7,650 research outputs found

    Projection-Based and Look Ahead Strategies for Atom Selection

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    In this paper, we improve iterative greedy search algorithms in which atoms are selected serially over iterations, i.e., one-by-one over iterations. For serial atom selection, we devise two new schemes to select an atom from a set of potential atoms in each iteration. The two new schemes lead to two new algorithms. For both the algorithms, in each iteration, the set of potential atoms is found using a standard matched filter. In case of the first scheme, we propose an orthogonal projection strategy that selects an atom from the set of potential atoms. Then, for the second scheme, we propose a look ahead strategy such that the selection of an atom in the current iteration has an effect on the future iterations. The use of look ahead strategy requires a higher computational resource. To achieve a trade-off between performance and complexity, we use the two new schemes in cascade and develop a third new algorithm. Through experimental evaluations, we compare the proposed algorithms with existing greedy search and convex relaxation algorithms.Comment: sparsity, compressive sensing; IEEE Trans on Signal Processing 201

    Greed is good: algorithmic results for sparse approximation

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    This article presents new results on using a greedy algorithm, orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP), to solve the sparse approximation problem over redundant dictionaries. It provides a sufficient condition under which both OMP and Donoho's basis pursuit (BP) paradigm can recover the optimal representation of an exactly sparse signal. It leverages this theory to show that both OMP and BP succeed for every sparse input signal from a wide class of dictionaries. These quasi-incoherent dictionaries offer a natural generalization of incoherent dictionaries, and the cumulative coherence function is introduced to quantify the level of incoherence. This analysis unifies all the recent results on BP and extends them to OMP. Furthermore, the paper develops a sufficient condition under which OMP can identify atoms from an optimal approximation of a nonsparse signal. From there, it argues that OMP is an approximation algorithm for the sparse problem over a quasi-incoherent dictionary. That is, for every input signal, OMP calculates a sparse approximant whose error is only a small factor worse than the minimal error that can be attained with the same number of terms

    Multi-task additive models with shared transfer functions based on dictionary learning

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    Additive models form a widely popular class of regression models which represent the relation between covariates and response variables as the sum of low-dimensional transfer functions. Besides flexibility and accuracy, a key benefit of these models is their interpretability: the transfer functions provide visual means for inspecting the models and identifying domain-specific relations between inputs and outputs. However, in large-scale problems involving the prediction of many related tasks, learning independently additive models results in a loss of model interpretability, and can cause overfitting when training data is scarce. We introduce a novel multi-task learning approach which provides a corpus of accurate and interpretable additive models for a large number of related forecasting tasks. Our key idea is to share transfer functions across models in order to reduce the model complexity and ease the exploration of the corpus. We establish a connection with sparse dictionary learning and propose a new efficient fitting algorithm which alternates between sparse coding and transfer function updates. The former step is solved via an extension of Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, whose properties are analyzed using a novel recovery condition which extends existing results in the literature. The latter step is addressed using a traditional dictionary update rule. Experiments on real-world data demonstrate that our approach compares favorably to baseline methods while yielding an interpretable corpus of models, revealing structure among the individual tasks and being more robust when training data is scarce. Our framework therefore extends the well-known benefits of additive models to common regression settings possibly involving thousands of tasks

    Improving A*OMP: Theoretical and Empirical Analyses With a Novel Dynamic Cost Model

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    Best-first search has been recently utilized for compressed sensing (CS) by the A* orthogonal matching pursuit (A*OMP) algorithm. In this work, we concentrate on theoretical and empirical analyses of A*OMP. We present a restricted isometry property (RIP) based general condition for exact recovery of sparse signals via A*OMP. In addition, we develop online guarantees which promise improved recovery performance with the residue-based termination instead of the sparsity-based one. We demonstrate the recovery capabilities of A*OMP with extensive recovery simulations using the adaptive-multiplicative (AMul) cost model, which effectively compensates for the path length differences in the search tree. The presented results, involving phase transitions for different nonzero element distributions as well as recovery rates and average error, reveal not only the superior recovery accuracy of A*OMP, but also the improvements with the residue-based termination and the AMul cost model. Comparison of the run times indicate the speed up by the AMul cost model. We also demonstrate a hybrid of OMP and A?OMP to accelerate the search further. Finally, we run A*OMP on a sparse image to illustrate its recovery performance for more realistic coefcient distributions

    Signal Space CoSaMP for Sparse Recovery with Redundant Dictionaries

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    Compressive sensing (CS) has recently emerged as a powerful framework for acquiring sparse signals. The bulk of the CS literature has focused on the case where the acquired signal has a sparse or compressible representation in an orthonormal basis. In practice, however, there are many signals that cannot be sparsely represented or approximated using an orthonormal basis, but that do have sparse representations in a redundant dictionary. Standard results in CS can sometimes be extended to handle this case provided that the dictionary is sufficiently incoherent or well-conditioned, but these approaches fail to address the case of a truly redundant or overcomplete dictionary. In this paper we describe a variant of the iterative recovery algorithm CoSaMP for this more challenging setting. We utilize the D-RIP, a condition on the sensing matrix analogous to the well-known restricted isometry property. In contrast to prior work, the method and analysis are "signal-focused"; that is, they are oriented around recovering the signal rather than its dictionary coefficients. Under the assumption that we have a near-optimal scheme for projecting vectors in signal space onto the model family of candidate sparse signals, we provide provable recovery guarantees. Developing a practical algorithm that can provably compute the required near-optimal projections remains a significant open problem, but we include simulation results using various heuristics that empirically exhibit superior performance to traditional recovery algorithms
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