27 research outputs found

    Context-adaptive learning designs by using semantic web services

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    IMS Learning Design (IMS-LD) is a promising technology aimed at supporting learning processes. IMS-LD packages contain the learning process metadata as well as the learning resources. However, the allocation of resources - whether data or services - within the learning design is done manually at design-time on the basis of the subjective appraisals of a learning designer. Since the actual learning context is known at runtime only, IMS-LD applications cannot adapt to a specific context or learner. Therefore, the reusability is limited and high development costs have to be taken into account to support a variety of contexts. To overcome these issues, we propose a highly dynamic approach based on Semantic Web Services (SWS) technology. Our aim is moving from the current data- and metadata-based to a context-adaptive service-orientated paradigm We introduce semantic descriptions of a learning process in terms of user objectives (learning goals) to abstract from any specific metadata standards and used learning resources. At runtime, learning goals are accomplished by automatically selecting and invoking the services that fit the actual user needs and process contexts. As a result, we obtain a dynamic adaptation to different contexts at runtime. Semantic mappings from our standard-independent process models will enable the automatic development of versatile, reusable IMS-LD applications as well as the reusability across multiple metadata standards. To illustrate our approach, we describe a prototype application based on our principles

    Ontology-Based Intelligent Agents in Workplace eLearning

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    Despite the ever increasing practices of e-learning, most workplace e-learning applications fail to meet the learners’ needs and ultimately fail to serve the organization’s quest for success. The dominance of technology-oriented approaches makes e-learning applications less goal-effective, and makes them perceived to be of poor quality and design. To solve this problem, a performance oriented approach is presented in this study. This approach aims to align the individual learning needs vis-à-vis the organizational goals and makes learning connected with work performance. Based on the approach, a prototype system has been developed that uses intelligent agent and ontology technology. A set of experiments have been conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach

    Conceptualizing the e-Learning Assessment Domain using an Ontology Network

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    During the last year, approaches that use ontologies, the backbone of the Semantic Web technologies, for different purposes in the assessment domain of e-Learning have emerged. One of these purposes is the use of ontologies as a mean of providing a structure to guide the automated design of assessments. The most of the approaches that deal with this problem have proposed individual ontologies that model only a part of the assessment domain. The main contribution of this paper is an ontology network, called AONet, that conceptualizes the e-assessment domain with the aim of supporting the semi-automatic generation of it. The main advantage of this network is that it is enriched with rules for considering not only technical aspects of an assessment but also pedagogic

    Open Source and Open Standards

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    Publication reference: Koper, R. (2008). Open Source and Open Standards. In J. M. Spector, M. Merrill, J. van Merriënboer & M. P. Driscol (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology (3rd ed., pp. 355-368). New York: Routledge.The objective of this chapter is to create an understanding of the importance of open source software and open standards (OSS/OS) for e-learning research. Open source is a fundamental new way to develop software, and open standards are needed to make software components work together. It is argued that OSS and OS can improve the convergence of knowledge in the e-learning field, improve the general quality and interoperability of e-learning applications, and improve collaboration between researchers and users. All of these are beneficial and necessary requirements for e-learning research. After a general introduction into basic OSS and OS concepts, the following questions will be answered: a) How does OSS/OS facilitate the technological activities of the researchers in terms of methodology, collaboration and dissemination of results? b) How does OSS/OS facilitate the development of technological knowledge in the field? c) How does OSS/OS facilitate the development of technological artifacts in the field? The development and use of the open standard “IMS Learning Design” (a formal design language for online courses), and the open source applications that are developed to run and present IMS Learning Design courses will be used as an example to demonstrate the use of OSS/OS in e-learning research. In the concluding section we provide some practical information for researchers how to get involved in OSS and OS and how to use it in e-learning research

    Creating a performance-oriented e-learning environment: A design science approach

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    E-learning is now being used by many organizations as an approach for enhancing the skills of knowledge workers. However, most applications have performed poorly in motivating employee learning, being perceived as less effective due to a lack of alignment of learning with work performance. To help solve this problem, we developed a performance-oriented approach using design science research methods. It uses performance measurement to clarify organizational goals and individual learning needs and links them to e-learning applications. The key concept lies in a Key Performance Indicator model, where organizational mission and vision are translated into a set of targets that drive learning towards a goal of improving work performance. We explored the mechanisms needed to utilize our approach and examined the necessary conceptual framework and implementation details. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach, a prototype workplace e-learning system was developed and used to evaluate the effectiveness of our approach. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.postprin

    EAOnto: a heavyweight ontology for supporting e-assessment generation

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    Different approaches that use ontology as a tool for generating, organizing and personalizing e-learning content can be found in literature. In the context of e-assessment, the notion of ontology has been used for different purposes. One of them is the use of ontologies as a mean of providing a structure to guide the automated design of assessments. Despite of the effort done in this direction, there is still a lot of work to be done since the most of the approaches have proposed lightweight ontologies that model a part of the assessment domain without considering pedagogical aspects. This paper presents a heavyweight ontology, called EAOnto, that conceptualizes the e-assessment domain including a set of rules representing pedagogical principles that are worth to follow. In addition, an empirical evaluation is discussed.Eje: Workshop Tecnología informática aplicada en educación (WTIAE)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI