63,378 research outputs found

    Object detection and activity recognition in digital image and video libraries

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    This thesis is a comprehensive study of object-based image and video retrieval, specifically for car and human detection and activity recognition purposes. The thesis focuses on the problem of connecting low level features to high level semantics by developing relational object and activity presentations. With the rapid growth of multimedia information in forms of digital image and video libraries, there is an increasing need for intelligent database management tools. The traditional text based query systems based on manual annotation process are impractical for today\u27s large libraries requiring an efficient information retrieval system. For this purpose, a hierarchical information retrieval system is proposed where shape, color and motion characteristics of objects of interest are captured in compressed and uncompressed domains. The proposed retrieval method provides object detection and activity recognition at different resolution levels from low complexity to low false rates. The thesis first examines extraction of low level features from images and videos using intensity, color and motion of pixels and blocks. Local consistency based on these features and geometrical characteristics of the regions is used to group object parts. The problem of managing the segmentation process is solved by a new approach that uses object based knowledge in order to group the regions according to a global consistency. A new model-based segmentation algorithm is introduced that uses a feedback from relational representation of the object. The selected unary and binary attributes are further extended for application specific algorithms. Object detection is achieved by matching the relational graphs of objects with the reference model. The major advantages of the algorithm can be summarized as improving the object extraction by reducing the dependence on the low level segmentation process and combining the boundary and region properties. The thesis then addresses the problem of object detection and activity recognition in compressed domain in order to reduce computational complexity. New algorithms for object detection and activity recognition in JPEG images and MPEG videos are developed. It is shown that significant information can be obtained from the compressed domain in order to connect to high level semantics. Since our aim is to retrieve information from images and videos compressed using standard algorithms such as JPEG and MPEG, our approach differentiates from previous compressed domain object detection techniques where the compression algorithms are governed by characteristics of object of interest to be retrieved. An algorithm is developed using the principal component analysis of MPEG motion vectors to detect the human activities; namely, walking, running, and kicking. Object detection in JPEG compressed still images and MPEG I frames is achieved by using DC-DCT coefficients of the luminance and chrominance values in the graph based object detection algorithm. The thesis finally addresses the problem of object detection in lower resolution and monochrome images. Specifically, it is demonstrated that the structural information of human silhouettes can be captured from AC-DCT coefficients

    Object Duplicate Detection

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    With the technological evolution of digital acquisition and storage technologies, millions of images and video sequences are captured every day and shared in online services. One way of exploring this huge volume of images and videos is through searching a particular object depicted in images or videos by making use of object duplicate detection. Therefore, need of research on object duplicate detection is validated by several image and video retrieval applications, such as tag propagation, augmented reality, surveillance, mobile visual search, and television statistic measurement. Object duplicate detection is detecting visually same or very similar object to a query. Input is not restricted to an image, it can be several images from an object or even it can be a video. This dissertation describes the author's contribution to solve problems on object duplicate detection in computer vision. A novel graph-based approach is introduced for 2D and 3D object duplicate detection in still images. Graph model is used to represent the 3D spatial information of the object based on the local features extracted from training images so that an explicit and complex 3D object modeling is avoided. Therefore, improved performance can be achieved in comparison to existing methods in terms of both robustness and computational complexity. Our method is shown to be robust in detecting the same objects even when images containing the objects are taken from very different viewpoints or distances. Furthermore, we apply our object duplicate detection method to video, where the training images are added iteratively to the video sequence in order to compensate for 3D view variations, illumination changes and partial occlusions. Finally, we show several mobile applications for object duplicate detection, such as object recognition based museum guide, money recognition or flower recognition. General object duplicate detection may fail to detection chess figures, however considering context, like chess board position and height of the chess figure, detection can be more accurate. We show that user interaction further improves image retrieval compared to pure content-based methods through a game, called Epitome

    Digital Image Access & Retrieval

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    The 33th Annual Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, held at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in March of 1996, addressed the theme of "Digital Image Access & Retrieval." The papers from this conference cover a wide range of topics concerning digital imaging technology for visual resource collections. Papers covered three general areas: (1) systems, planning, and implementation; (2) automatic and semi-automatic indexing; and (3) preservation with the bulk of the conference focusing on indexing and retrieval.published or submitted for publicatio

    An MPEG-7 scheme for semantic content modelling and filtering of digital video

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    Abstract Part 5 of the MPEG-7 standard specifies Multimedia Description Schemes (MDS); that is, the format multimedia content models should conform to in order to ensure interoperability across multiple platforms and applications. However, the standard does not specify how the content or the associated model may be filtered. This paper proposes an MPEG-7 scheme which can be deployed for digital video content modelling and filtering. The proposed scheme, COSMOS-7, produces rich and multi-faceted semantic content models and supports a content-based filtering approach that only analyses content relating directly to the preferred content requirements of the user. We present details of the scheme, front-end systems used for content modelling and filtering and experiences with a number of users

    Advanced content-based semantic scene analysis and information retrieval: the SCHEMA project

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    The aim of the SCHEMA Network of Excellence is to bring together a critical mass of universities, research centers, industrial partners and end users, in order to design a reference system for content-based semantic scene analysis, interpretation and understanding. Relevant research areas include: content-based multimedia analysis and automatic annotation of semantic multimedia content, combined textual and multimedia information retrieval, semantic -web, MPEG-7 and MPEG-21 standards, user interfaces and human factors. In this paper, recent advances in content-based analysis, indexing and retrieval of digital media within the SCHEMA Network are presented. These advances will be integrated in the SCHEMA module-based, expandable reference system

    Visual Information Retrieval in Digital Libraries

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    The emergence of information highways and multimedia computing has resulted in redefining the concept of libraries. It is widely believed that in the next few years, a significant portion of information in libraries will be in the form of multimedia electronic documents. Many approaches are being proposed for storing, retrieving, assimilating, harvesting, and prospecting information from these multimedia documents. Digital libraries are expected to allow users to access information independent of the locations and types of data sources and will provide a unified picture of information. In this paper, we discuss requirements of these emerging information systems and present query methods and data models for these systems. Finally, we briefly present a few examples of approaches that provide a preview of how things will be done in the digital libraries in the near future.published or submitted for publicatio

    Using video objects and relevance feedback in video retrieval

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    Video retrieval is mostly based on using text from dialogue and this remains the most signi¯cant component, despite progress in other aspects. One problem with this is when a searcher wants to locate video based on what is appearing in the video rather than what is being spoken about. Alternatives such as automatically-detected features and image-based keyframe matching can be used, though these still need further improvement in quality. One other modality for video retrieval is based on segmenting objects from video and allowing end users to use these as part of querying. This uses similarity between query objects and objects from video, and in theory allows retrieval based on what is actually appearing on-screen. The main hurdles to greater use of this are the overhead of object segmentation on large amounts of video and the issue of whether we can actually achieve effective object-based retrieval. We describe a system to support object-based video retrieval where a user selects example video objects as part of the query. During a search a user builds up a set of these which are matched against objects previously segmented from a video library. This match is based on MPEG-7 Dominant Colour, Shape Compaction and Texture Browsing descriptors. We use a user-driven semi-automated segmentation process to segment the video archive which is very accurate and is faster than conventional video annotation

    Multimedia information technology and the annotation of video

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    The state of the art in multimedia information technology has not progressed to the point where a single solution is available to meet all reasonable needs of documentalists and users of video archives. In general, we do not have an optimistic view of the usability of new technology in this domain, but digitization and digital power can be expected to cause a small revolution in the area of video archiving. The volume of data leads to two views of the future: on the pessimistic side, overload of data will cause lack of annotation capacity, and on the optimistic side, there will be enough data from which to learn selected concepts that can be deployed to support automatic annotation. At the threshold of this interesting era, we make an attempt to describe the state of the art in technology. We sample the progress in text, sound, and image processing, as well as in machine learning

    User-interface to a CCTV video search system

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    The proliferation of CCTV surveillance systems creates a problem of how to effectively navigate and search the resulting video archive, in a variety of security scenarios. We are concerned here with a situation where a searcher must locate all occurrences of a given person or object within a specified timeframe and with constraints on which camera(s) footage is valid to search. Conventional approaches based on browsing time/camera based combinations are inadequate. We advocate using automatically detected video objects as a basis for search, linking and browsing. In this paper we present a system under development based on users interacting with detected video objects. We outline the suite of technologies needed to achieve such a system and for each we describe where we are in terms of realizing those technologies. We also present a system interface to this system, designed with user needs and user tasks in mind