15,310 research outputs found

    Laser-plasma interactions with a Fourier-Bessel Particle-in-Cell method

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    A new spectral particle-in-cell (PIC) method for plasma modeling is presented and discussed. In the proposed scheme, the Fourier-Bessel transform is used to translate the Maxwell equations to the quasi-cylindrical spectral domain. In this domain, the equations are solved analytically in time, and the spatial derivatives are approximated with high accuracy. In contrast to the finite-difference time domain (FDTD) methods that are commonly used in PIC, the developed method does not produce numerical dispersion, and does not involve grid staggering for the electric and magnetic fields. These features are especially valuable in modeling the wakefield acceleration of particles in plasmas. The proposed algorithm is implemented in the code PLARES-PIC, and the test simulations of laser plasma interactions are compared to the ones done with the quasi-cylindrical FDTD PIC code CALDER-CIRC.Comment: submitted to Phys. Plasma

    Wavelet-Based High-Order Adaptive Modeling of Lossy Interconnects

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    Abstract—This paper presents a numerical-modeling strategy for simulation of fast transients in lossy electrical interconnects. The proposed algorithm makes use of wavelet representations of voltages and currents along the structure, with the aim of reducing the computational complexity of standard time-domain solvers. A special weak procedure for the implementation of possibly dynamic and nonlinear boundary conditions allows to preserve stability as well as a high approximation order, thus leading to very accurate schemes. On the other hand, the wavelet expansion allows the computation of the solution by using few significant coefficients which are automatically determined at each time step. A dynamically refinable mesh is then used to perform a sparse time-stepping. Several numerical results illustrate the high efficiency of the proposed algorithm, which has been tuned and optimized for best performance in fast digital applications typically found on modern PCB structures. Index Terms—Finite difference methods, time-domain analysis, transmission lines, wavelet transforms. I

    Time- and frequency-domain modeling of passive interconnection structures in field and circuit analysis

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich den theoretischen Grundlagen und numerischen Verfahren zur Analyse passiver Verbindungsstrukturen auf der Basis der elektromagnetischen Feld- und Netzwerktheorie. Die Simulation elektromagnetischer PhĂ€nomene gewinnt eine immer stĂ€rkere Bedeutung sowohl im Entwicklungsprozess elektronischer Komponenten und Systeme als auch bei der EMV-Analyse. StĂ€ndig steigende Operationsfrequenzen erfordern die Einbeziehung der passiven Verbindungsstrukturen in die Analyse sowohl im Frequenz- als auch im Zeitbereich. Dabei wĂ€chst insbesondere die Bedeutung von Zeitbereichsmethoden bei der Behandlung elektrodynamischer Probleme infolge zunehmender Schaltfrequenzen und immer steilerer AnstiegsïŹ‚anken. Frequenzbereichsmethoden in Kombination mit der FourierrĂŒcktransformation erfordern bei extrem breiten Frequenzspektren einen hohen Rechenaufwand, um Zeitbereichslösungen mit hinreichender Genauigkeit zu erhalten. Im Falle von NichtlinearitĂ€ten sind Zeitbereichsmethoden sogar die einzige Möglichkeit. Aus diesem Grunde wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit ein besonderer Schwerpunkt auf die Zeitbereichsmodellierung der Verbindungsstrukturen einschließlich der Schaltungsumgebung sowie die Behandlung mittels Netzwerksimulatoren gelegt.  Throughout the ïŹrst period of electrical-engineering history, passive interconnections, i.e., conductors serving as the connection of electronic devices or system components, were typically not considered in the system modeling, except for some special cases and "electrically long" structures, which were successfully described via the transmission-line theory. This changed dramatically after the wide-spread introduction of digital, radio-frequency, and microwave technologies, which required transmission via the passive interconnection structures of high-frequency (HF) signals. The parasitic eïŹ€ects introduced by passive interconnections at high frequencies have motivated modern digital-system designers to consider such interconnections more precisely. &nbsp

    A Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Ideal Two-Fluid Plasma Equations

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    A discontinuous Galerkin method for the ideal 5 moment two-fluid plasma system is presented. The method uses a second or third order discontinuous Galerkin spatial discretization and a third order TVD Runge-Kutta time stepping scheme. The method is benchmarked against an analytic solution of a dispersive electron acoustic square pulse as well as the two-fluid electromagnetic shock and existing numerical solutions to the GEM challenge magnetic reconnection problem. The algorithm can be generalized to arbitrary geometries and three dimensions. An approach to maintaining small gauge errors based on error propagation is suggested.Comment: 40 pages, 18 figures

    The Partial Elements Equivalent Circuit Method: The State Of The Art

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    This year marks about half a century since the birth of the technique known as the partial element equivalent circuit modeling approach. This method was initially conceived to model the behavior of interconnect-type problems for computer-integrated circuits. An important industrial requirement was the computation of general inductances in integrated circuits and packages. Since then, the advances in methods and applications made it suitable for modeling a large class of electromagnetic problems, especially in the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)/signal and power integrity (SI/PI) areas. The purpose of this article is to present an overview of all aspects of the method, from its beginning to the present day, with special attention to the developments that have made it suitable for EMC/SI/PI problems

    Efficient computation of TM- and TE-polarized leaky modes in multilayered circular waveguides

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    In combination with the perfectly matched layer (PML)-paradigm, eigenmode expansion techniques have become increasingly important in the analysis and design of cylindrical and planar waveguides for photonics applications. To achieve high accuracy, these techniques rely on the determination of many modes of the modal spectrum of the waveguide under consideration. In this paper, we focus on the efficient computation of TM- and TE-polarized leaky modes for multilayered cylindrical waveguides. First, quasi-static estimates are derived for the propagation constants of these modes. Second, these estimates are used as a starting point in an advanced Newton iteration scheme after they have been subjected to an adaptive linear error correction. To prove the validity of the computation technique, it is applied to technologically important cases: vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers and a monomode fiber
