5 research outputs found

    A report on a software prototype which utilises an innovative approach to reducing opportunities for plagiarism

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    There is increasing concern over student plagiarism in institutions of Higher Education and concomitant interest in appropriate ways to deal with it. Experience from the criminal justice domain suggests that to reduce the opportunity for crime to occur produces more success in crime reduction than does increased crime detection. Factors from dealing with crime prevention are examined and used to draw up a set of criteria by which to judge computerised assessment tools. A distinction is made between the prevention and avoidance of plagiarism and applied to the criteria. The paradigm offered by paper-based traditional assessment, the same assessment is taken by all students, is rejected as not appropriate for computer generated assessments aimed at avoiding plagiarism. It is argued that technology permits the dynamic production of unique instruments of assessment, at the point of assessment, for each individual student. The software presented provides a tool which presents each student with a unique assessment. Examples of the software prototype screen shots are discussed and future developments outlined

    Automatic Grading of Programming Assignments

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    Solving practical problems is one of the important aspects of learning programming languages. But the assessment of programming problems is not straightforward. It involves time consuming and tedious steps required to compile and test the solution. In this project, I have developed a online tool, Javabrat that allows the students and language learners to practice Java and Scala problems. Javabrat automatically assesses the user\u27s program and provides the instant feedback to the user. The users can also contribute their own programming problems to the existing problem set. I have also developed a plugin for a learning management system, Moodle. This plugin allows the instructors to create the Java programming assignments in Moodle. The Moodle plugin also facilitates automatic grading of the Java problems


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    This research describes an adaptive online quiz system that can be utilized as an extension of content management system. With ‘adaptive’ capability, quizzes become more personalized as the question presented are specifically model or designed for students according to their level of proficiency. With this, student will get to know their strength and weaknesses in their study as they will not move to a higher level of difficulty if they fail to score a certain rate. A comparative study among the current adaptive systems is done to identify the adaptive components that they applied, the techniques to implement the adaptive components and also the available features. This Web-based quiz system is an adaptive quiz system for student self-assessment with three main components: Student Model, Domain Model and Adaptation Model. Student model describes the student’s knowledge, domain model represents the teaching domain or the representation of the student model, while adaptation model consists of a set of rules that defines the user’s action. The Stereotypes and Overlay Model techniques are applied to model the student’s knowledge, the Semantic Network is applied to model the Domain Knowledge and the ‘IF-THEN’ rules is applied to model the Adaptation Model. Development of the system using the method of system development life cycle with object-oriented approach. The results of this research is an extension for content management system that can be used as a system of student assessment based on skills, knowledge and preferences of each student Keywords : online quiz, adaptive, student model, domain model, adaptation model, extension, content management syste

    Çevrimiçi Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Sistemlerinin Gerçekleşen Kullanımını Belirleyici Faktörler: Bir Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi (YEM) Çalışması

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    E-Learning has been an emerging topic for education world for two decades, and due to this fact; it has been analyzed with all of its dimensions and factors. However, the evaluation and assessment issues of e-learning can be assumed as untouched especially in students’ perspective. Evaluation and assessment concepts of students’ cognitive, affective and behavioral domains have a lot of variables that affect each other. In this study, predictors of students’ actual usage of online education systems and their relations are designed as a new theoretical framework, and analyzed by applying Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis. For this analysis, an online questionnaire is applied to the students who have been using a uniquely designed online evaluation and assessment system (OEAS) for five years in a governmental high school. As a result of the study, “self-efficacy” and “user interface design” are found as significantly effective on “perceived ease of use”, while “self-efficacy” and “perceived ease of use” have significant influence on “perceived usefulness”. In addition, it is found that actual usage of online evaluation and assessment system is directly and significantly affected from “perceived usefulness”, “technical support” and “service quality”. To sum up, the conclusions of the study, in students’ perspective, are advisable for the educational technologists.Son yirmi yıldır e-öğrenme eğitim dünyası için yükselen bir eğilimdir ve bundan dolayı bütün boyutları ve faktörleri ile analiz edilmektedir. Buna karşın, e-öğrenmenin ölçme ve değerlendirme kısımları, özellikle öğrenci bakış açısından, el değmemiş alanlar olarak kabul edilebilir. Öğrencilerin bilişsel, duyuşsal ve davranışsal düzeylerdeki ölçülmesi ve değerlendirilmesi kavramları birbirini etkileyen birçok değişkene sahiptir. Bu çalışmada, öğrencilerin çevrimiçi eğitim sistemlerini kullanımlarının belirleyici faktörleri ve bunların arasındaki ilişkilerin oluşturduğu yeni bir kuramsal çerçeve tasarlanmış ve Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi (YEM) uygulanarak analiz edilmiştir. Bu analiz için, bir devlet lisesinde özgün tasarımlı bir Çevrimiçi Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Sistemi’ni (ÇÖDS) beş yıldır kullanan öğrencilere bir çevrimiçi anket uygulanmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda, “öz-yeterlilik” ve “algılanan kullanım kolaylığının”, “algılanan kullanışlılık” üstünde anlamlı etkisi varken, “öz-yeterlilik” ve “kullanıcı arayüzü tasarımının” da “algılanan kullanım kolaylığı” üzerinde anlamlı olarak etkili olduğu bulunmuştur. Buna ek olarak, çevrimiçi ölçme ve değerlendirme sisteminin “gerçekleşen kullanımının”, “algılanan kullanışlılık”, “teknik destek” ve “servis kalitesinden” doğrudan ve anlamlı olarak etkilendiği görülmüştür. Özetle, çalışmanın sonuçları, eğitim teknoloji uzmanları için öğrencilerin bakış açısından önemli bir tavsiye niteliğindedir

    Abstract An Online Programming Assessment Tool

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    The role of assessment in modern university curricula has become far more diverse and open to scrutiny in recent years. Although its most significant role is as a measure of a student's knowledge and skills, the role as a learning device has become increasingly important and as a consequence informative and useful feed back is critical to achieve good learning outcomes This paper describes a tool that provides a self-contained, easy to use, programming environment that facilitates the development, testing and marking of programming tasks in addition to the presentation and marking of "standard" examination questions. The tool takes responsibility for many of the tasks that program development normally requires so that the student can focus on the task of writing program source code. It has been used in a Java programming topic for two consecutive years