5,967 research outputs found

    Knowledge Management with Multi-Agent System in BI Systems Integration

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    Multi-Agent System for Decision Support in Enterprises

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    Business decisions must rely not only on organisation’s internal data but also on external data from competitors or relevant events. This information can be obtained from the Web but must be integrated with the data in an organisation’s Data Warehouse (DW). In this paper we discuss the agent-based integration approach using ontologies. To enable common understanding of a domain between people and application systems we introduce business rules approach towards ontology management. Because knowledge in organisation’s ontologies is acquired from business users without technical knowledge simple user interface based on ontology restrictions and predefined templates are used. After data from internal DW, Web and business rules are acquired; agent can deduce new knowledge and therefore facilitate decision making process. Tasks like information retrieval from competitors, creating and reviewing OLAP reports are autonomously performed by agents, while business users have control over their execution through knowledge base in ontology. The approach presented in the paper was verified on the case study from the domain of mobile communications with the emphasis on supply and demand of mobile phones and its accessories

    Multi-Agent System for Decision Support in Enterprises

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    Business decisions must rely not only on organisation’s internal data but also on external data from competitors or relevant events. This information can be obtained from the Web but must be integrated with the data in an organisation’s Data Warehouse (DW). In this paper we discuss the agent-based integration approach using ontologies. To enable common understanding of a domain between people and application systems we introduce business rules approach towards ontology management. Because knowledge in organisation’s ontologies is acquired from business users without technical knowledge simple user interface based on ontology restrictions and predefined templates are used. After data from internal DW, Web and business rules are acquired; agent can deduce new knowledge and therefore facilitate decision making process. Tasks like information retrieval from competitors, creating and reviewing OLAP reports are autonomously performed by agents, while business users have control over their execution through knowledge base in ontology. The approach presented in the paper was verified on the case study from the domain of mobile communications with the emphasis on supply and demand of mobile phones and its accessories

    Research and Development Workstation Environment: the new class of Current Research Information Systems

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    Against the backdrop of the development of modern technologies in the field of scientific research the new class of Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) and related intelligent information technologies has arisen. It was called - Research and Development Workstation Environment (RDWE) - the comprehensive problem-oriented information systems for scientific research and development lifecycle support. The given paper describes design and development fundamentals of the RDWE class systems. The RDWE class system's generalized information model is represented in the article as a three-tuple composite web service that include: a set of atomic web services, each of them can be designed and developed as a microservice or a desktop application, that allows them to be used as an independent software separately; a set of functions, the functional filling-up of the Research and Development Workstation Environment; a subset of atomic web services that are required to implement function of composite web service. In accordance with the fundamental information model of the RDWE class the system for supporting research in the field of ontology engineering - the automated building of applied ontology in an arbitrary domain area, scientific and technical creativity - the automated preparation of application documents for patenting inventions in Ukraine was developed. It was called - Personal Research Information System. A distinctive feature of such systems is the possibility of their problematic orientation to various types of scientific activities by combining on a variety of functional services and adding new ones within the cloud integrated environment. The main results of our work are focused on enhancing the effectiveness of the scientist's research and development lifecycle in the arbitrary domain area.Comment: In English, 13 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, added references in Russian. Published. Prepared for special issue (UkrPROG 2018 conference) of the scientific journal "Problems of programming" (Founder: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Software Systems of NAS Ukraine

    Bio-Inspired Multi-Agent Technology for Industrial Applications

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    Semantic web and semantic technologies to enhance innovation and technology watch processes

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    Innovation is a key process for Small and Medium Enterprises in order to survive and evolve in a competitive environment. Ideas and idea management are considered the basis for Innovation. Gathering data on how current technologies and competitors evolve is another key factor for companies' innovation. Therefore, this thesis focuses the application of Information and Communication Technologies and more specifically Semantic Web and Semantic Technologies on Idea Management Systems and Technology Watch Systems. Innovation and Technology Watch platform managers usually face many problems related with the data they collect and manage. Those managers have to deal with a large amount of information distributed in different platforms, not always interoperable among them. It is vital to share data between platforms so it can be converted into knowledge. Many of the tasks they perform are non productive and too much time and effort is expended on them. Moreover, Innovation process managers have difficulties in identifying why an idea contest has been successful. Our proposal is to analyze different Information and Communication Technologies that can assist companies with their Innovation and Technology Watch processes. Thus, we studied several Semantic and Web technologies, we build some conceptual models and tested them in different case studies to see the results achieved in real scenarios. The outcome of this thesis has been the creation of a solution architecture to enable interoperability among platforms and to ease the work of the process' managers. In this framework and to complement the architecture, two ontologies have been developed: (1) Gi2Mo Wave and (2) Mentions Ontology. On one hand, Gi2Mo Wave focused on annotating the background of idea contests, assisting on the analysis of the contests and easing its replication. On the other hand, Mentions Ontology focused on annotating the elements mentioned in plain text content, such as ideas or news items. That way, Mentions Ontology creates a way to link the related content, enabling the interoperability among content from different platforms. In order to test the architecture, a new web Idea Management System and a Technology Watch system have been also developed. The platforms incorporate semantic ontologies and tools to enable interoperability. We also demonstrate how Semantic Technologies reduce human workload by contributing on the automatic classification of content in the Technology Watch process. Finally, conclusions have been gathered according to the results achieved testing the used technologies, identifying the ones with best results.Berrikuntza prozesu oso garrantzitsu bat da Enpresa Txiki eta Ertainen lehiakor eta bizirik irauteko ingurumen lehiakor batean. Berrikuntza prozesuek ideiak eta ideien kudeaketa dituzte oinarri gisa. Teknologiek eta lehiakideek nola eboluzionatzen duten jakitzea ere garrantzitsua da enpresen berrikuntzarako, eta baita ere informazio hori kudeatzea. Beraz, Informazio eta Komunikazio sistemen aplikazioan oinarritzen da tesi hau, zehazkiago Web Semantika eta Teknologia Semantikoetan eta hauen aplikazioa Ideia Kudeaketa eta Zaintza Teknologikoko sistemetan. Berrikuntza eta Zaintza Teknologikoko plataformen kudeatzaileek arazo larriak izaten dituzte jasotako datuekin eta haien kudeaketarekin. Kudeatzaile horiek plataforma ezberdinetan banatutako informazio kantitate handi batekin topo egiten dute eta plataforma horiek ez dira beti elkar eraginkorrak. Beraz, beharrezkoa da plataforma ezberdinetako datuak elkarren artean partekatzea gero datu horiek “ezagutza” bihurtzeko. Gainera, kudeatzaileek egiten dituzten zeregin kopuru handi bat zeregin ez emankorrak dira, denbora eta esfortzu handia suposatzen dute baliozko ezer gehitu gabe. Eta ez hori bakarrik, berrikuntza prozesuko kudeatzaileek zail izaten dute ideia lehiaketen arrakastaren arrazoiak identifikatzen. Gure proposamena Informazio eta Komunikazio Teknologia ezberdinak frogatzea da enpresen berrikuntzako eta zaintza teknologikoko prozesuetan laguntzeko. Honela, hainbat teknologia semantiko eta web teknologia aztertu dira, modelo kontzeptual batzuk eraikitzen eta probatzen benetako erabilpen kasutan lortutako emaitzak konprobatzeko. Tesi honen lorpena plataformen arteko elkar eraginkortasuna ahalbidetzen duen eta prozesuen kudeatzaileen lana errazten duen modelo baten sorpena izan da. Horrela eta sortutako modeloa konplimentatzeko, bi ontologia sortu dira: (1) Gi2Mo- Wave eta (2) Mentions Ontology. Alde batetik, Gi2Mo-Wave ontologia ideien eta ideia lehiaketen testuinguruaren errepresentazio semantikoan oinarritu da. Horrela testuinguruaren analisia errazten da, ideia lehiaketa arrakastatsuak errepikatzea ere errazagoa eginez. Bestalde, Mentions-Ontology ontologia eduki ezberdinen (ideiak edo berriak adibidez) testuetan aipatutako elementuen errepresentazio semantikoan oinarritu da. Horrela, Mentions Ontology ontologiak edukia elkar konektatzeko era bat sortzen du, plataforma ezberdinen edukiaren arteko elkar eraginkortasuna ahalbidetzen. Modelo edo arkitektura hau frogatzeko, Ideia Kudeaketa Sistema eta Zaintza teknologikoko web plataforma berri batzuk garatu dira ere. Plataforma hauek tresna eta ontologia semantikoak dituzte txertatuta, beraien arteko elkar eraginkortasuna ahalbidetzeko. Gainera, teknologia semantikoen aplikazioarekin giza lan kargaren murrizketa nola gauzatu ere frogatzen dugu, Zaintza Teknologikoko edukiaren klasifikazio automatikoan ekarpenak eginez. Bukatzeko, konklusioak bildu dira erabili diren teknologien frogetatik jasotako emaitzetan oinarrituta eta emaitza onenak lortu dituztenak identifikatu dira.El proceso de Innovación es un proceso clave para la supervivencia y evolución de las Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas en un entorno competitivo. Las ideas y la gestión de ideas se consideran la base de la innovación. Recopilar datos sobre cómo evolucionan las actuales tecnologías y los competidores es otro factor clave para la innovación de las empresas. Por lo tanto, esta tesis se centra en la aplicación de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación, más concretamente la aplicación de Web Semántica y Tecnologías Semánticas en los Sistemas de Gestión de ideas y de Vigilancia Tecnológica. Los gestores de las plataformas de innovación y de vigilancia tecnológica se enfrentan a muchos problemas relacionados con los datos que recogen y gestionan. Esos gestores se enfrentan a una gran cantidad de información distribuida en diferentes plataformas, no siempre interoperables entre ellas. Es de vital importancia que las diferentes plataformas sean capaces de compartir datos entre ellas, de modo que esos datos puedan convertirse en el conocimiento. Muchas de las tareas realizadas por estos gestores son tareas no productivas y se invierte demasiado tiempo y esfuerzo en realizarlas. Además, los responsables de los procesos de innovación tienen dificultades para identificar por qué un concurso de ideas ha sido un éxito. Nuestra propuesta es analizar diferentes Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación que puedan ayudar a las empresas con sus procesos de Innovación y Vigilancia Tecnológica. Por ello, hemos estudiado varias tecnologías semánticas y Web, hemos desarrollado algunos modelos conceptuales y los hemos probado en diferentes casos de estudio para ver los resultados obtenidos en escenarios reales. El resultado de este trabajo ha sido la creación de una arquitectura que permite la interoperabilidad entre plataformas y que facilita el trabajo de los responsables de los procesos. En este marco, y para complementar la arquitectura, se han desarrollado dos ontologías: (1) Gi2Mo Wave y (2) Mentions Ontology. Gi2Mo Wave se centra en la anotación del contexto de los de ideas, ayudando en el análisis de los concursos y facilitando su replicación. Por otro lado, Mentions Ontology se centra en la anotación de los elementos mencionados en el texto plano de contenidos de diferente índole, como por ejemplo ideas o noticias. Así, Mentions Ontology crea una forma de encontrar relaciones entre contenidos, lo que permite la interoperabilidad entre los contenidos de diferentes plataformas. Con el fin de probar la arquitectura, también se han desarrollado dos plataformas: un Sistema de Gestión de Ideas y un Sistema de Vigilancia Tecnológica. Las plataformas incorporan ontologías semánticas y herramientas para permitir su interoperabilidad. Además, demostramos cómo reducir la carga de trabajo humana, mediante el uso de tecnologías semánticas para la clasificación automática del contenido del proceso de la Vigilancia Tecnológica. Por último, probando las tecnologías y herramientas se han recogido las conclusiones de acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, identificando las que obtienen los mejores resultados

    Enhancing Natural Interaction with Circumstantial Knowledge

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    This work focuses the circumstantial knowledge management for a specific need: the achievement of Natural Interaction (NI). In first place, a cognitive approach to NI is glanced as the framework for such knowledge management. This approach reflects some certain requirements for the whole interaction system, which are met by a multi-agent system implementation. Finally, a Situation Modeling is proposed for a first approach to the interaction circumstances management.The presented work has been developed within the MAVIR project (S-505/TIC/0267) endorsed by the Regional Government of Madrid, and is being extended through the SOPAT project (CIT-410000-2007-12), supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education.Publicad

    A Comprehensive Classification of Business Activities in the Market of Intellectual Property Rights-related Services

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    Technology and intellectual property markets have witnessed great developments in the last few decades. Due to intellectual property rights gaining more importance and technology companies opening up their innovation processes, a wide range of intellectual property rights related services have emerged in the last two decades. The goal of this research is to develop a comprehensive classification system of intellectual property rights related services (IPSC). The classification is created by applying an ontology engineering process. The IPSC consists of 72 various IPR services divided into six main categories (100 Legal Service; 200 IP Consulting; 300 Matchmaking and Trading; 400 IP Portfolio Processing; 500 IPR-related Financial Service; 600 IPR-related Communication Service). The implications of the thesis are directed to policy makers, technology transfer managers, C-level executives and innovation researchers. The IPSC enables practitioners and researchers to organize industry data that can be thereafter analyzed for better strategy and policy making. In addition, this contributes towards organizing a more transparent and single intellectual property market.:Acknowledgements I Abstract II Contents IV List of Figures VI List of Tables VII 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Introduction to Technology Markets 1 1.2. Explanation of Key Concepts 5 1.3. Research Questions and Goals 9 1.4. Readers Guide 13 2. Literature Review 15 2.1. Intellectual Property Markets State of the Art Review 15 2.2. Ontology Engineering State of the Art Review 22 3. Methodology 26 3.1. Methontology 26 3.2. Planning the IPSC 29 3.3. Specification 30 3.4. Conceptualization 31 3.5. Formalization 32 3.6. Integration 32 3.7. Evaluation 33 3.8. Documentation 33 3.9. Realization and Maintenance 33 4. Data description and collection framework 34 5. Applying Methontology 46 5.1. Knowledge Acquisition and Planning the IPSC 46 5.2. Specification 46 5.3. Conceptualization 47 5.4. Formalization 54 100 Legal Service 56 200 IP Consulting 60 300 Matchmaking and Trading 65 400 IP Portfolio Processing 72 500 IPR-related Financial Service 76 600 IPR-related Communication Service 81 5.5. Integration 86 5.6. Evaluation 95 5.7. Documentation 104 5.8. Realization and Maintenance of the IPSC 106 6. Interview Results and Further Discussions 108 6.1. Implications for Industry 108 6.2. Contributions of the IPSC 110 6.3. Limitations of the IPSC and Future Work 112 7. Conclusions 116 References 120 List of experts interviewed and the date of interview 129 Appendices 13