6 research outputs found

    Architectural Layer Recovery for Software System Understanding and Evolution

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    This paper presents an approach to identify software layers for the understanding and evolution of software systems implemented with any object-oriented programming language. The approach first identifies relations between the classes of a software system and then uses a link analysis algorithm (i.e. the Kleinberg algorithm) to group them into layers. Additionally to assess the approach and the underlying techniques, the paper also presents a prototype of a supporting tool and the results from a case study

    Effectively incorporating expert knowledge in automated software remodularisation

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    Remodularising the components of a software system is challenging: sound design principles (e.g., coupling and cohesion) need to be balanced against developer intuition of which entities conceptually belong together. Despite this, automated approaches to remodularisation tend to ignore domain knowledge, leading to results that can be nonsensical to developers. Nevertheless, suppling such knowledge is a potentially burdensome task to perform manually. A lot information may need to be specified, particularly for large systems. Addressing these concerns, we propose the SUMO (SUpervised reMOdularisation) approach. SUMO is a technique that aims to leverage a small subset of domain knowledge about a system to produce a remodularisation that will be acceptable to a developer. With SUMO, developers refine a modularisation by iteratively supplying corrections. These corrections constrain the type of remodularisation eventually required, enabling SUMO to dramatically reduce the solution space. This in turn reduces the amount of feedback the developer needs to supply. We perform a comprehensive systematic evaluation using 100 real world subject systems. Our results show that SUMO guarantees convergence on a target remodularisation with a tractable amount of user interaction

    Measuring the Impact of Code Dependencies on Software Architecture Recovery Techniques

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    Many techniques have been proposed to automatically recover software architectures from software implementations. A thorough comparison among the recovery techniques is needed to understand their effectiveness and applicability. This study improves on previous studies in two ways. First, we study the impact of leveraging more accurate symbol dependencies on the accuracy of architecture recovery techniques. In addition, we evaluate other factors of the input dependencies such as the level of granularity, the impact of virtual call resolution, global variable usage and whether using direct dependencies provides better results than using transitive dependencies. Previous studies have not extensively studied how the quality of the input might affect the quality of the output for architecture recovery techniques. Second, we study a system (Chromium) that is substantially larger (10 million lines of code) than those included in previous studies. Obtaining the ground-truth architecture of Chromium involved two years of collaboration with its developers. As part of this work we developed a new submodule-based technique to recover preliminary versions of ground-truth architectures. The other systems that we study have been examined previously. In some cases, we have updated the ground-truth architectures to newer versions, and in other cases we have corrected newly discovered inconsistencies. Our evaluation of nine variants of six state-of-the-art architecture recovery techniques on 8 types of dependencies shows that symbol dependencies generally produce architectures with higher accuracies than include dependencies. We also observed that using a higher level of granularity (i.e., module level) and direct dependencies helps generating better architectures. Despite this improvement, the overall accuracy is low for all recovery techniques. The results suggest that (1) in addition to architecture recovery techniques, the type of dependencies used as their inputs is another factor to consider for high recovery accuracy, and (2) more accurate recovery techniques are needed. Our results show that some of the studied architecture recovery techniques (ACDC, Bunch-SAHC, WCA and ARC) scale to the 10M lines-of-code range (the size of Chromium), whereas others do not

    Toward an Effective Automated Tracing Process

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    Traceability is defined as the ability to establish, record, and maintain dependency relations among various software artifacts in a software system, in both a forwards and backwards direction, throughout the multiple phases of the project’s life cycle. The availability of traceability information has been proven vital to several software engineering activities such as program comprehension, impact analysis, feature location, software reuse, and verification and validation (V&V). The research on automated software traceability has noticeably advanced in the past few years. Various methodologies and tools have been proposed in the literature to provide automatic support for establishing and maintaining traceability information in software systems. This movement is motivated by the increasing attention traceability has been receiving as a critical element of any rigorous software development process. However, despite these major advances, traceability implementation and use is still not pervasive in industry. In particular, traceability tools are still far from achieving performance levels that are adequate for practical applications. Such low levels of accuracy require software engineers working with traceability tools to spend a considerable amount of their time verifying the generated traceability information, a process that is often described as tedious, exhaustive, and error-prone. Motivated by these observations, and building upon a growing body of work in this area, in this dissertation we explore several research directions related to enhancing the performance of automated tracing tools and techniques. In particular, our work addresses several issues related to the various aspects of the IR-based automated tracing process, including trace link retrieval, performance enhancement, and the role of the human in the process. Our main objective is to achieve performance levels, in terms of accuracy, efficiency, and usability, that are adequate for practical applications, and ultimately to accomplish a successful technology transfer from research to industry

    Identification d’une architecture à base de composants dans une application orientée objets à l’aide d’une analyse dynamique

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    Un système, décrit avec un grand nombre d'éléments fortement interdépendants, est complexe, difficile à comprendre et à maintenir. Ainsi, une application orientée objet est souvent complexe, car elle contient des centaines de classes avec de nombreuses dépendances plus ou moins explicites. Une même application, utilisant le paradigme composant, contiendrait un plus petit nombre d'éléments, faiblement couplés entre eux et avec des interdépendances clairement définies. Ceci est dû au fait que le paradigme composant fournit une bonne représentation de haut niveau des systèmes complexes. Ainsi, ce paradigme peut être utilisé comme "espace de projection" des systèmes orientés objets. Une telle projection peut faciliter l'étape de compréhension d'un système, un pré-requis nécessaire avant toute activité de maintenance et/ou d'évolution. De plus, il est possible d'utiliser cette représentation, comme un modèle pour effectuer une restructuration complète d'une application orientée objets opérationnelle vers une application équivalente à base de composants tout aussi opérationnelle. Ainsi, La nouvelle application bénéficiant ainsi, de toutes les bonnes propriétés associées au paradigme composants. L'objectif de ma thèse est de proposer une méthode semi-automatique pour identifier une architecture à base de composants dans une application orientée objets. Cette architecture doit, non seulement aider à la compréhension de l'application originale, mais aussi simplifier la projection de cette dernière dans un modèle concret de composant. L'identification d'une architecture à base de composants est réalisée en trois grandes étapes: i) obtention des données nécessaires au processus d'identification. Elles correspondent aux dépendances entre les classes et sont obtenues avec une analyse dynamique de l'application cible. ii) identification des composants. Trois méthodes ont été explorées. La première utilise un treillis de Galois, la seconde deux méta-heuristiques et la dernière une méta-heuristique multi-objective. iii) identification de l'architecture à base de composants de l'application cible. Cela est fait en identifiant les interfaces requises et fournis pour chaque composant. Afin de valider ce processus d'identification, ainsi que les différents choix faits durant son développement, j'ai réalisé différentes études de cas. Enfin, je montre la faisabilité de la projection de l'architecture à base de composants identifiée vers un modèle concret de composants.A system is complex and particularly difficult to understand and to maintain when it is described with a large number of highly interdependent parties. An object-oriented application is often complex because it uses hundreds or thousands of classes with many different dependencies more or less explicit. The same application, using the component paradigm, contains a smaller number of loosely coupled parties, highly cohesive with clear inter-dependencies. Indeed, because the component paradigm provides a high-level representation, synthetic and well-organized structure of complex systems, it can provide a space of projection for object-oriented applications. Such projection facilitates the step of understanding a system prior to any activity of maintenance and/or evolution. In addition, it is possible to use this representation as a model to perform a complete restructuring of an operational object-oriented application into its equivalent operational component-based application. Thus, the new form of the application benefits from all the good properties associated with the component-oriented paradigm. The goal of my thesis is to propose a semi-automatic approach to identify a component-based architecture in an object-oriented application. This architecture should help in understanding the original application, but also simplifies the projection of the object-oriented application on a concrete component model. The identification of a component-based architecture is achieved in three main steps: i) obtaining data for the identification process. These data, which correspond to dependencies between classes, are obtained with a dynamic analysis of the target application. ii) identification of the components. Three methods were explored. The first uses the formal concept analysis, the second two meta-heuristics and the last a multiobjective meta-heuristic. iii) identification of the component-based architecture representing the target application. This is done by identifying the provided and required interfaces for each component. To validate this identification process, and the different choices made during its development, I realized several case studies. Finally, I show the feasibility of the projection of the identified component-based architecture on a specific component model

    Software restructuring: understanding longitudinal architectural changes and refactoring

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    The complexity of software systems increases as the systems evolve. As the degradation of the system's structure accumulates, maintenance effort and defect-proneness tend to increase. In addition, developers often opt to employ sub-optimal solutions in order to achieve short-time goals, in a phenomenon that has been recently called technical debt. In this context, software restructuring serves as a way to alleviate and/or prevent structural degradation. Restructuring of software is usually performed in either higher or lower levels of granularity, where the first indicates broader changes in the system's structural architecture and the latter indicates refactorings performed to fewer and localised code elements. Although tools to assist architectural changes and refactoring are available, there is still no evidence these approaches are widely adopted by practitioners. Hence, an understanding of how developers perform architectural changes and refactoring in their daily basis and in the context of the software development processes they adopt is necessary. Current software development is iterative and incremental with short cycles of development and release. Thus, tools and processes that enable this development model, such as continuous integration and code review, are widespread among software engineering practitioners. Hence, this thesis investigates how developers perform longitudinal and incremental architectural changes and refactoring during code review through a wide range of empirical studies that consider different moments of the development lifecycle, different approaches, different automated tools and different analysis mechanisms. Finally, the observations and conclusions drawn from these empirical investigations extend the existing knowledge on how developers restructure software systems, in a way that future studies can leverage this knowledge to propose new tools and approaches that better fit developers' working routines and development processes