2,931 research outputs found

    An online synchronous test for professional interpreters

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    This article is based on an experiment designed to conduct an interpreting test for multiple candidates online, using web-based synchronous cyber classrooms. The test model was based on the accreditation test for Professional Interpreters produced by the National Accreditation Authority of Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) in Australia. Specifically, the test involved interpreting-specific components such as dialogue interpreting, sight translation, and consecutive interpreting, as well as non-interpreting-specific components such as questions on ethical issues. The test was conducted live synchronously and concurrently with multiple candidates – i.e., all candidates were tested in their own locations at the same time. The result of the experiment indicates the potential and feasibility of conducting interpreting tests online using the specific technology of synchronous cyber classrooms. However, there are also a number of constraints when compared to conventional face-to-face tests. There is a need for further studies on how to effectively apply this kind of technology to conduct interpreting tests for multiple candidates online in synchronous mode and without the constraints identified in this research

    Should Interpreters Be Trained and Tested in Telephone and Video-Link Interpreting? Responses from Practitioners and Examiners

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    This article focuses on the use of telephone and video-link technology in interpreting, presenting data from current research as well as from surveys conducted with practicing interpreters and examiners. The surveys asked interpreters to report on their own experiences using such technologies and asked examiners for their impressions of the technologies’ suitability as components of training and testing for certification. Technological advances in the means of audio and audiovisual communication are now being trialed in interpreted interactions, but most research reveals that increased use of technology accompanies rather than forms a part of the interlingual transfer. Responses from two groups of interpreters—practitioners and examiners—show widespread support for telephone and video-link interpreting to form components of training and certification testing, as these two communication channels become more popular with mediators (interpreting agencies) and end-users of interpreting services. The author synthesizes and presents these responses and recommends guidelines for training and testing

    Mentoring in the Department of Access Services at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf

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    Computer-Assisted Interpreting Technologies and Interpreter Cognition : a Product and Process-Oriented Perspective

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    Research on technology-enabled and technology-mediated interpreting to date has taken a largely product-oriented approach to understand the role of technology during interpreting. In response to calls for additional empirical research on the intersection of interpreting, technology, and cognition, this article argues for the inclusion of process-oriented research and outlines several areas of potential investigation.Hasta el momento, la investigación sobre la interpretación asistida y mediada por tecnología ha adoptado un enfoque centrado principalmente en la interpretación como producto para entender el papel de la tecnología durante esta actividad. En respuesta a la llamada de investigación empírica adicional sobre las intersecciones entre interpretación, tecnología y cognición, este articulo aboga por la inclusión de investigación orientada hacia el proceso de la interpretación e identifica unas áreas de investigación de posible interés.Fins ara, la recerca sobre la interpretació assistida i intercedida per la tecnologia ha adoptat un enfocament centrat principalment en el producte per tal d'entendre el paper de la tecnologia durant l'exercici de la interpretació. A fi de respondre a la necessitat d'una recerca empírica addicional sobre la intersecció entre la interpretació, la tecnologia i la cognició, aquest article posa de manifest la necessitat d'incloure una recerca orientada al procés de la interpretació i determina diverses àrees de recerca de possible interès

    VITAL: Virtual Interpreting Training and Learning

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    This paper describes a distance learning solution for the training of medical interpreters: the Virtual Interpreting Training and Learning (VITAL) Program. VITAL was developed to offer an effective, efficient, and scalable learning alternative to conventional models. The main objective of VITAL is to increase the pool of trained medical interpreters, while providing the same quality of training as in-person programs. Currently, VITAL is used in training bilingual (i.e., English and Spanish) individuals to perform as medical interpreters. An expanded pool of trained medical interpreters will ultimately lead to enhanced communication between providers and their patients and reduce the occurrence of medical errors

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    LEARNING ALONE, PRACTICING TOGETHER: A Case Study Exploring the Flipped Classroom to Improve Interpreter Education

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    Flipped classrooms may provide interpreter training programs with an alternative to the traditional classroom while also improving their hands-on, practical interpreting skills by way of experiential learning. This study was designed to provide a framework in the examination of a flipped classroom approach applied to interpreter education. An exploratory case study was conducted to gather data regarding the experiences of implementing a flipped classroom in a community college ASL/English interpreter education program. Surveys, interviews, and a classroom observation were carried out to obtain the entirety of the experiences of both students and instructors with the implementation of the flipped classroom approach. Results of this study suggest that using the flipped classroom approach in combination with the flipped learning method was a viable teaching strategy when applied to interpreter education. The data illustrated how the flipped classroom structure afforded students the time and practice needed to continue developing their practical interpreting skills. The results provided more information on user experiences, application of a flipped classroom or flipped learning method, and the strategies employed during the transition period. Recommendations are given for faculty who aim to implement this approach in their interpreter education

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    An Exploration of the Experiences of Educational Interpreters in Missouri

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    With the increasing number of deaf or hard of hearing students being educated in their home district since the passage of PL 94-142, the state of Missouri has established several policies regarding the qualifications of interpreters working in the K-12 setting. Missouri has also had a few initiatives to provide training to interpreters working in the educational setting. Since the 1990’s, there has been little research into the interpreters’ experiences in Missouri and the challenges they face. The results of this research can provide stakeholders with data that may be used to influence future program and policy decisions. The data provides information on the approximate number of interpreters working in the K-12 setting in Missouri, what certification and educational backgrounds they possess, and what education/training they are interested in pursuing and how they would like to receive it
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