479 research outputs found

    An Overview of Life Gratitude on Ex-Prisoner Adolescents

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    Adolescence is a very important and critical part of an individual's development. This is because, in the stages of adolescent development, it is often marked by an identity crisis which causes an adolescent to be very vulnerable to conduct behavior that is not following prevailing norms and rules, such as deviant behavior. Adolescents who are found guilty according to the applicable law will be placed and fostered at the Special Development Institution for Children (LPKA) and referred to as Correctional Students (Andikpas). After serving a criminal period, adolescent ex-prisoner will come out and live again in society. However, this is not easy due to environmental resistance and the difficulty of carrying out social reintegration. On the other hand, this brings its lessons for adolescent ex-prisoners so that they can be grateful by seeing life more positively. This paper will discuss the different and unique overview of life gratitude of ex-prisoner adolescents. The discussion is hoped to be able to provide knowledge related to the gratitude of life and adolescent ex-prisoners

    Cost models in digital archiving : an overview of life cycle management at the National Library of the Netherlands

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    The number of institutions that are either considering the implementation of a digital archive or already started with an operational digital archive service is increasing. While technological and organisational challenges are well-studied and in few cases even welldefined, the subject of costs often remains untouched, which in many cases prevent organisations from new initiatives. In this paper two leading digital preservation techniques – migration and emulation - will be discussed in terms of life cycle management and associated cost models. Both techniques are studied and considered for implementation at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands

    An Overview of Life and Work of Photographer Milan M. Prodanović

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    Ovim radom izlažu se novi podaci vezani uz život i djelovanje fotografa Milana M. Prodanovića. Do sada se njegov rad spominjao samo u knjizi Fotografija devetnaestog stoljeća u Hrvatskoj autorice Nade Grčević koja je, unatoč sveobuhvatnom i detaljnom istraživanju, ipak tek dijelom stekla uvid u život i djelovanje ovog fotografa. Poticaj za istraživanje nastao je tijekom obrade građe fototeke Atelijera Meštrović u Zagrebu, prilikom čega je evidentiran veći broj fotografija Milana M. Prodanovića i njegova sina Svetozara Prodanovića.The paper presents new findings related to the life and work of photographer Milan M. Prodanović, previously mentioned only in Nada Grčević’s book Fotografija devetnaestog stoljeća u Hrvatskoj (19th-Century Photography in Croatia) which, although based on thorough research, gives only partial insight into Prodanović’s private and professional life. The research stemmed from the work on systematization of the resources of the photo library of the Meštrović Atelier in Zagreb, which holds a large number of photographs taken by Milan M. Prodanović and by his son Svetozar Prodanović

    The evolution of life expectancy in Malta over half a decade

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    An overview of life expectancy in Malta over the past sixty years shows a remarkable increase for both men and women. However, gains in life expectancy were not constant throughout the period. The rate of increase as well as the attributable causes of the noted increase varied over the years. Disparities in life expectancy by gender and by level of education exist. Life expectancy in Malta has caught up with Western Europe over the past 30 years and now compares well with the average for the EU-15. (The EU-15 consists of the 15 EU member states who became members in the European Union before 2004 and on average have the best life expectancies in the EU).peer-reviewe

    Semar’s Philosophy as a Proposed Code of Ethics for the Profession of Educator Accountant

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    The art of wayang kulit (puppit) is one of the original local wisdoms of Indonesia that has been embedded in the culture of the Javanese people for a long time. Each character in wayang kulit has a unique characteristic and a very deep meaning because it provides an overview of life. One example is Semar. Semar is described as a religious, strong, and wise teacher and leader. His behavior reflects the overall human capacity, both in thinking and in choosing an action or decision. This study aims to examine Semar’s philosophy which is used as a proposal in the preparation of a code of ethics for the profession of educator accountants. By using the library research method, this study seeks to examine various literatures obtained from previous studies and books related to Semar’s philosophy to get an overview of the characteristics of Semar and educator accountants. The results of this study conclude that Semar is a simple figure with various unique characteristics. He can be a role model in living life, including being religious, wise, intelligent, honest, earnest, loyal, thorough, never hesitate, professional, and public-oriented. This research is expected to be used as a proposal to the Indonesian Institute of Accountants – IAI and related regulators in compiling a professional code of ethics as a guide for the profession of educator accountant

    Destiny or Free Will Decision? A Life Overview from the Perspective of an Informational Modeling of Consciousness Part I: Information, Consciousness and Life Cycle

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    We drive our lives permanently by decisions YES/NO, and even we no longer distinguish the elementary intermediary steps of such decisions most often, they form stereotyped chains that once triggered, they run unconsciously, daily facilitating our activities. We lead our lives actually by conscious decisions, each of such decisions establishing our future trajectory. The YES/NO dipole is actually the elemental evaluation and decisional unit in the informational transmission/reception equipment and lines and in computers, respectively. Based on a binary probabilistic system, this is defined as a unit of information (Bit). We operate therefore as an informational system and we actually live in a bipolar universe, which is fundamentally informational. Indeed, the laws of nature and its equilibrium or steady state conditions are based on bipolar units with opposite characteristics, such as action/reaction, attraction/rejection, gravity/anti-gravity, matter/antimatter, entropy/anti-entropy, to enumerate just a few examples. As part of this bipolar universe, we are also bipolar entities connected to information and matter. Starting from the informational features of the human being, seven informational components are identified, forming the informational system of the human body, distinguished by their different functions, reflected at the conscious level through the center Iknow (the memory, including whole life experience), Iwant (decisions center), Iove (emotions), Iam (body status), Icreate (informational genetic transmitter), Icreated (genetic generator inherited from parents) and Ibelieve, which is the gateway to the antientropic component, favorable to maintain the life structure and functioning. Taking into account the characteristics of these centers, it is discussed the life cycle and are deduced suitable conclusions concerning an optimal, active lifestyle, that would contribute to a successful life, aging and destiny

    An atomic force microscope operating at hypergravity for in situ measurement of cellular mechano-response

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    We present a novel atomic force microscope (AFM) system, operational in liquid at variable gravity, dedicated to image cell shape changes of cells in vitro under hypergravity conditions. The hypergravity AFM is realized by mounting a stand-alone AFM into a large-diameter centrifuge. The balance between mechanical forces, both intra- and extracellular, determines both cell shape and integrity. Gravity seems to be an insignificant force at the level of a single cell, in contrast to the effect of gravity on a complete (multicellular) organism, where for instance bones and muscles are highly unloaded under near weightless (microgravity) conditions. However, past space flights and ground based cell biological studies, under both hypogravity and hypergravity conditions have shown changes in cell behaviour (signal transduction), cell architecture (cytoskeleton) and proliferation. Thus the role of direct or indirect gravity effects at the level of cells has remained unclear. Here we aim to address the role of gravity on cell shape. We concentrate on the validation of the novel AFM for use under hypergravity conditions. We find indications that a single cell exposed to 2 to 3 × g reduces some 30–50% in average height, as monitored with AFM. Indeed, in situ measurements of the effects of changing gravitational load on cell shape are well feasible by means of AFM in liquid. The combination provides a promising technique to measure, online, the temporal characteristics of the cellular mechano-response during exposure to inertial forces

    Space Station Freedom ECLSS: A step toward autonomous regenerative life support systems

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    The Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) is a Freedom Station distributed system with inherent applicability to extensive automation primarily due to its comparatively long control system latencies. These allow longer contemplation times in which to form a more intelligent control strategy and to prevent and diagnose faults. The regenerative nature of the Space Station Freedom ECLSS will contribute closed loop complexities never before encountered in life support systems. A study to determine ECLSS automation approaches has been completed. The ECLSS baseline software and system processes could be augmented with more advanced fault management and regenerative control systems for a more autonomous evolutionary system, as well as serving as a firm foundation for future regenerative life support systems. Emerging advanced software technology and tools can be successfully applied to fault management, but a fully automated life support system will require research and development of regenerative control systems and models. The baseline Environmental Control and Life Support System utilizes ground tests in development of batch chemical and microbial control processes. Long duration regenerative life support systems will require more active chemical and microbial feedback control systems which, in turn, will require advancements in regenerative life support models and tools. These models can be verified using ground and on orbit life support test and operational data, and used in the engineering analysis of proposed intelligent instrumentation feedback and flexible process control technologies for future autonomous regenerative life support systems, including the evolutionary Space Station Freedom ECLSS

    Asylum seekers and refugees in Indonesia: Problems and potentials

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    Asylum seekers and refugees in Indonesia increasingly experience protracted waiting times for permanent settlement in other countries. They have few, if any, legal rights, coupled with extremely limited financial resources and no access to government provided services. In response to the prospect of living for many years in this difficult and liminal space, a small community of refugees in the West Java town of Cisarua has built relationships, skills and confidence among themselves and with host Indonesians to respond to identified needs. This paper outlines the main political and policy frameworks affecting the lives of refugees in Indonesia and then draws on research interviews and participant observation to illustrate the resilience and agency utilised by the community to mitigate uncertain futures. The major focus is on education for asylum seeker/refugee children.  

    A Database Interface for Complex Objects

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    We describe a formal design for a logical query language using psi-terms as data structures to interact effectively and efficiently with a relational database. The structure of psi-terms provides an adequate representation for so-called complex objects. They generalize conventional terms used in logic programming: they are typed attributed structures, ordered thanks to a subtype ordering. Unification of psi-terms is an effective means for integrating multiple inheritance and partial information into a deduction process. We define a compact database representation for psi-terms, representing part of the subtyping relation in the database as well. We describe a retrieval algorithm based on an abstract interpretation of the psi-term unification process and prove its formal correctness. This algorithm is efficient in that it incrementally retrieves only additional facts that are actually needed by a query, and never retrieves the same fact twice
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