6 research outputs found

    The usefulness of online questionnaire system among students in higher learning institution

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    Questionnaires are used in a wide range of settings to gather information about the views and behavior of individuals to inform people about the specific issues. Feedbacks of the questionnaires are used by the researcher to find an accurate result with supporting of statistical analysis functionalities. However, the resulting from the questionnaire is lack supported by the analyzing functionality.In addition, the overall trends and the performance of each question are analyzed by using the offline equations of the statistics analysis.This research focuses on the development of the questionnaire system by focusing on the ‘built-in' statistical analysis functionalities to facilitate as a test bed. The Online Questionnaire System (OQS) is developed in order to reduce loss of papers, time and effort.The general design methodology is represented by using Unified Model Language (UML). 29 students from higher learning institutions has been selected as a respondents to evaluated this system based on the usability and flexibility of the system.Mostly 44.8% persons very agree that the statistical analysis functions in Online Questionnaire website need to be implemented

    Analyzing Functionalities for Online Questionnaire System (OQS)

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    In these days, and after the rapid development of information systems make the researchers are looking an easy and automate way to analysis a data collection in a questionnaire that enables researchers to obtain the results quickly instead of using manual way. Questionnaires are used in a wide range of settings to gather information about the views and behavior of individuals to inform people about the specific issues. Feedbacks of the questionnaires are used by the researcher to find an accurate result with supporting of statistical analysis functionalities. In addition, there is a strong relationship between questionnaire and research, which is questionnaire the most important phase in research activities. Consequently, this project focuses on the development of the questionnaire system by focusing on the 'built-in' statistical analysis functionalities to facilitate and support the researcher’s tasks. The Online Questionnaire System is developed in order to reduce loss of papers, time and effort. The general design methodology is represented by using Unify model language (UML). Moreover, the system has been tested based on usability and flexibility and evaluated by using questionnaires that answered by the students. A percentage of 55.2% percent and 44.8% percent answered useful and very useful respectively of the proposed model. As a conclusion it is found the respondents agree with use statistical analysis functions in Online Questionnaire website

    A Review on Web Application Testing and its Current Research Directions

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    Testing is an important part of every software development process on which companies devote considerable time and effort. The burgeoning web applications and their proliferating economic significance in the society made the area of web application testing an area of acute importance. The web applications generally tend to take faster and quicker release cycles making their testing very challenging. The main issues in testing are cost efficiency and bug detection efficiency. Coverage-based   testing is the process of ensuring exercise of specific program elements. Coverage measurement helps determine the “thoroughness” of testing achieved. An avalanche of tools, techniques, frameworks came into existence to ascertain the quality of web applications.  A comparative study of some of the prominent tools, techniques and models for web application testing is presented. This work highlights the current research directions of some of the web application testing techniques

    Web uygulamaları için model bazlı test süreci otomasyonu

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    Yazılım sistemlerinin boyutları ve karmaşıklıkları arttıkça, bu sistemlerin test edilmesi daha maliyetli olmaktadır. Maliyeti düşürmek ve verimliliği artırmak için model bazlı test teknikleri geliştirilmiştir. Bu teknikler ile sistem kullanım modelinden otomatik olarak test senaryoları oluşturulabilmektedir. Fakat sistem modelinin manuel bir şekilde oluşturulması gerekmektedir. Ayrıca, model ile oluşturulan test senaryolarının sistem üzerinde otomatik çalıştırılmalarını sağlamak için betikler veya özel programlar geliştirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Web uygulamaları için model bazlı test sürecini otomasyon desteği ile iyileştirmekteyiz. Farklı araçları birleştirerek, sistem modelinin yarı-otomatik bir yöntem ile oluşturulmasını ve bu model ile oluşturulan test senaryolarının, ayrı bir program geliştirilmesine gerek olmaksızın, sistem üzerinde otomatik çalıştırılmalarını sağlamaktayız

    Test des applications WEB : modélisation et génération de séquences de test basées sur le contrôle

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    Utilizing Output in Web Application Server-Side Testing

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    This thesis investigates the utilization of web application output in enhancing automated server-side code testing. The server-side code is the main driving force of a web application generating client-side code, maintaining the state and communicating with back-end resources. The output observed in those elements provides a valuable resource that can potentially enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of automated testing. The thesis aims to explore the use of this output in test data generation, test sequence regeneration, augmentation and test case selection. This thesis also addresses the web-specific challenges faced when applying search based test data generation algorithms to web applications and dataflow analysis of state variables to test sequence regeneration. The thesis presents three tools and four empirical studies to implement and evaluate the proposed approaches: SWAT (Search based Web Application Tester) is a first application of search based test data generation algorithms for web applications. It uses values dynamically mined from the intermediate and the client-side output to enhance the search based algorithm. SART (State Aware Regeneration Tool) uses dataflow analysis of state variables, session state and database tables, and their values to regenerate new sequences from existing sequences. SWAT-U (SWAT-Uniqueness) augments test suites with test cases that produce outputs not observed in the original test suite’s output. Finally, the thesis presents an empirical study of the correlation between new output based test selection criteria and fault detection and structural coverage. The results confirm that using the output does indeed enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of search based test data generation and enhances test suites’ effectiveness for test sequence regeneration and augmentation. The results also report that output uniqueness criteria are strongly correlated with both fault detection and structural coverage and are complementary to structural coverage