5 research outputs found

    Design And Implementation Of High Security Banking System By Using Iot Technology

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    This project focuses on designing and also creating biometric finger print modern technology based loan deal system for buying. As even more worldwide financial activity comes to be digitally-based, financial institutions are utilizing brand-new technologies to create next-generation identification controls to deal with fraud, make purchases much safer, and also boost the client experience. The sensing unit is a solid-state finger print sensing unit that dependably catches fingerprint info. It is created to integrate right into devices for enhanced safety as well as convenience. The sensing unit supplies a dependable, fast and also easy to use option to passwords, PIN's and other forms of individual verification. Individual need not lug any kind of physical cards (credit score, debit and so on) or cell phones for money transaction. Individual simply need to keep finger print go into purchase amount using keypad. This purchase details is sent to server over safe IoT (WiFi) and more processing done there. If the deal achieves success then individual obtains SMS confirmation message to his registered telephone number. This onboard computer includes number of input as well as outcome ports. The onboard computer system is generally termed as micro controller. The input and also output port of the micro controller are interfaced with various input and output modules depending on the demands. In other words micro controller works as a communication medium for all the components involved in the job. The tool likewise includes GSM modem, Wi-fi components, Keypad, LCD which presents the information regarding purchases

    Design and Implementation of an IoT-Based Smart Home Security System

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    Recent advances in smartphones and affordable open-source hardware platforms have enabled the development of low-cost architectures for Internet-of-Things (IoT)-enabled home automation and security systems. These systems usually consist of sensing and actuating layer that is made up of sensors such as passive infrared sensors, also known as motion sensors; temperature sensors; smoke sensors, and web cameras for security surveillance. These sensors, smart electrical appliances, and other IoT devices connect to the Internet through a home gateway. This paper lays out an architecture for a cost-effective smart door sensor that will inform a user through an Android application, of door open events in a house or office environment. The proposed architecture uses an Arduino-compatible Elegoo Mega 2560 microcontroller board along with the Raspberry Pi 2 board for communicating with a web server that implements a RESTful API. Several programming languages are used in the implementation and further applications of the door sensor are discussed as well as some of its shortcomings such as possible interference from other radio frequency devices

    A Low-Cost Home Security Notification System Using IoT and Telegram Bot: A Design and Implementation

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    Home security is a critical issue, especially for the civilians to protect their property from harm. Currently, the increase in home breaking usually occurs during school holidays and public holiday seasons. Therefore, to overcome the problem and the main objective is to design and develop a low-cost home security notification system using PIR sensor to detect movement of intruders, Raspberry Pi Camera, GPS module integrated with Raspberry Pi Zero WH to send an alert notification message with image, date, location, and time via Telegram Bot to the house owner’s and people nearby through a smart phone. The system utilizes the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) by implementing the waterfall model as the methodology. Three experiments were conducted to examine the effectiveness of the system which is sensor detection range, response time and user acceptance test (UAT). The finding indicates that the home security notification system was efficient, effective, low-cost, and easy to use. Besides, the system can detect the presence of the intruder and send the notification message in a reasonable time. Meanwhile, the result from the UAT indicates that the proposed system has a positive impact and to be well accepted by the majority of the users. Hence, the system can help the house owners to take immediate action such as calling the neighbourhood association or police department authority when the system detects an intruder in the house.

    Sistema de segurança residencial de baixo custo utilizando internet das coisas

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    This work presents the development of a low-cost residential security center, using Internet of Things concepts and components. The device develop can be used to assist the community in public safety. Through the literature review, to show which solutions were proposed using IoT in residential security, it was sought to develop a printed circuit with the necessary components to help security in homes, in several factors. The development of the software embedded in the device sought to follow evolutionary practices that allowed adaptability to different situations found in different environments to be monitored. The final solution includes an electronic device with low-cost components, and a software that allows obtaining data from the sensors and alerting the resident if any abnormality occurs. The final proposal is the installation of a security center referenced in community homes, to monitor the safety and parameters of the environments, providing greater security to residents during the period they are away from their homes.Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma central de segurança residencial de baixo custo, utilizando conceitos e componentes de Internet das Coisas. O dispositivo desenvolvido poderá ser utilizado para auxiliar a comunidade na segurança pública. Através da revisão de literatura, para evidenciar quais soluções foram propostas usando IoT na segurança residencial, buscou-se desenvolver um circuito impresso com os componentes necessários para auxiliar a segurança nas residências, em diversos fatores. O desenvolvimento do software embutido no dispositivo buscou seguir práticas evolutivas que permitissem adaptabilidade a diversas situações encontradas em diferentes ambientes a serem monitorados. A solução final contempla um dispositivo eletrônico com componentes de baixo custo, e um software que permite obter os dados dos sensores e alertar o morador caso ocorra alguma anormalidade. A proposta final é a instalação de uma central de segurança referenciada em residências da comunidade, para monitorar a segurança e os parâmetros dos ambientes, proporcionando maior segurança aos moradores durante o período que estiverem ausentes de seus domicílios

    Visualization of Operational and Technical Functions in Inteligent Building

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    Cílem této diplomové práce je zajištění výpočtu predikce koncentrace oxidu uhličitého z dat PI System. Prvním krokem je prozkoumání možností, které nabízí v rámci analýzy dat a strojového učení cloudové platformy IBM Cloud a Microsoft Azure. Poznatky, získané při práci s cloudovými nástroji, jsou sepsány do vlastní kapitoly. V další části práce jsou vypracovány experimenty. Jejich výsledky vedou ke zvolení vhodné predikční metody a jejího nastavení pro potřeby této práce. Prostřednictvím PI Web API je vytvořena konektivita pro čtení a zápis dat z PI Server. V jazyce Python je sepsán kód, který slouží jak pro dlouhodobý výpočet predikce CO2, tak pro komunikaci s PI Web API. Dále je v rámci streamování dat v reálném čase popsána práce s nástrojem PI Integrator for Business Analytics a návaznost na Apache Kafka. Na závěr je vytvořena vizualizace provozně technických funkcí dvou bytů v nástroji PI Vision. Vizualizace obsahuje i data predikovaných hodnot CO2.The aim of this dissertation is to ensure the calculation of the prediction of carbon dioxide concentration from PI System data. The first step is to explore the possibilities that IBM Cloud and Microsoft Azure offer in data analysis and machine learning. The knowledge gained when working with cloud tools is written up in a separate chapter. In the next part of the paper, experiments are developed. Their results lead to the selection of a suitable prediction method and its setting for the needs of this work. Connectivity for reading and writing data from the PI Server is created via the PI Web API Code that is used both for the long-term calculation of CO2 prediction and for communication with PI Web API is written in Python. Furthermore, the work with the PI Integrator for the Business Analytics tool and the connection to Apache Kafka are described within real-time data streaming. Finally, a visualization of the operational and technical functions of the two bytes in the PI Vision tool is created. The visualization also contains data of predicted CO2 values.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívelmi dobř