2 research outputs found

    Using fuzzy logic approach to predict work-related musculoskeletal disorders among automotive assembly workers

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    Background: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are considered an important health concern, particularly in automotive assembly industries. Evaluation of the effects of all MSDs risk factors is difficult due to its multifactorial nature. In addition, the risk factors cannot be detected accurately when they are only based on individual opinions. Thus, in this study, fuzzy logic tool was used to evaluate the combined effects of all risk factors on MSDs. Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted on 100 male workers in an automotive industry. Job satisfaction, job stress, job fatigue, and body posture were evaluated by a self-reported questionnaire. Body posture was evaluated using Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA). Primary data analysis on extracting the input variables of MATLAB was performed by SPSS 22, with a significant level of 0.05. T test, one-way Anova, and Pearson correlation analysis were used to extract the input variables for the fuzzy logic model. The results obtained from the Nordic questionnaire was selected as the output of the fuzzy model. Fuzzy logic assessment was performed using MATLAB software version 7.0. Results: There were significant differences between WMSDs factors, including job fatigue, strain, working posture, and the REBA final score, and pain in all limbs of the body (p<0.05). A significant difference was also found between working posture with wrist score (p<0.05). The findings on defuzzification showed a strong correlation between real and modelling results. Conclusion: The results showed that many factors such as posture, fatigue, and strain affect MSDs. Based on the obtained results, all categories of risk factors, including personal, psychosocial, and occupational, should be considered to predict MSDs, which can be achieved by a modeling approach. Keywords: Automotive industry; Fuzzy logic; Work-related musculoskeletal disorders

    Factores de riesgo, evaluaci贸n, control y prevenci贸n en el levantamiento y transporte manual de cargas.

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    Manual lifting and carrying loads associated with musculoskeletal disorders, which represent a high cost for health systems and businesses. Objective: Therefore strategies to mitigate or eliminate the risks for its implementation are required. The aim of this study was to review updates on the risk factors, methods of assessment, prevention and control measures that are associated with lifting and manual handling of loads concepts. Methodology: published articles were reviewed 2007 - 2013 on the basis of EBSCO, PROQUEST AND SCIENCE data on risk factors, methods of assessment, prevention and control measures associated with lifting and manual handling of loads. Results: 43 articles where it was found that the associated risk factors were the size of the load, the height of the surface, the rate and rhythm of the uprising were reviewed. The most commonly used evaluation methodologies were the NIOSH method and the analysis of videos through software. The prevention and control measures were related mostly to control individuals, which the healthcare personnel lifting device (PLAD) was the most cited to control risks. Conclusions: The load lifting is an important risk factor in the company biomechanical. Among the measures of control and injury prevention in the MHL, they are relevant in the worker control.El levantamiento y transporte manual de cargas se asocia a los des贸rdenes m煤sculo esquel茅ticos, los cuales representan un alto costo para los sistemas de salud y las empresas. Por tanto se requieren estrategias que mitiguen o eliminen los riesgos derivados por su ejecuci贸n. Objetivo: Revisar conceptos actualizados sobre los factores de riesgo, m茅todos de evaluaci贸n, medidas de control y prevenci贸n que se asocian al levantamiento y transporte manual de cargas. Metodolog铆a: Se revisaron art铆culos publicados de 2007 - 2013 en las bases de datos EBSCO, PROQUEST Y SCIENCE sobre factores de riesgo, m茅todos de evaluaci贸n, medidas de control y prevenci贸n asociadas al levantamiento y transporte manual de cargas. Resultados: Se revisaron 43 art铆culos, donde se encontr贸 que los factores de riesgos asociados fueron la magnitud de la carga, la altura de la superficie, la frecuencia y el ritmo del levantamiento. Las metodolog铆as de evaluaci贸n m谩s usadas fueron el m茅todo NIOSH y los an谩lisis de videos a trav茅s de software. Las medidas de control y prevenci贸n estuvieron relacionadas en su mayor铆a con el control en los individuos, de las cuales el dispositivo asistencial de levantamiento personal (PLAD) fue el m谩s citado para controlar los riesgos. Conclusiones: El levantamiento de carga constituye un importante factor de riesgo biomec谩nico en la empresa. Entre las medidas de control y prevenci贸n de lesiones en la manipulaci贸n manual de cargas, tienen relevancia los controles en el trabajador