26 research outputs found

    An adaptive gradient-search based algorithm for discriminative training of hmm's

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    Although having revealed to be a very powerful tool in acoustic modelling, discriminative training presents a major drawback: the lack of a formulation guaranteeing convergence in no matter which initial conditions, such as the Baum-Welch algorithm in maximum likelihood training. For this reason, a gradient descent search is usually used in this kind of problem. Unfortunately, standard gradient descent algorithms rely heavily on the election of the learning rates. This dependence is specially cumbersome because it represents that, at each run of the discriminative training procedure, a search should be carried out over the parameters ruling the algorithm. In this paper we describe an adaptive procedure for determining the optimal value of the step size at each iteration. While the calculus and memory overhead of the algorithm is negligible, results show less dependence on the initial learning rate than standard gradient descent and, using the same idea in order to apply self-scaling, it clearly outperforms it.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Speech recognition in noise using weighted matching algorithms

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    Connectionist probability estimators in HMM speech recognition

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    The authors are concerned with integrating connectionist networks into a hidden Markov model (HMM) speech recognition system. This is achieved through a statistical interpretation of connectionist networks as probability estimators. They review the basis of HMM speech recognition and point out the possible benefits of incorporating connectionist networks. Issues necessary to the construction of a connectionist HMM recognition system are discussed, including choice of connectionist probability estimator. They describe the performance of such a system using a multilayer perceptron probability estimator evaluated on the speaker-independent DARPA Resource Management database. In conclusion, they show that a connectionist component improves a state-of-the-art HMM system

    Recognition of handwritten Arabic characters

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    The subject of handwritten character recognition has been receiving considerable attention in recent years due to the increased dependence on computers. Several methods for recognizing Latin, Chinese as well as Kanji characters have been proposed. However, work on recognition of Arabic characters has been relatively sparse. Techniques developed for recognizing characters in other languages can not be used for Arabic since the nature of Arabic characters is different. The shape of a character is a function of its location within a word where each character can have two to four different forms. Most of the techniques proposed to date for recognizing Arabic characters have relied on structural and topographic approaches. This thesis introduces a decision-theoretic approach to solve the problem. The proposed method involves, as a first step, digitization of the segmented character. The secondary part of the character (dots and zigzags) are then isolated and identified separately thereby reducing the recognition issue to a 20 class problem or less for each of the character forms. The moments of the horizontal and vertical projections of the remaining primary characters are calculated and normalized with respect to the zero order moment. Simple measures of shape are obtained from the normalized moments and incorporated into a feature vector. Classification is accomplished using quadratic discriminant functions. The approach was evaluated using isolated, handwritten characters from a data base established for this purpose. The classification rates varied from 97.5% to 100% depending on the form of the characters. These results indicate that the technique offers significantly better classification rates in comparison with existing methods

    Discriminative, generative, and imitative learning

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2002.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 201-212).I propose a common framework that combines three different paradigms in machine learning: generative, discriminative and imitative learning. A generative probabilistic distribution is a principled way to model many machine learning and machine perception problems. Therein, one provides domain specific knowledge in terms of structure and parameter priors over the joint space of variables. Bayesian networks and Bayesian statistics provide a rich and flexible language for specifying this knowledge and subsequently refining it with data and observations. The final result is a distribution that is a good generator of novel exemplars. Conversely, discriminative algorithms adjust a possibly non-distributional model to data optimizing for a specific task, such as classification or prediction. This typically leads to superior performance yet compromises the flexibility of generative modeling. I present Maximum Entropy Discrimination (MED) as a framework to combine both discriminative estimation and generative probability densities. Calculations involve distributions over parameters, margins, and priors and are provably and uniquely solvable for the exponential family. Extensions include regression, feature selection, and transduction. SVMs are also naturally subsumed and can be augmented with, for example, feature selection, to obtain substantial improvements. To extend to mixtures of exponential families, I derive a discriminative variant of the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm for latent discriminative learning (or latent MED).(cont.) While EM and Jensen lower bound log-likelihood, a dual upper bound is made possible via a novel reverse-Jensen inequality. The variational upper bound on latent log-likelihood has the same form as EM bounds, is computable efficiently and is globally guaranteed. It permits powerful discriminative learning with the wide range of contemporary probabilistic mixture models (mixtures of Gaussians, mixtures of multinomials and hidden Markov models). We provide empirical results on standardized data sets that demonstrate the viability of the hybrid discriminative-generative approaches of MED and reverse-Jensen bounds over state of the art discriminative techniques or generative approaches. Subsequently, imitative learning is presented as another variation on generative modeling which also learns from exemplars from an observed data source. However, the distinction is that the generative model is an agent that is interacting in a much more complex surrounding external world. It is not efficient to model the aggregate space in a generative setting. I demonstrate that imitative learning (under appropriate conditions) can be adequately addressed as a discriminative prediction task which outperforms the usual generative approach. This discriminative-imitative learning approach is applied with a generative perceptual system to synthesize a real-time agent that learns to engage in social interactive behavior.by Tony Jebara.Ph.D

    Speaker Identification Based On Discriminative Vector Quantization And Data Fusion

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    Speaker Identification (SI) approaches based on discriminative Vector Quantization (VQ) and data fusion techniques are presented in this dissertation. The SI approaches based on Discriminative VQ (DVQ) proposed in this dissertation are the DVQ for SI (DVQSI), the DVQSI with Unique speech feature vector space segmentation for each speaker pair (DVQSI-U), and the Adaptive DVQSI (ADVQSI) methods. The difference of the probability distributions of the speech feature vector sets from various speakers (or speaker groups) is called the interspeaker variation between speakers (or speaker groups). The interspeaker variation is the measure of template differences between speakers (or speaker groups). All DVQ based techniques presented in this contribution take advantage of the interspeaker variation, which are not exploited in the previous proposed techniques by others that employ traditional VQ for SI (VQSI). All DVQ based techniques have two modes, the training mode and the testing mode. In the training mode, the speech feature vector space is first divided into a number of subspaces based on the interspeaker variations. Then, a discriminative weight is calculated for each subspace of each speaker or speaker pair in the SI group based on the interspeaker variation. The subspaces with higher interspeaker variations play more important roles in SI than the ones with lower interspeaker variations by assigning larger discriminative weights. In the testing mode, discriminative weighted average VQ distortions instead of equally weighted average VQ distortions are used to make the SI decision. The DVQ based techniques lead to higher SI accuracies than VQSI. DVQSI and DVQSI-U techniques consider the interspeaker variation for each speaker pair in the SI group. In DVQSI, speech feature vector space segmentations for all the speaker pairs are exactly the same. However, each speaker pair of DVQSI-U is treated individually in the speech feature vector space segmentation. In both DVQSI and DVQSI-U, the discriminative weights for each speaker pair are calculated by trial and error. The SI accuracies of DVQSI-U are higher than those of DVQSI at the price of much higher computational burden. ADVQSI explores the interspeaker variation between each speaker and all speakers in the SI group. In contrast with DVQSI and DVQSI-U, in ADVQSI, the feature vector space segmentation is for each speaker instead of each speaker pair based on the interspeaker variation between each speaker and all the speakers in the SI group. Also, adaptive techniques are used in the discriminative weights computation for each speaker in ADVQSI. The SI accuracies employing ADVQSI and DVQSI-U are comparable. However, the computational complexity of ADVQSI is much less than that of DVQSI-U. Also, a novel algorithm to convert the raw distortion outputs of template-based SI classifiers into compatible probability measures is proposed in this dissertation. After this conversion, data fusion techniques at the measurement level can be applied to SI. In the proposed technique, stochastic models of the distortion outputs are estimated. Then, the posteriori probabilities of the unknown utterance belonging to each speaker are calculated. Compatible probability measures are assigned based on the posteriori probabilities. The proposed technique leads to better SI performance at the measurement level than existing approaches

    Improving wordspotting performance with limited training data

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1995.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 149-155).by Eric I-Chao Chang.Ph.D

    Gesture Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models Augmented with Active Difference Signatures

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    With the recent invention of depth sensors, human gesture recognition has gained significant interest in the fields of computer vision and human computer interaction. Robust gesture recognition is a difficult problem because of the spatiotemporal variations in gesture formation, subject size, subject location, image fidelity, and subject occlusion. Gesture boundary detection, or the automatic detection of the onset and offset of a gesture in a sequence of gestures, is critical toward achieving robust gesture recognition. Existing gesture recognition methods perform the task of gesture segmentation either using resting frames in a gesture sequence or by using additional information such as audio, depth images, or RGB images. This ancillary information introduces high latency in gesture segmentation and recognition, thus making it inappropriate for real time applications. This thesis proposes a novel method to recognize time-varying human gestures from continuous video streams. The proposed method passes skeleton joint information into a Hidden Markov Model augmented with active difference signatures to achieve state-of-the-art gesture segmentation and recognition. Active body parts are used to calculate the likelihood of previously unseen data to facilitate gesture segmentation. Active difference signatures are used to describe temporal motion as well as static differences from a canonical resting position. Geometric features, such as joint angles, and joint topological distances are used along with active difference signatures as salient feature descriptors. These feature descriptors serve as unique signatures which identify hidden states in a Hidden Markov Model. The Hidden Markov Model is able to identify gestures in a robust fashion which is tolerant to spatiotemporal and human-to-human variation in gesture articulation. The proposed method is evaluated on both isolated and continuous datasets. An accuracy of 80.7% is achieved on the isolated MSR3D dataset and a mean Jaccard index of 0.58 is achieved on the continuous ChaLearn dataset. Results improve upon existing gesture recognition methods, which achieve a Jaccard index of 0.43 on the ChaLearn dataset. Comprehensive experiments investigate the feature selection, parameter optimization, and algorithmic methods to help understand the contributions of the proposed method

    Evaluation of preprocessors for neural network speaker verification

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    Discriminative preprocessing of speech : towards improving biometric authentication

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    Im Rahmen des "SecurePhone-Projektes" wurde ein multimodales System zur Benutzerauthentifizierung entwickelt, das auf ein PDA implementiert wurde. Bei der vollzogenen Erweiterung dieses Systems wurde der Möglichkeit nachgegangen, die Benutzerauthentifizierung durch eine auf biometrischen Parametern (E.: "feature enhancement") basierende Unterscheidung zwischen Sprechern sowie durch eine Kombination mehrerer Parameter zu verbessern. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wird ein allgemeines Bezugssystem zur Verbesserung der Parameter präsentiert, das ein mehrschichtiges neuronales Netz (E.: "MLP: multilayer perceptron") benutzt, um zu einer optimalen Sprecherdiskrimination zu gelangen. In einem ersten Schritt wird beim Trainieren des MLPs eine Teilmenge der Sprecher (Sprecherbasis) berücksichtigt, um die zugrundeliegenden Charakteristika des vorhandenen akustischen Parameterraums darzustellen. Am Ende eines zweiten Schrittes steht die Erkenntnis, dass die Größe der verwendeten Sprecherbasis die Leistungsfähigkeit eines Sprechererkennungssystems entscheidend beeinflussen kann. Ein dritter Schritt führt zur Feststellung, dass sich die Selektion der Sprecherbasis ebenfalls auf die Leistungsfähigkeit des Systems auswirken kann. Aufgrund dieser Beobachtung wird eine automatische Selektionsmethode für die Sprecher auf der Basis des maximalen Durchschnittswertes der Zwischenklassenvariation (between-class variance) vorgeschlagen. Unter Rückgriff auf verschiedene sprachliche Produktionssituationen (Sprachproduktion mit und ohne Hintergrundgeräusche; Sprachproduktion beim Telefonieren) wird gezeigt, dass diese Methode die Leistungsfähigkeit des Erkennungssystems verbessern kann. Auf der Grundlage dieser Ergebnisse wird erwartet, dass sich die hier für die Sprechererkennung verwendete Methode auch für andere biometrische Modalitäten als sinnvoll erweist. Zusätzlich wird in der vorliegenden Dissertation eine alternative Parameterrepräsentation vorgeschlagen, die aus der sog. "Sprecher-Stimme-Signatur" (E.: "SVS: speaker voice signature") abgeleitet wird. Die SVS besteht aus Trajektorien in einem Kohonennetz (E.: "SOM: self-organising map"), das den akustischen Raum repräsentiert. Als weiteres Ergebnis der Arbeit erweist sich diese Parameterrepräsentation als Ergänzung zu dem zugrundeliegenden Parameterset. Deshalb liegt eine Kombination beider Parametersets im Sinne einer Verbesserung der Leistungsfähigkeit des Erkennungssystems nahe. Am Ende der Arbeit sind schließlich einige potentielle Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten zu den vorgestellten Methoden zu finden. Schlüsselwörter: Feature Enhancement, MLP, SOM, Sprecher-Basis-Selektion, SprechererkennungIn the context of the SecurePhone project, a multimodal user authentication system was developed for implementation on a PDA. Extending this system, we investigate biometric feature enhancement and multi-feature fusion with the aim of improving user authentication accuracy. In this dissertation, a general framework for feature enhancement is proposed which uses a multilayer perceptron (MLP) to achieve optimal speaker discrimination. First, to train this MLP a subset of speakers (speaker basis) is used to represent the underlying characteristics of the given acoustic feature space. Second, the size of the speaker basis is found to be among the crucial factors affecting the performance of a speaker recognition system. Third, it is found that the selection of the speaker basis can also influence system performance. Based on this observation, an automatic speaker selection approach is proposed on the basis of the maximal average between-class variance. Tests in a variety of conditions, including clean and noisy as well as telephone speech, show that this approach can improve the performance of speaker recognition systems. This approach, which is applied here to feature enhancement for speaker recognition, can be expected to also be effective with other biometric modalities besides speech. Further, an alternative feature representation is proposed in this dissertation, which is derived from what we call speaker voice signatures (SVS). These are trajectories in a Kohonen self organising map (SOM) which has been trained to represent the acoustic space. This feature representation is found to be somewhat complementary to the baseline feature set, suggesting that they can be fused to achieve improved performance in speaker recognition. Finally, this dissertation finishes with a number of potential extensions of the proposed approaches. Keywords: feature enhancement, MLP, SOM, speaker basis selection, speaker recognition, biometric, authentication, verificatio