552 research outputs found

    Parallel and Distributed Data Mining

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    Frequent itemset mining on multiprocessor systems

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    Frequent itemset mining is an important building block in many data mining applications like market basket analysis, recommendation, web-mining, fraud detection, and gene expression analysis. In many of them, the datasets being mined can easily grow up to hundreds of gigabytes or even terabytes of data. Hence, efficient algorithms are required to process such large amounts of data. In recent years, there have been many frequent-itemset mining algorithms proposed, which however (1) often have high memory requirements and (2) do not exploit the large degrees of parallelism provided by modern multiprocessor systems. The high memory requirements arise mainly from inefficient data structures that have only been shown to be sufficient for small datasets. For large datasets, however, the use of these data structures force the algorithms to go out-of-core, i.e., they have to access secondary memory, which leads to serious performance degradations. Exploiting available parallelism is further required to mine large datasets because the serial performance of processors almost stopped increasing. Algorithms should therefore exploit the large number of available threads and also the other kinds of parallelism (e.g., vector instruction sets) besides thread-level parallelism. In this work, we tackle the high memory requirements of frequent itemset mining twofold: we (1) compress the datasets being mined because they must be kept in main memory during several mining invocations and (2) improve existing mining algorithms with memory-efficient data structures. For compressing the datasets, we employ efficient encodings that show a good compression performance on a wide variety of realistic datasets, i.e., the size of the datasets is reduced by up to 6.4x. The encodings can further be applied directly while loading the dataset from disk or network. Since encoding and decoding is repeatedly required for loading and mining the datasets, we reduce its costs by providing parallel encodings that achieve high throughputs for both tasks. For a memory-efficient representation of the mining algorithms’ intermediate data, we propose compact data structures and even employ explicit compression. Both methods together reduce the intermediate data’s size by up to 25x. The smaller memory requirements avoid or delay expensive out-of-core computation when large datasets are mined. For coping with the high parallelism provided by current multiprocessor systems, we identify the performance hot spots and scalability issues of existing frequent-itemset mining algorithms. The hot spots, which form basic building blocks of these algorithms, cover (1) counting the frequency of fixed-length strings, (2) building prefix trees, (3) compressing integer values, and (4) intersecting lists of sorted integer values or bitmaps. For all of them, we discuss how to exploit available parallelism and provide scalable solutions. Furthermore, almost all components of the mining algorithms must be parallelized to keep the sequential fraction of the algorithms as small as possible. We integrate the parallelized building blocks and components into three well-known mining algorithms and further analyze the impact of certain existing optimizations. Our algorithms are already single-threaded often up an order of magnitude faster than existing highly optimized algorithms and further scale almost linear on a large 32-core multiprocessor system. Although our optimizations are intended for frequent-itemset mining algorithms, they can be applied with only minor changes to algorithms that are used for mining of other types of itemsets

    Pregelix: Big(ger) Graph Analytics on A Dataflow Engine

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    There is a growing need for distributed graph processing systems that are capable of gracefully scaling to very large graph datasets. Unfortunately, this challenge has not been easily met due to the intense memory pressure imposed by process-centric, message passing designs that many graph processing systems follow. Pregelix is a new open source distributed graph processing system that is based on an iterative dataflow design that is better tuned to handle both in-memory and out-of-core workloads. As such, Pregelix offers improved performance characteristics and scaling properties over current open source systems (e.g., we have seen up to 15x speedup compared to Apache Giraph and up to 35x speedup compared to distributed GraphLab), and makes more effective use of available machine resources to support Big(ger) Graph Analytics

    Transaction-filtering data mining and a predictive model for intelligent data management

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    This thesis, first of all, proposes a new data mining paradigm (transaction-filtering association rule mining) addressing a time consumption issue caused by the repeated scans of original transaction databases in conventional associate rule mining algorithms. An in-memory transaction filter is designed to discard those infrequent items in the pruning steps. This filter is a data structure to be updated at the end of each iteration. The results based on an IBM benchmark show that an execution time reduction of 10% - 19% is achieved compared with the base case. Next, a data mining-based predictive model is then established contributing to intelligent data management within the context of Centre for Grid Computing. The capability of discovering unseen rules, patterns and correlations enables data mining techniques favourable in areas where massive amounts of data are generated. The past behaviours of two typical scenarios (network file systems and Data Grids) have been analyzed to build the model. The future popularity of files can be forecasted with an accuracy of 90% by deploying the above predictor based on the given real system traces. A further step towards intelligent policy design is achieved by analyzing the prediction results of files’ future popularity. The real system trace-based simulations have shown improvements of 2-4 times in terms of data response time in network file system scenario and 24% mean job time reduction in Data Grids compared with conventional cases.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Effective Cache Apportioning for Performance Isolation Under Compiler Guidance

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    With a growing number of cores in modern high-performance servers, effective sharing of the last level cache (LLC) is more critical than ever. The primary agenda of such systems is to maximize performance by efficiently supporting multi-tenancy of diverse workloads. However, this could be particularly challenging to achieve in practice, because modern workloads exhibit dynamic phase behaviour, which causes their cache requirements & sensitivities to vary at finer granularities during execution. Unfortunately, existing systems are oblivious to the application phase behavior, and are unable to detect and react quickly enough to these rapidly changing cache requirements, often incurring significant performance degradation. In this paper, we propose Com-CAS, a new apportioning system that provides dynamic cache allocations for co-executing applications. Com-CAS differs from the existing cache partitioning systems by adapting to the dynamic cache requirements of applications just-in-time, as opposed to reacting, without any hardware modifications. The front-end of Com-CAS consists of compiler-analysis equipped with machine learning mechanisms to predict cache requirements, while the back-end consists of proactive scheduler that dynamically apportions LLC amongst co-executing applications leveraging Intel Cache Allocation Technology (CAT). Com-CAS's partitioning scheme utilizes the compiler-generated information across finer granularities to predict the rapidly changing dynamic application behaviors, while simultaneously maintaining data locality. Our experiments show that Com-CAS improves average weighted throughput by 15% over unpartitioned cache system, and outperforms state-of-the-art partitioning system KPart by 20%, while maintaining the worst individual application completion time degradation to meet various Service-Level Agreement (SLA) requirements

    Power and memory optimization techniques in embedded systems design

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    Embedded systems incur tight constraints on power consumption and memory (which impacts size) in addition to other constraints such as weight and cost. This dissertation addresses two key factors in embedded system design, namely minimization of power consumption and memory requirement. The first part of this dissertation considers the problem of optimizing power consumption (peak power as well as average power) in high-level synthesis (HLS). The second part deals with memory usage optimization mainly targeting a restricted class of computations expressed as loops accessing large data arrays that arises in scientific computing such as the coupled cluster and configuration interaction methods in quantum chemistry. First, a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) formulation is presented for the scheduling problem in HLS using multiple supply-voltages in order to optimize peak power as well as average power and energy consumptions. For large designs, the MILP formulation may not be suitable; therefore, a two-phase iterative linear programming formulation and a power-resource-saving heuristic are presented to solve this problem. In addition, a new heuristic that uses an adaptation of the well-known force-directed scheduling heuristic is presented for the same problem. Next, this work considers the problem of module selection simultaneously with scheduling for minimizing peak and average power consumption. Then, the problem of power consumption (peak and average) in synchronous sequential designs is addressed. A solution integrating basic retiming and multiple-voltage scheduling (MVS) is proposed and evaluated. A two-stage algorithm namely power-oriented retiming followed by a MVS technique for peak and/or average power optimization is presented. Memory optimization is addressed next. Dynamic memory usage optimization during the evaluation of a special class of interdependent large data arrays is considered. Finally, this dissertation develops a novel integer-linear programming (ILP) formulation for static memory optimization using the well-known fusion technique by encoding of legality rules for loop fusion of a special class of loops using logical constraints over binary decision variables and a highly effective approximation of memory usage

    Feature Extraction and Duplicate Detection for Text Mining: A Survey

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    Text mining, also known as Intelligent Text Analysis is an important research area. It is very difficult to focus on the most appropriate information due to the high dimensionality of data. Feature Extraction is one of the important techniques in data reduction to discover the most important features. Proce- ssing massive amount of data stored in a unstructured form is a challenging task. Several pre-processing methods and algo- rithms are needed to extract useful features from huge amount of data. The survey covers different text summarization, classi- fication, clustering methods to discover useful features and also discovering query facets which are multiple groups of words or phrases that explain and summarize the content covered by a query thereby reducing time taken by the user. Dealing with collection of text documents, it is also very important to filter out duplicate data. Once duplicates are deleted, it is recommended to replace the removed duplicates. Hence we also review the literature on duplicate detection and data fusion (remove and replace duplicates).The survey provides existing text mining techniques to extract relevant features, detect duplicates and to replace the duplicate data to get fine grained knowledge to the user

    A Review of Data Mining in Personalized Education: Current Trends and Future Prospects

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    Personalized education, tailored to individual student needs, leverages educational technology and artificial intelligence (AI) in the digital age to enhance learning effectiveness. The integration of AI in educational platforms provides insights into academic performance, learning preferences, and behaviors, optimizing the personal learning process. Driven by data mining techniques, it not only benefits students but also provides educators and institutions with tools to craft customized learning experiences. To offer a comprehensive review of recent advancements in personalized educational data mining, this paper focuses on four primary scenarios: educational recommendation, cognitive diagnosis, knowledge tracing, and learning analysis. This paper presents a structured taxonomy for each area, compiles commonly used datasets, and identifies future research directions, emphasizing the role of data mining in enhancing personalized education and paving the way for future exploration and innovation.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    Data Mining-based Fragmentation of XML Data Warehouses

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    With the multiplication of XML data sources, many XML data warehouse models have been proposed to handle data heterogeneity and complexity in a way relational data warehouses fail to achieve. However, XML-native database systems currently suffer from limited performances, both in terms of manageable data volume and response time. Fragmentation helps address both these issues. Derived horizontal fragmentation is typically used in relational data warehouses and can definitely be adapted to the XML context. However, the number of fragments produced by classical algorithms is difficult to control. In this paper, we propose the use of a k-means-based fragmentation approach that allows to master the number of fragments through its kk parameter. We experimentally compare its efficiency to classical derived horizontal fragmentation algorithms adapted to XML data warehouses and show its superiority

    Modern data analytics in the cloud era

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    Cloud Computing ist die dominante Technologie des letzten Jahrzehnts. Die Benutzerfreundlichkeit der verwalteten Umgebung in Kombination mit einer nahezu unbegrenzten Menge an Ressourcen und einem nutzungsabhängigen Preismodell ermöglicht eine schnelle und kosteneffiziente Projektrealisierung für ein breites Nutzerspektrum. Cloud Computing verändert auch die Art und Weise wie Software entwickelt, bereitgestellt und genutzt wird. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf Datenbanksysteme, die in der Cloud-Umgebung eingesetzt werden. Wir identifizieren drei Hauptinteraktionspunkte der Datenbank-Engine mit der Umgebung, die veränderte Anforderungen im Vergleich zu traditionellen On-Premise-Data-Warehouse-Lösungen aufweisen. Der erste Interaktionspunkt ist die Interaktion mit elastischen Ressourcen. Systeme in der Cloud sollten Elastizität unterstützen, um den Lastanforderungen zu entsprechen und dabei kosteneffizient zu sein. Wir stellen einen elastischen Skalierungsmechanismus für verteilte Datenbank-Engines vor, kombiniert mit einem Partitionsmanager, der einen Lastausgleich bietet und gleichzeitig die Neuzuweisung von Partitionen im Falle einer elastischen Skalierung minimiert. Darüber hinaus führen wir eine Strategie zum initialen Befüllen von Puffern ein, die es ermöglicht, skalierte Ressourcen unmittelbar nach der Skalierung auszunutzen. Cloudbasierte Systeme sind von fast überall aus zugänglich und verfügbar. Daten werden häufig von zahlreichen Endpunkten aus eingespeist, was sich von ETL-Pipelines in einer herkömmlichen Data-Warehouse-Lösung unterscheidet. Viele Benutzer verzichten auf die Definition von strikten Schemaanforderungen, um Transaktionsabbrüche aufgrund von Konflikten zu vermeiden oder um den Ladeprozess von Daten zu beschleunigen. Wir führen das Konzept der PatchIndexe ein, die die Definition von unscharfen Constraints ermöglichen. PatchIndexe verwalten Ausnahmen zu diesen Constraints, machen sie für die Optimierung und Ausführung von Anfragen nutzbar und bieten effiziente Unterstützung bei Datenaktualisierungen. Das Konzept kann auf beliebige Constraints angewendet werden und wir geben Beispiele für unscharfe Eindeutigkeits- und Sortierconstraints. Darüber hinaus zeigen wir, wie PatchIndexe genutzt werden können, um fortgeschrittene Constraints wie eine unscharfe Multi-Key-Partitionierung zu definieren, die eine robuste Anfrageperformance bei Workloads mit unterschiedlichen Partitionsanforderungen bietet. Der dritte Interaktionspunkt ist die Nutzerinteraktion. Datengetriebene Anwendungen haben sich in den letzten Jahren verändert. Neben den traditionellen SQL-Anfragen für Business Intelligence sind heute auch datenwissenschaftliche Anwendungen von großer Bedeutung. In diesen Fällen fungiert das Datenbanksystem oft nur als Datenlieferant, während der Rechenaufwand in dedizierten Data-Science- oder Machine-Learning-Umgebungen stattfindet. Wir verfolgen das Ziel, fortgeschrittene Analysen in Richtung der Datenbank-Engine zu verlagern und stellen das Grizzly-Framework als DataFrame-zu-SQL-Transpiler vor. Auf dieser Grundlage identifizieren wir benutzerdefinierte Funktionen (UDFs) und maschinelles Lernen (ML) als wichtige Aufgaben, die von einer tieferen Integration in die Datenbank-Engine profitieren würden. Daher untersuchen und bewerten wir Ansätze für die datenbankinterne Ausführung von Python-UDFs und datenbankinterne ML-Inferenz.Cloud computing has been the groundbreaking technology of the last decade. The ease-of-use of the managed environment in combination with nearly infinite amount of resources and a pay-per-use price model enables fast and cost-efficient project realization for a broad range of users. Cloud computing also changes the way software is designed, deployed and used. This thesis focuses on database systems deployed in the cloud environment. We identify three major interaction points of the database engine with the environment that show changed requirements compared to traditional on-premise data warehouse solutions. First, software is deployed on elastic resources. Consequently, systems should support elasticity in order to match workload requirements and be cost-effective. We present an elastic scaling mechanism for distributed database engines, combined with a partition manager that provides load balancing while minimizing partition reassignments in the case of elastic scaling. Furthermore we introduce a buffer pre-heating strategy that allows to mitigate a cold start after scaling and leads to an immediate performance benefit using scaling. Second, cloud based systems are accessible and available from nearly everywhere. Consequently, data is frequently ingested from numerous endpoints, which differs from bulk loads or ETL pipelines in a traditional data warehouse solution. Many users do not define database constraints in order to avoid transaction aborts due to conflicts or to speed up data ingestion. To mitigate this issue we introduce the concept of PatchIndexes, which allow the definition of approximate constraints. PatchIndexes maintain exceptions to constraints, make them usable in query optimization and execution and offer efficient update support. The concept can be applied to arbitrary constraints and we provide examples of approximate uniqueness and approximate sorting constraints. Moreover, we show how PatchIndexes can be exploited to define advanced constraints like an approximate multi-key partitioning, which offers robust query performance over workloads with different partition key requirements. Third, data-centric workloads changed over the last decade. Besides traditional SQL workloads for business intelligence, data science workloads are of significant importance nowadays. For these cases the database system might only act as data delivery, while the computational effort takes place in data science or machine learning (ML) environments. As this workflow has several drawbacks, we follow the goal of pushing advanced analytics towards the database engine and introduce the Grizzly framework as a DataFrame-to-SQL transpiler. Based on this we identify user-defined functions (UDFs) and machine learning inference as important tasks that would benefit from a deeper engine integration and investigate approaches to push these operations towards the database engine
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