5,381 research outputs found

    Supporting Special-Purpose Health Care Models via Web Interfaces

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    The potential of the Web, via both the Internet and intranets, to facilitate development of clinical information systems has been evident for some time. Most Web-based clinical workstations interfaces, however, provide merely a loose collection of access channels. There are numerous examples of systems for access to either patient data or clinical guidelines, but only isolated cases where clinical decision support is presented integrally with the process of patient care, in particular, in the form of active alerts and reminders based on patient data. Moreover, pressures in the health industry are increasing the need for doctors to practice in accordance with ¿best practice¿ guidelines and often to operate under novel health-care arrangements. We present the Care Plan On-Line (CPOL) system, which provides intranet-based support for the SA HealthPlus Coordinated Care model for chronic disease management. We describe the interface design rationale of CPOL and its implementation framework, which is flexible and broadly applicable to support new health care models over intranets or the Internet

    The Almirall Project: a portal of 19 th century culture and thinking

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    The Ateneu Barcelonès is a civil, private cultural association that has been a part of Spanish society and culture since 1860, having been founded with the aim of promoting dialogue and disseminating knowledge about the country's artistic, historical and intellectual heritage. Since 2005, been taking part in various digitisation projects, including several digital projects. The Almirall Project aims to be a portal that explains, contextualises and inter-relates 19th-century works, thinkers, artists and schools of thought at Barcelona's Ateneu Library, providing access to digital copies lodged at other portals

    An authoring tool for structuring and annotating on-line educational courses : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science at Massey University

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    This thesis studies the design and prototype implementation of a new web-based course authoring system for the Technology Integrated Learning Environment (TILE) project. The TILE authoring system edits the course structure and allows the author to annotate the course structure with meta-data. It makes extensive use of XML technology to communicate structured data across the Internet, as well as for both local and web-side databases. The Authoring tool is designed to support development by multiple authors and has check-in and check - out, as well as version control facilities. It also provides an interface for adopting other multimedia tools such as AudioGraph. The tool has an easy-to-use graphical user interface. The technical problems that have been solved in this project include issues such as cross-platform support, drag and drop functionality using JDK l.l.8, etc. System environments, such as relational database set up, XML database set up, Java swing set up in Mac also have been discussed. The authoring system interface analysis, database analysis and function analysis have been completed for the complete the system as specified. An intermediate system, designed to a reduced specification, has been implemented as a prototype and details of this system, which can work independently of the TILE delivery system, are included. The Full TILE authoring system including InstantDB database access also has been partially implemented. The prototype application has also has been tested on the PC platform

    An OpenEHR repository based on a native XML database

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    OpenEHR is an open standard specification that describes the management, storage, retrieval and exchange of data in Electronic Health Record (EHR). Despite its growing importance in the field, the lack of open source solutions is hindering a larger visibility. In this paper we present an openEHR-based repository supported by a native XML database, which allows to store and query OpenEHR records through the DB service layer and a set of REST web services. The obtained results highlight the efficiency of this API and show that it can be used as a persistence component in any OpenEHR solution

    XSRL: An XML web-services request language

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    One of the most serious challenges that web-service enabled e-marketplaces face is the lack of formal support for expressing service requests against UDDI-resident web-services in order to solve a complex business problem. In this paper we present a web-service request language (XSRL) developed on the basis of AI planning and the XML database query language XQuery. This framework is designed to handle and execute XSRL requests and is capable of performing planning actions under uncertainty on the basis of refinement and revision as new service-related information is accumulated (via interaction with the user or UDDI) and as execution circumstances necessitate change

    A Service-oriented Architecture for Ambient-Assisted Living

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    Ambient-Assisted Living (AAL) is currently an important research and development area, mainly due to the rapidly aging society, the increasing cost of health care, and the growing importance that individuals place on living independently. The general goal of AAL solutions is to apply ambient-assisted intelligence to enable people with specific demands (e.g. handicapped or elderly) to live in their preferred environment longer by tools (i.e. smart objects, mobile and wearable sensors, intelligent devices) being sensitive and responsive to the presence of people and their actions. The research describes the design and development of a novel service-oriented system architecture where different smart objects and sensors are combined to offer ambient-assisted living intelligence to older people. The design stage is driven by a user-centred approach to define an interoperable architecture and human-oriented principles to create usable products and well-accepted services. Such architecture has been realized in the context of an Italian research project funded by the Marche Region and promoted by INRCA (National Institute on Health and Science of Aging) in the framework of smart home for active ageing and ambient assisted living. The result is an interoperable and flexible platform that allows creating user-centred services for independent living

    Standards and Costs for Quality Management of E-Learning Services

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    The proportions of the technological development in the field of communications and information represent an irrefutable premise for significant changes in all the spheres of human life. Corroborated with the advance of the Internet recorded in the last decade, these changes form the perfect recipe for the emergence (ever since the '90s), functioning and development of flexible forms of labour at distance, using the technology of information and communication. Among the first domains where the impact of technology is very strong may be named education, marketing, advertising and commerce; the forms of manifestation are materialized in e-learning, cyber-marketing, online advertising and electronic commerce. But the simple use of technology does not automatically assure the success of the new forms of activity. These transformations of the traditional into digital, of the classic into virtual must be accompanied by the adequate support with respect to the quality of services, standards, platforms and the hardware and software technologies. If we are referring to the educational domain, we have to analyze the e-learning phenomenon or tele-education in its spectacular evolution in such a recent history. Quality represents a landmark of major importance in all the fields of modern society based on knowledge. From the perspective of tele-education, quality assurance must be focalized on three main directions: the quality of the actual educational process (class/course support, platform, technology, etc.); the quality of the instructor (professional training, qualification, specialization, pedagogic ability, teaching method, etc.); the quality of the person undergoing the course/class (training, knowledge thesaurus, involvement, accumulation wish, etc.). Also, like in any activity, quality standard reporting means an economic approach by quality costs. Theat means that the good product or quality services in e-learning are very strongly linked with educational multimedia production and good costs.quality, standards, e-learning, technology, cost