390 research outputs found

    Web Services: A Process Algebra Approach

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    It is now well-admitted that formal methods are helpful for many issues raised in the Web service area. In this paper we present a framework for the design and verification of WSs using process algebras and their tools. We define a two-way mapping between abstract specifications written using these calculi and executable Web services written in BPEL4WS. Several choices are available: design and correct errors in BPEL4WS, using process algebra verification tools, or design and correct in process algebra and automatically obtaining the corresponding BPEL4WS code. The approaches can be combined. Process algebra are not useful only for temporal logic verification: we remark the use of simulation/bisimulation both for verification and for the hierarchical refinement design method. It is worth noting that our approach allows the use of any process algebra depending on the needs of the user at different levels (expressiveness, existence of reasoning tools, user expertise)

    Advances in architectural concepts to support distributed systems design

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    This paper presents and discusses some architectural concepts for distributed systems design. These concepts are derived from an analysis of limitations of some currently available standard design languages. We conclude that language design should be based upon the careful consideration of architectural concepts. This paper aims at supporting designers by presenting a methodological design framework in which they can reason about the design and implementation of distributed systems. The paper is also meant for language developers and formalists by presenting a collection of architectural concepts which deserve consideration for formal support

    Atomic components

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    There has been much interest in components that combine the best of state-based and event-based approaches. The interface of a component can be thought of as its specification and substituting components with the same interface cannot be observed by any user of the components. Here we will define the semantics of atomic components where both states and event can be part of the interface. The resulting semantics is very similar to that of (event only) processes. But it has two main novelties: one, it does not need recursion or unique fixed points to model nontermination; and two, the behaviour of divergence is modelled by abstraction, i.e. the construction of the observational semantics

    Revisiting sequential composition in process calculi

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    International audienceThe article reviews the various ways sequential composition is defined in traditional process calculi, and shows that such definitions are not optimal, thus limiting the dissemination of concurrency theory ideas among computer scientists. An alternative approach is proposed, based on a symmetric binary operator and write-many variables. This approach, which generalizes traditional process calculi, has been used to define the new LNT language implemented in the CADP toolbox. Feedback gained from university lectures and real-life case studies shows a high acceptance by computer-science students and industry engineers

    Constructing programs or processes

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    We define interacting sequential programs, motivated originally by constructivist considerations. We use them to investigate notions of implementation and determinism. Process algebras do not define what can be implemented and what cannot. As we demonstrate it is problematic to do so on the set of all processes. Guided by constructivist notions we have constructed interacting sequential programs which we claim can be readily implemented and are a subset of processes

    Formalization and Model Checking of BPMN Collaboration Diagrams with DD-LOTOS

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    Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is a standard graphical notation for modeling complex business processes. Given the importance of business processes, the modeling analysis and validation stage for BPMN is essential. In recent years, BPMN notation has become a widespread practice in business process modeling because of these intuitive diagrams. BPMN diagrams are built from basic elements. The major challenge of BPMN diagrams is the lack of formal semantics, which leads to several interpretations of the concerned diagrams. Hence, this work aims to propose an approach for checking BPMN collaboration diagrams to guarantee some properties of smooth functioning of systems modeled by BPMN notation. The verification approach used in this work is based on model checking techniques. The approach proposes as a first step a formal semantics of the collaboration diagrams in terms of the formal language DD-LOTOS, i.e., a phase of the transformation of collaboration diagrams into DD-LOTOS. This transformation is guided by applying the inference rules of the formal semantics of the DD-LOTOS formal language, and we then use the UPPAAL model checker to check the absence of deadlock, safety properties, and liveness properties

    Automatic Distributed Code Generation from Formal Models of Asynchronous Concurrent Processes

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    International audienceFormal process languages inheriting the concurrency and communication features of process algebras are convenient formalisms to model distributed applications, especially when they are equipped with formal verification tools (e.g., model-checkers) to help hunting for bugs early in the development process. However, even starting from a fully verified formal model, bugs are likely to be introduced while translating (generally by hand) the concurrent model —which relies on high-level and expressive communication primitives— into the distributed implementation —which often relies on low-level communication primitives. In this paper, we present DLC, a compiler that enables distributed code to be generated from models written in a formal process language called LNT, which is equipped with a rich verification toolbox named CADP. The generated code can be either executed in an autonomous way (i.e., without requiring additional code to be defined by the user), or connected to external software through user-modifiable C functions. We present an experiment where DLC generates a distributed implementation from the LNT model of the Raft consensus algorithm

    Abstraction : a notion for reverse engineering.

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