795 research outputs found

    Recognizing Degraded Handwritten Characters

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    In this paper, Slavonic manuscripts from the 11th century written in Glagolitic script are investigated. State-of-the-art optical character recognition methods produce poor results for degraded handwritten document images. This is largely due to a lack of suitable results from basic pre-processing steps such as binarization and image segmentation. Therefore, a new, binarization-free approach will be presented that is independent of pre-processing deficiencies. It additionally incorporates local information in order to recognize also fragmented or faded characters. The proposed algorithm consists of two steps: character classification and character localization. Firstly scale invariant feature transform features are extracted and classified using support vector machines. On this basis interest points are clustered according to their spatial information. Then, characters are localized and eventually recognized by a weighted voting scheme of pre-classified local descriptors. Preliminary results show that the proposed system can handle highly degraded manuscript images with background noise, e.g. stains, tears, and faded characters

    Digitisation Processing and Recognition of Old Greek Manuscipts (the D-SCRIBE Project)

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    After many years of scholar study, manuscript collections continue to be an important source of novel information for scholars, concerning both the history of earlier times as well as the development of cultural documentation over the centuries. D-SCRIBE project aims to support and facilitate current and future efforts in manuscript digitization and processing. It strives toward the creation of a comprehensive software product, which can assist the content holders in turning an archive of manuscripts into a digital collection using automated methods. In this paper, we focus on the problem of recognizing early Christian Greek manuscripts. We propose a novel digital image binarization scheme for low quality historical documents allowing further content exploitation in an efficient way. Based on the existence of closed cavity regions in the majority of characters and character ligatures in these scripts, we propose a novel, segmentation-free, fast and efficient technique that assists the recognition procedure by tracing and recognizing the most frequently appearing characters or character ligatures

    Approaches Used to Recognise and Decipher Ancient Inscriptions: A Review

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    Inscriptions play a vital role in historical studies. In order to boost tourism and academic necessities, archaeological experts, epigraphers and researchers recognised and deciphered a great number of inscriptions using numerous approaches. Due to the technological revolution and inefficiencies of manual methods, humans tend to use automated systems. Hence, computational archaeology plays an important role in the current era. Even though different types of research are conducted in this domain, it still poses a big challenge and needs more accurate and efficient methods. This paper presents a review of manual and computational approaches used to recognise and decipher ancient inscriptions.Keywords: ancient inscriptions, computational archaeology, decipher, script

    A software tool for searching in binary text images

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    In this paper we present a software tool for searching word images in scanned text documents. We consider that the document pages are represented as files in tif, jpg, gif, png, bmp and other graphic file formats. Our experiments prove the efficiency of the proposed approach and show that such type of searching can be successful. Examples of using various languages are presented. Our software is user oriented and can be applied to any collection of scanned documents

    Reconocimiento de notación matemática escrita a mano fuera de línea

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    El reconocimiento automático de expresiones matemáticas es uno de los problemas de reconocimiento de patrones, debido a que las matemáticas representan una fuente valiosa de información en muchos a ́reas de investigación. La escritura de expresiones matemáticas a mano es un medio de comunicación utilizado para la transmisión de información y conocimiento, con la cual se pueden generar de una manera sencilla escritos que contienen notación matemática. Este proceso puede volverse tedioso al ser escrito en lenguaje de composición tipográfica que pueda ser procesada por una computadora, tales como LATEX, MathML, entre otros. En los sistemas de reconocimiento de expresiones matem ́aticas existen dos m ́etodos diferentes a saber: fuera de l ́ınea y en l ́ınea. En esta tesis, se estudia el desempen ̃o de un sistema fuera de l ́ınea en donde se describen los pasos b ́asicos para lograr una mejor precisio ́n en el reconocimiento, las cuales esta ́n divididas en dos pasos principales: recono- cimiento de los s ́ımbolos de las ecuaciones matema ́ticas y el ana ́lisis de la estructura en que est ́an compuestos. Con el fin de convertir una expresi ́on matema ́tica escrita a mano en una expresio ́n equivalente en un sistema de procesador de texto, tal como TEX