4,046 research outputs found

    Vector Associative Maps: Unsupervised Real-time Error-based Learning and Control of Movement Trajectories

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    This article describes neural network models for adaptive control of arm movement trajectories during visually guided reaching and, more generally, a framework for unsupervised real-time error-based learning. The models clarify how a child, or untrained robot, can learn to reach for objects that it sees. Piaget has provided basic insights with his concept of a circular reaction: As an infant makes internally generated movements of its hand, the eyes automatically follow this motion. A transformation is learned between the visual representation of hand position and the motor representation of hand position. Learning of this transformation eventually enables the child to accurately reach for visually detected targets. Grossberg and Kuperstein have shown how the eye movement system can use visual error signals to correct movement parameters via cerebellar learning. Here it is shown how endogenously generated arm movements lead to adaptive tuning of arm control parameters. These movements also activate the target position representations that are used to learn the visuo-motor transformation that controls visually guided reaching. The AVITE model presented here is an adaptive neural circuit based on the Vector Integration to Endpoint (VITE) model for arm and speech trajectory generation of Bullock and Grossberg. In the VITE model, a Target Position Command (TPC) represents the location of the desired target. The Present Position Command (PPC) encodes the present hand-arm configuration. The Difference Vector (DV) population continuously.computes the difference between the PPC and the TPC. A speed-controlling GO signal multiplies DV output. The PPC integrates the (DV)·(GO) product and generates an outflow command to the arm. Integration at the PPC continues at a rate dependent on GO signal size until the DV reaches zero, at which time the PPC equals the TPC. The AVITE model explains how self-consistent TPC and PPC coordinates are autonomously generated and learned. Learning of AVITE parameters is regulated by activation of a self-regulating Endogenous Random Generator (ERG) of training vectors. Each vector is integrated at the PPC, giving rise to a movement command. The generation of each vector induces a complementary postural phase during which ERG output stops and learning occurs. Then a new vector is generated and the cycle is repeated. This cyclic, biphasic behavior is controlled by a specialized gated dipole circuit. ERG output autonomously stops in such a way that, across trials, a broad sample of workspace target positions is generated. When the ERG shuts off, a modulator gate opens, copying the PPC into the TPC. Learning of a transformation from TPC to PPC occurs using the DV as an error signal that is zeroed due to learning. This learning scheme is called a Vector Associative Map, or VAM. The VAM model is a general-purpose device for autonomous real-time error-based learning and performance of associative maps. The DV stage serves the dual function of reading out new TPCs during performance and reading in new adaptive weights during learning, without a disruption of real-time operation. YAMs thus provide an on-line unsupervised alternative to the off-line properties of supervised error-correction learning algorithms. YAMs and VAM cascades for learning motor-to-motor and spatial-to-motor maps are described. YAM models and Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) models exhibit complementary matching, learning, and performance properties that together provide a foundation for designing a total sensory-cognitive and cognitive-motor autonomous system.National Science Foundation (IRI-87-16960, IRI-87-6960); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (90-0175); Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (90-0083

    v. 37, no. 25, May, 12, 1972

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    How Laminar Frontal Cortex and Basal Ganglia Circuits Interact to Control Planned and Reactive Saccades

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    The basal ganglia and frontal cortex together allow animals to learn adaptive responses that acquire rewards when prepotent reflexive responses are insufficient. Anatomical studies show a rich pattern of interactions between the basal ganglia and distinct frontal cortical layers. Analysis of the laminar circuitry of the frontal cortex, together with its interactions with the basal ganglia, motor thalamus, superior colliculus, and inferotemporal and parietal cortices, provides new insight into how these brain regions interact to learn and perform complexly conditioned behaviors. A neural model whose cortical component represents the frontal eye fields captures these interacting circuits. Simulations of the neural model illustrate how it provides a functional explanation of the dynamics of 17 physiologically identified cell types found in these areas. The model predicts how action planning or priming (in cortical layers III and VI) is dissociated from execution (in layer V), how a cue may serve either as a movement target or as a discriminative cue to move elsewhere, and how the basal ganglia help choose among competing actions. The model simulates neurophysiological, anatomical, and behavioral data about how monkeys perform saccadic eye movement tasks, including fixation; single saccade, overlap, gap, and memory-guided saccades; anti-saccades; and parallel search among distractors.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-l-0409, N00014-92-J-1309, N00014-95-1-0657); National Science Foundation (IRI-97-20333)

    Saccade learning with concurrent cortical and subcortical basal ganglia loops

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    The Basal Ganglia is a central structure involved in multiple cortical and subcortical loops. Some of these loops are believed to be responsible for saccade target selection. We study here how the very specific structural relationships of these saccadic loops can affect the ability of learning spatial and feature-based tasks. We propose a model of saccade generation with reinforcement learning capabilities based on our previous basal ganglia and superior colliculus models. It is structured around the interactions of two parallel cortico-basal loops and one tecto-basal loop. The two cortical loops separately deal with spatial and non-spatial information to select targets in a concurrent way. The subcortical loop is used to make the final target selection leading to the production of the saccade. These different loops may work in concert or disturb each other regarding reward maximization. Interactions between these loops and their learning capabilities are tested on different saccade tasks. The results show the ability of this model to correctly learn basic target selection based on different criteria (spatial or not). Moreover the model reproduces and explains training dependent express saccades toward targets based on a spatial criterion. Finally, the model predicts that in absence of prefrontal control, the spatial loop should dominate

    An accurate, trimless, high PSRR, low-voltage, CMOS bandgap reference IC

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    Bandgap reference circuits are used in a host of analog, digital, and mixed-signal systems to establish an accurate voltage standard for the entire IC. The accuracy of the bandgap reference voltage under steady-state (dc) and transient (ac) conditions is critical to obtain high system performance. In this work, the impact of process, power-supply, load, and temperature variations and package stresses on the dc and ac accuracy of bandgap reference circuits has been analyzed. Based on this analysis, the a bandgap reference that 1. has high dc accuracy despite process and temperature variations and package stresses, without resorting to expensive trimming or noisy switching schemes, 2. has high dc and ac accuracy despite power-supply variations, without using large off-chip capacitors that increase bill-of-material costs, 3. has high dc and ac accuracy despite load variations, without resorting to error-inducing buffers, 4. is capable of producing a sub-bandgap reference voltage with a low power-supply, to enable it to operate in modern, battery-operated portable applications, 5. utilizes a standard CMOS process, to lower manufacturing costs, and 6. is integrated, to consume less board space has been proposed. The functionality of critical components of the system has been verified through prototypes after which the performance of the complete system has been evaluated by integrating all the individual components on an IC. The proposed CMOS bandgap reference can withstand 5mA of load variations while generating a reference voltage of 890mV that is accurate with respect to temperature to the first order. It exhibits a trimless, dc 3-sigma accuracy performance of 0.84% over a temperature range of -40°C to 125°C and has a worst case ac power-supply ripple rejection (PSRR) performance of 30dB up to 50MHz using 60pF of on-chip capacitance. All the proposed techniques lead to the development of a CMOS bandgap reference that meets the low-cost, high-accuracy demands of state-of-the-art System-on-Chip environments.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Rincon-Mora, Gabriel; Committee Member: Ayazi, Farrokh; Committee Member: Bhatti, Pamela; Committee Member: Leach, W. Marshall; Committee Member: Morley, Thoma

    Single-chip CMOS tracking image sensor for a complex target

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    The Cord Weekly (January 31, 1969)

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    The Cord Weekly (October 26, 1994)

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    The Cowl -v.32 - n.18 - Mar 19, 1980

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    The Cowl - student newspaper of Providence College. Volume 32 – March 19, 1980. 12 pages