpredictable changes. Aiming to enable and deliver agile responses and rapid reaction, we propose a multi-agent framework for flexible modeling and simulation of supply chains using reconfigurable production cells. Our novel approach will enable the structural model and the controller model to be considered separately, and enable high quality simulation models to be rapidly built and reconfigured using relevant production cells. To accomplish these capabilities, a four-layered conceptual modeling framework is proposed, which provides an adaptable and tailorable mechanism to support simulation model reconfiguration. In addition, two categories of reconfigurable production cells can be extracted from the bottom layer of the framework to help users to quickly create a conceptual model using functional “building” blocks or templates

    A home healthcare multi-agent system in a multi-objective environment

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    Decision making in home care service is complex due to the need to satisfice multi-objective goals such as maximizing customer service quality, minimizing service cost, and maximizing employee satisfaction. With the increasing world-wide need for efficient and effective home healthcare, the increasing elderly population, and the increasing pressure from governments and other stakeholders in various societies, the development of effective novel approaches for home care decisions is imperative. In this paper, we present a multi-agent architecture that facilitates decision making characterised with multiple objectives. The approach integrates the capabilities of a multi-agent system and Web services so as to facilitate effective decisions for home healthcare services. The aim is to provide a multi-agent system based on genetic algorithm, where decisions are based on intelligent agents that provide intelligent alternative decisions in a multiple-objective environment

    Modelo dinámico para la gestión integrada de proyectos de construcción

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    Los avances que se vienen desarrollando en las tecnologías de la información han sido rápidamente aprovechados e integrados en las grandes corporaciones productivas en los diferentes ámbitos de actuación. Sin embargo, por sus particularidades, la explotación de las posibilidades que ofrecen las nuevas tecnologías en la industria de la construcción presenta dificultades. Se propone el análisis de la implantación de un modelo de dirección de proyectos en el ámbito de la construcción (PMBOK), en un entorno colaborativo entre empresas, socios y stakeholders, considerando especialmente la perspectiva informacional y el impacto en la satisfacción del cliente, usando como indicadores la información generada desde el área de calidad, evaluando las oportunidades que ofrece la gestión integrada mediante nuevas tecnologías de la información. Primeramente se describen los elementos fundamentales del modelo propuesto, identificando los flujos de información, según el estándar que propone la guía del PMBOK. A continuación se muestra la tecnología de implementación desde la perspectiva informacional para la calidad, soportada mediante una plataforma de agentes inteligentes distribuidos. Finalmente se detallan los resultados obtenidos mediante simulación con Dinámica de Sistemas en los casos de aplicación del modelo de gestión integrada de proyectos usando nuevas tecnologías de información distribuida y sin ellas, respectivamente.The advances are been developing about information technologies have been improved and integrated by big productive corporations in the different ways of work so quickly. However the possibilities of the operation that new technologies in construction industry offer give some difficulties due to its peculiarities. A model of introduction analysis project management in construction field is proposed at companies, partnership and stakeholders collaborative environments, with the consideration of the informational view and the impact in customer satisfaction, being used as indicators the generated information from the quality area, to assess the opportunities that offers the integrated management through new information technologies. Firstly the fundamental parts of the proposed model are described, being identified the information flows, according to the standard that PMBOK guide proposes. Next, the implementation technology is shown from the information perspective view for the quality, being supported by distributed intelligent agents platform. Finally, the achievement results through the simulation with Dynamic Systems in the different ways of application of the integrated project management model is detailed, being used new distributed information technologies or without them

    "Business Intelligence" en las cadenas de suministro

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    Configurar la fabricación integrada en la red de la cadena de suministro requiere una plataforma estructurada para tomar las decisiones y ejecutarlas (Zhang et al. 2006). En el entorno competitivo del s. XXI, se están implantado sistemas integrados de BI (Business Intelligence) que incorporan otros subsistemas como ERP, relacionados con la fabricación 4.0. y con las nuevas bases de datos que se están generando

    Exploring the Scope of Prognosis Agent Technology in Digital Manufacturing

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    It is an established fact that the last decade is evident for the advancement in manufacturing sector by the use of various digital manufacturing (DM) techniques. Agent technology has contributed far in the DM by simplifying and adding synergy to the various functionaries in form of static and mobile agents. The agents contribute in the paradigms of designing, diagnosis, production, marketing etc. In the international business market, the agent technology has increased the competence by providing fast, error free, customized services. The paper first reviews the work done in the field of applications of agent technology in digital manufacturing including the role of agent technology in prognosis and then the research object is to develop a framework for the prognosis of digital data feeded to the manufacturing facilities of DM system. The paper focus on the introduction and brief description of the manufacturing prognosis agent in context to Digital manufacturing. Key words: manufacturing prognosis agent, digital manufacturing, prognosis, agent technology, digital dat

    Duration of collaboration from a market perspective: An agent-based modeling approach

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    Maintaining a long-term partnership with a supplier is considered an effective strategy to achieve collaboration success in supply chain management (SCM). However, individual companies find that this approach does not always improve business performance. In this paper, an agent-based model (ABM) is developed to investigate the effect of duration of collaboration on supply chains from a market perspective. The model represents two-stage supply chains of an innovative product market, involving suppliers and manufacturers. The model outputs are measured by the rate of demand fulfilment and the number of supply chains which can survive in the market. The results show that duration of collaboration has no significant impact on both demand fulfilment and survivability of supply chains. This finding contradicts the common belief held in the literature about the benefits of long-term collaboration, but it corroborates examples encountered in practice. This study provides new insights to the practice of supply chain collaboration by taking a market perspective. The results show that a longer duration of collaboration does not provide a significant improvement to the supply chain's competitiveness from a market point of view, in terms of demand fulfilment and supply chain's ability to survive over the long-term. The implications of this finding to practice are discussed in the paper

    Investigating the factors affecting e-procurement adoption in supply chain performance: An empirical study on Malaysia manufacturing industry

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    Global business is getting more and more cutthroat. Digital technology plays a significant role in giving companies a competitive advantage and improving the effectiveness of corporate processes. The Malaysian government has advanced by implementing e-government to use digital technologies to improve operations. In line with the objective of Malaysia’s government, this study examines the impact of e-procurement adoption and e-procurement determinants on supply chain performance among Malaysian manufacturing companies. Using a quantitative research design with an online survey questionnaire, 99 responses from manufacturers listed in the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers directory were obtained, representing 19.41% of the response rates. It fulfilled the minimum sample size of 92, and the data were examined using PLS-SEM. A total of 13 hypotheses are supported, accepted hypotheses one and two in which top management support and information communication technology infrastructure do not directly affect supply chain management. Besides, the findings prove this study's mediating effect on e-procurement adoption. It indicates that most Malaysian manufacturing companies have embraced e-procurement to support their supply chain operations

    Las Tecnologías de la Información para la docencia e investigación en Dirección de Operaciones: ¿en qué punto estamos?

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    En esta obra se reúnen los resúmenes de los trabajos presentados en el VI ACEDEDOT OMTech Workshop, 16-17 de abril de 2015 (Málaga), organizado por la Sección de Dirección de Operaciones y Tecnología (ACEDEDOT) de la Asociación Científica de Economía y Dirección de Empresas (ACEDE) en colaboración con el Departamento de Economía y Administración de Empresas y la Facultad de Estudios Sociales y del Trabajo de la Universidad de Málaga. En este encuentro se continúa con la labor desarrollada en las ediciones anteriores desde 2010, celebrados en Granada, Segovia, Cartagena, Sevilla y Pamplona, y se profundiza en los objetivos que desde su primera edición se han planteado

    Towards Agile Workforce – Case Study Research in Three Companies

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    Many companies today face a highly turbulent and volatile environment caused by intense foreign competition, rapid technological change, shorter product life-cycles, and customers demand- ing more customized products. Several strategies have been developed to deal with unpredictability in the environment. Agility and agile methods have been widely accepted as a new competitive concept in many countries, including Finland. However, the understanding of how to build agile organizations remains weak. The thesis provides initial empirical evidence to better understand essential elements of agile workforce and their relationship with organizational agility. More specifically, the research aims to understand and describe the concept of workforce agility in the selected case companies. The second goal is to discover the management practices, methods and tools that the case companies have adopted in order to enable and support the actions of an agile workforce. The thesis employs qualitative research methods with empirical approach doing semi- structured interviews in case study companies and conceptual approach using previous academic research. The case study companies are OP, DNA and Alma Media. The phenomenon of developing an agile workforce is rather new in large previously traditional organizations in Finland. Consequently, the study is exploratory by nature and aims to increase familiarity of the phenomenon in the Finnish context. The different cases were studied through interviews with managers that have been in a superior decision-making position and responsible for the change process, and managers or employees that have participated the implementation of the change process. Also, a HR specialist from Vincit was interviewed for her expertise on enterprise agility. According to the findings employees’ agile capabilities and attitudes towards agility are important factors when transforming towards enterprise agility. Findings show that companies that aim to make their organization more agile face two kinds of challenges. Firstly, companies must be able to arouse excitement and interest towards agility among employees. The second challenge concerns enabling agile work and managing the frustrations that arise. To deal with these challenges case companies employed similar practices, tools and methods that enable change management, change attitudes and culture, increase internal communication, knowledge sharing and cooperation; support empowerment and work organization, and promote new work methods and training