539 research outputs found

    Massively Parallel Sort-Merge Joins in Main Memory Multi-Core Database Systems

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    Two emerging hardware trends will dominate the database system technology in the near future: increasing main memory capacities of several TB per server and massively parallel multi-core processing. Many algorithmic and control techniques in current database technology were devised for disk-based systems where I/O dominated the performance. In this work we take a new look at the well-known sort-merge join which, so far, has not been in the focus of research in scalable massively parallel multi-core data processing as it was deemed inferior to hash joins. We devise a suite of new massively parallel sort-merge (MPSM) join algorithms that are based on partial partition-based sorting. Contrary to classical sort-merge joins, our MPSM algorithms do not rely on a hard to parallelize final merge step to create one complete sort order. Rather they work on the independently created runs in parallel. This way our MPSM algorithms are NUMA-affine as all the sorting is carried out on local memory partitions. An extensive experimental evaluation on a modern 32-core machine with one TB of main memory proves the competitive performance of MPSM on large main memory databases with billions of objects. It scales (almost) linearly in the number of employed cores and clearly outperforms competing hash join proposals - in particular it outperforms the "cutting-edge" Vectorwise parallel query engine by a factor of four.Comment: VLDB201

    Skew-Insensitive Join Processing in Shared-Disk Database Systems

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    Skew effects are still a significant problem for efficient query processing in parallel database systems. Especially in shared-nothing environments, this problem is aggravated by the substantial cost of data redistribution. Shared-disk systems, on the other hand, promise much higher flexibility in the distribution of workload among processing nodes because all input data can be accessed by any node at equal cost. In order to verify this potential for dynamic load balancing, we have devised a new technique for skew-tolerant join processing. In contrast to conventional solutions, our algorithm is not restricted to estimating processing costs in advance and assigning tasks to nodes accordingly. Instead, it monitors the actual progression of work and dynamically allocates tasks to processors, thus capitalizing on the uniform access pathlength in shared-disk architectures. This approach has the potential to alleviate not only any kind of data-inherent skew, but also execution skew caused by query- external workloads, by disk contention, or simply by inaccurate estimates used in predictive scheduling. We employ a detailed simulation system to evaluate the new algorithm under different types and degrees of skew

    Options in Scan Processing for Shared-Disk Parallel Database Systems

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    Shared-disk database systems offer a high degree of freedom in the allocation of workload compared to shared-nothing architectures. This creates a great potential for load balancing but also introduces additional complexity into the process of query scheduling. This report surveys the problems and opportunities faced in scan processing in a shared-disk environment. We list the parameters to tune and the decisions to make, as well as some known solutions and commonsense considerations, in order to identify the most promising areas of future research

    On Disk Allocation of Intermediate Query Results in Parallel Database Systems

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    For complex queries in parallel database systems, substantial amounts of data must be redistributed between operators executed on different processing nodes. Frequently, such intermediate results cannot be held in main memory and must be stored on disk. To limit the ensuing performance penalty, a data allocation must be found that supports parallel I/O to the greatest possible extent. In this paper, we propose declustering even self-contained units of temporary data processed in a single operation (such as individual buckets of parallel hash joins) across multiple disks. Using a suitable analytical model, we find that the improvement of parallel I/O outweighs the penalty of increased fragmentation

    One Size Cannot Fit All: a Self-Adaptive Dispatcher for Skewed Hash Join in Shared-nothing RDBMSs

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    Shared-nothing architecture has been widely adopted in various commercial distributed RDBMSs. Thanks to the architecture, query can be processed in parallel and accelerated by scaling up the cluster horizontally on demand. In spite of that, load balancing has been a challenging issue in all distributed RDBMSs, including shared-nothing ones, which suffers much from skewed data distribution. In this work, we focus on one of the representative operator, namely Hash Join, and investigate how skewness among the nodes of a cluster will affect the load balance and eventual efficiency of an arbitrary query in shared-nothing RDBMSs. We found that existing Distributed Hash Join (Dist-HJ) solutions may not provide satisfactory performance when a value is skewed in both the probe and build tables. To address that, we propose a novel Dist-HJ solution, namely Partition and Replication (PnR). Although PnR provide the best efficiency in some skewness scenario, our exhaustive experiments over a group of shared-nothing RDBMSs show that there is not a single Dist-HJ solution that wins in all (data skew) scenarios. To this end, we further propose a self-adaptive Dist-HJ solution with a builtin sub-operator cost model that dynamically select the best Dist-HJ implementation strategy at runtime according to the data skew of the target query. We implement the solution in our commercial shared-nothing RDBMSs, namely KaiwuDB (former name ZNBase) and empirical study justifies that the self-adaptive model achieves the best performance comparing to a series of solution adopted in many existing RDBMSs

    Data partitioning and load balancing in parallel disk systems

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    Parallel disk systems provide opportunities for exploiting I/O parallelism in two possible ways, namely via inter-request and intra-request parallelism. In this paper we discuss the main issues in performance tuning of such systems, namely striping and load balancing, and show their relationship to response time and throughput. We outline the main components of an intelligent file system that optimizes striping by taking into account the requirements of the applications, and performs load balancing by judicious file allocation and dynamic redistributions of the data when access patterns change. Our system uses simple but effective heuristics that incur only little overhead. We present performance experiments based on synthetic workloads and real-life traces

    Load Balancing and Skew Resilience for Parallel Joins

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    We address the problem of load balancing for parallel joins. We show that the distribution of input data received and the output data produced by worker machines are both important for performance. As a result, previous work, which optimizes either for input or output, stands ineffective for load balancing. To that end, we propose a multi-stage load-balancing algorithm which considers the properties of both input and output data through sampling of the original join matrix. To do this efficiently, we propose a novel category of equi-weight histograms. To build them, we exploit state-of-the-art computational geometry algorithms for rectangle tiling. To our knowledge, we are the first to employ tiling algorithms for join load-balancing. In addition, we propose a novel, join-specialized tiling algorithm that has drastically lower time and space complexity than existing algorithms. Experiments show that our scheme outperforms state-of-the-art techniques by up to a factor of 15
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