783 research outputs found

    Securing Our Future Homes: Smart Home Security Issues and Solutions

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    The Internet of Things, commonly known as IoT, is a new technology transforming businesses, individuals’ daily lives and the operation of entire countries. With more and more devices becoming equipped with IoT technology, smart homes are becoming increasingly popular. The components that make up a smart home are at risk for different types of attacks; therefore, security engineers are developing solutions to current problems and are predicting future types of attacks. This paper will analyze IoT smart home components, explain current security risks, and suggest possible solutions. According to “What is a Smart Home” (n.d.), a smart home is a home that always operates in consideration of security, energy, efficiency and convenience, whether anyone is home or not

    Blockchain's adoption in IoT: The challenges, and a way forward

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    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd The underlying technology of Bitcoin is blockchain, which was initially designed for financial value transfer only. Nonetheless, due to its decentralized architecture, fault tolerance and cryptographic security benefits such as pseudonymous identities, data integrity and authentication, researchers and security analysts around the world are focusing on the blockchain to resolve security and privacy issues of IoT. However, presently, not much work has been done to assess blockchain's viability for IoT and the associated challenges. Hence, to arrive at intelligible conclusions, this paper carries out a systematic study of the peculiarities of the IoT environment including its security and performance requirements and progression in blockchain technologies. We have identified the gaps by mapping the security and performance benefits inferred by the blockchain technologies and some of the blockchain-based IoT applications against the IoT requirements. We also discovered some practical issues involved in the integration of IoT devices with the blockchain. In the end, we propose a way forward to resolve some of the significant challenges to the blockchain's adoption in IoT

    Toward Identification and Characterization of IoT Software Update Practices

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    Software update systems are critical for ensuring systems remain free of bugs and vulnerabilities while they are in service. While many Internet of Things (IoT) devices are capable of outlasting desktops and mobile phones, their software update practices are not yet well understood. This paper discusses efforts toward characterizing the IoT software update landscape through network analysis of IoT device traffic. Our results suggest that vendors do not currently follow security best practices, and that software update standards, while available, are not being deployed. We discuss our findings and give a research agenda for improving the overall security and transparency of software updates on IoT.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    D2Gen: A Decentralized Device Genome Based Integrity Verification Mechanism for Collaborative Intrusion Detection Systems

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    Collaborative Intrusion Detection Systems are considered an effective defense mechanism for large, intricate, and multilayered Industrial Internet of Things against many cyberattacks. However, while a Collaborative Intrusion Detection System successfully detects and prevents various attacks, it is possible that an inside attacker performs a malicious act and compromises an Intrusion Detection System node. A compromised node can inflict considerable damage on the whole collaborative network. For instance, when a malicious node gives a false alert of an attack, the other nodes will unnecessarily increase their security and close all of their services, thus, degrading the system’s performance. On the contrary, if the spurious node approves malicious traffic into the system, the other nodes would also be compromised. Therefore, to detect a compromised node in the network, this article introduces a device integrity check mechanism based on “Digital Genome.” In medical science, a genome refers to a set that contains all of the information needed to build and maintain an organism. Based on the same concept, the digital genome is computed over a device’s vital hardware, software, and other components. Hence, if an attacker makes any change in a node’s hardware and software components, the digital genome will change, and the compromised node will be easily detected. It is envisaged that the proposed integrity attestation protocol can be used in diverse Internet of Things and other information technology applications to ensure the legitimate operation of end devices. This study also proffers a comprehensive security and performance analysis of the proposed framework

    Blockchain: Is it the future of business?

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    Blockchain is one of these new and disruptive technologies being developed; it is predicted to change the landscape of business in an extremely similar fashion as the Internet did. In lay terms, blockchain is a new technology designed to secure privacy (Collins, 2016), cut out unnecessary middleman costs (Eha, 2017), dramatically lower the cost of transactions (Iansiti & Lakhani, 2009), lower transaction time (Underwood, 2016), and assist in making assets become more liquid and appealing (like cash) because they are more easily transferable (Paech, 2016). Blockchain functions like a ledger; it is able to keep track of an asset’s ownership by recording transactions made. It is likely that this is the direction the businesses are heading towards. Blockchain’s many applications across nearly every industry is simply too good of an opportunity to pass over. Governments can become more efficient in holding information, taxes, and property rights, while also reducing fraud (Brody, 2017). The financial services sector will be completely transformed and has already been successful in a few firms (Fanning & Centers, 2016). It has been used in a solar energy company (Rutkin, 2017), has been shown that it can assist in self-driving vehicle environments (Sharma, 2017), and will be able to solve many problems in the IoT landscape as a fundamental technology (Drubin, 2017). As technology progresses, there will be more solutions created to solve for the issues blockchain has in scalability and power consumption

    Securing the Internet of Healthcare

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    Cybersecurity, including the security of information technology (IT), is a critical requirement in ensuring society trusts, and therefore can benefit from, modern technology. Problematically, though, rarely a day goes by without a news story related to how critical data has been exposed, exfiltrated, or otherwise inappropriately used or accessed as a result of supply chain vulnerabilities. From the Russian government\u27s campaign to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election to the September 2017 Equifax breach of more than 140-million Americans\u27 credit reports, mitigating cyber risk has become a topic of conversation in boardrooms and the White House, on Wall Street and Main Street. But oftentimes these discussions miss the problems replete in the often-expansive supply chains on which many of these products and services we depend on are built; this is particularly true in the medical device context. The problem recently made national news with the FDA-mandated recall of more than 400,000 pacemakers that were found to be vulnerable to hackers necessitating a firmware update. This Article explores the myriad vulnerabilities in the supply chain for medical devices, investigates existing FDA cybersecurity and privacy regulations to identify any potential governance gaps, and suggests a path forward to boost cybersecurity due diligence for manufacturers by making use of new approaches and technologies, including blockchain
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