1,014 research outputs found

    An Ordered Approach to Solving Parity Games in Quasi Polynomial Time and Quasi Linear Space

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    Parity games play an important role in model checking and synthesis. In their paper, Calude et al. have shown that these games can be solved in quasi-polynomial time. We show that their algorithm can be implemented efficiently: we use their data structure as a progress measure, allowing for a backward implementation instead of a complete unravelling of the game. To achieve this, a number of changes have to be made to their techniques, where the main one is to add power to the antagonistic player that allows for determining her rational move without changing the outcome of the game. We provide a first implementation for a quasi-polynomial algorithm, test it on small examples, and provide a number of side results, including minor algorithmic improvements, a quasi bi-linear complexity in the number of states and edges for a fixed number of colours, and matching lower bounds for the algorithm of Calude et al

    An Ordered Approach to Solving Parity Games in Quasi-Polynomial Time and Quasi-Linear Space

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    Parity games play an important role in model checking and synthesis. In their paper, Calude et al. have recently shown that these games can be solved in quasi-polynomial time. We show that their algorithm can be implemented efficiently: we use their data structure as a progress measure, allowing for a backward implementation instead of a complete unravelling of the game. To achieve this, a number of changes have to be made to their techniques, where the main one is to add power to the antagonistic player that allows for determining her rational move without changing the outcome of the game. We provide a first implementation for a quasi-polynomial algorithm, test it on small examples, and provide a number of side results, including minor algorithmic improvements, a quasi-bi-linear complexity in the number of states and edges for a fixed number of colours, matching lower bounds for the algorithm of Calude et al., and a complexity index associated to our approach, which we compare to the recently proposed register index

    Succinct progress measures for solving parity games

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    The recent breakthrough paper by Calude et al. has given the first algorithm for solving parity games in quasi-polynomial time, where previously the best algorithms were mildly subexponential. We devise an alternative quasi-polynomial time algorithm based on progress measures, which allows us to reduce the space required from quasi-polynomial to nearly linear. Our key technical tools are a novel concept of ordered tree coding, and a succinct tree coding result that we prove using bounded adaptive multi-counters, both of which are interesting in their own right

    The Strahler number of a parity game

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    The Strahler number of a rooted tree is the largest height of a perfect binary tree that is its minor. The Strahler number of a parity game is proposed to be defined as the smallest Strahler number of the tree of any of its attractor decompositions. It is proved that parity games can be solved in quasi-linear space and in time that is polynomial in the number of vertices~n and linear in (d/2k)k, where d is the number of priorities and k is the Strahler number. This complexity is quasi-polynomial because the Strahler number is at most logarithmic in the number of vertices. The proof is based on a new construction of small Strahler-universal trees. It is shown that the Strahler number of a parity game is a robust parameter: it coincides with its alternative version based on trees of progress measures and with the register number defined by Lehtinen~(2018). It follows that parity games can be solved in quasi-linear space and in time that is polynomial in the number of vertices and linear in (d/2k)k, where k is the register number. This significantly improves the running times and space achieved for parity games of bounded register number by Lehtinen (2018) and by Parys (2020). The running time of the algorithm based on small Strahler-universal trees yields a novel trade-off k⋅lg(d/k)=O(logn) between the two natural parameters that measure the structural complexity of a parity game, which allows solving parity games in polynomial time. This includes as special cases the asymptotic settings of those parameters covered by the results of Calude, Jain Khoussainov, Li, and Stephan (2017), of Jurdziński and Lazić (2017), and of Lehtinen (2018), and it significantly extends the range of such settings, for example to d=2O(lgn√) and k=O(lgn−√)

    A Delayed Promotion Policy for Parity Games

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    Parity games are two-player infinite-duration games on graphs that play a crucial role in various fields of theoretical computer science. Finding efficient algorithms to solve these games in practice is widely acknowledged as a core problem in formal verification, as it leads to efficient solutions of the model-checking and satisfiability problems of expressive temporal logics, e.g., the modal muCalculus. Their solution can be reduced to the problem of identifying sets of positions of the game, called dominions, in each of which a player can force a win by remaining in the set forever. Recently, a novel technique to compute dominions, called priority promotion, has been proposed, which is based on the notions of quasi dominion, a relaxed form of dominion, and dominion space. The underlying framework is general enough to accommodate different instantiations of the solution procedure, whose correctness is ensured by the nature of the space itself. In this paper we propose a new such instantiation, called delayed promotion, that tries to reduce the possible exponential behaviours exhibited by the original method in the worst case. The resulting procedure not only often outperforms the original priority promotion approach, but so far no exponential worst case is known.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2016, arXiv:1609.0364

    Robust Exponential Worst Cases for Divide-et-Impera Algorithms for Parity Games

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    The McNaughton-Zielonka divide et impera algorithm is the simplest and most flexible approach available in the literature for determining the winner in a parity game. Despite its theoretical worst-case complexity and the negative reputation as a poorly effective algorithm in practice, it has been shown to rank among the best techniques for the solution of such games. Also, it proved to be resistant to a lower bound attack, even more than the strategy improvements approaches, and only recently a family of games on which the algorithm requires exponential time has been provided by Friedmann. An easy analysis of this family shows that a simple memoization technique can help the algorithm solve the family in polynomial time. The same result can also be achieved by exploiting an approach based on the dominion-decomposition techniques proposed in the literature. These observations raise the question whether a suitable combination of dynamic programming and game-decomposition techniques can improve on the exponential worst case of the original algorithm. In this paper we answer this question negatively, by providing a robustly exponential worst case, showing that no intertwining of the above mentioned techniques can help mitigating the exponential nature of the divide et impera approaches.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2017, arXiv:1709.0176

    Alternating weak automata from universal trees

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    An improved translation from alternating parity automata on infinite words to alternating weak automata is given. The blow-up of the number of states is related to the size of the smallest universal ordered trees and hence it is quasi-polynomial, and it is polynomial if the asymptotic number of priorities is at most logarithmic in the number of states. This is an exponential improvement on the translation of Kupferman and Vardi (2001) and a quasi-polynomial improvement on the translation of Boker and Lehtinen (2018). Any slightly better such translation would (if - like all presently known such translations - it is efficiently constructive) lead to algorithms for solving parity games that are asymptotically faster in the worst case than the current state of the art (Calude, Jain, Khoussainov, Li, and Stephan, 2017; Jurdzinski and Lazic, 2017; and Fearnley, Jain, Schewe, Stephan, and Wojtczak, 2017), and hence it would yield a significant breakthrough
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