4 research outputs found

    Improved stereo matching algorithm based on census transform and dynamic histogram cost computation

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    Stereo matching is a significant subject in the stereo vision algorithm. Traditional taxonomy composition consists of several issues in the stereo correspondences process such as radiometric distortion, discontinuity, and low accuracy at the low texture regions. This new taxonomy improves the local method of stereo matching algorithm based on the dynamic cost computation for disparity map measurement. This method utilised modified dynamic cost computation in the matching cost stage. A modified Census Transform with dynamic histogram is used to provide the cost volume. An adaptive bilateral filtering is applied to retain the image depth and edge information in the cost aggregation stage. A Winner Takes All (WTA) optimisation is applied in the disparity selection and a left-right check with an adaptive bilateral median filtering are employed for final refinement. Based on the dataset of standard Middlebury, the taxonomy has better accuracy and outperformed several other state-of-the-art algorithms

    Converged Classification Network For Matching Cost Computation

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    Stereoscopic vision lets us identify the world around us in 3D by incorporating data from depth signals into a clear visual model of the world. The stereo matching algorithm capable of producing the disparity or depth map in computer. This map is crucial for many applications such as 3D reconstruction, robotics and autonomous driving.The disparity map also prone to errors such as noises in the region which contains object occlusions, reflective regions, and repetitive patterns.So we propose this stereo matching algorithm to produce a disparity map and to reduce the errors by incorporating a deep learning approach. This paper focused on matching cost computation step as an initial step to produce the disparity or depth map. The proposed convolutional neural network designed with the output neurons in the classification part scaled-downin converging style. The raw cost generated aggregated by the normalized box filter. Then the disparity map computed using Winner Take All approach. The final disparity map refined using Weighted Median Filter. Overall quantitative results for the proposed work performed competitively compared to other established stereo matching algorithm based on the Middlebury standard benchmark online system


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    Stereo dense matching has already been one of the dominant tools in 3D reconstruction of urban regions, due to its low cost and high flexibility in generating 3D points. However, the image-derived 3D points are often inaccurate around building edges, which limit its use in several vision tasks (e.g. building modelling). To generate 3D point clouds or digital surface models (DSM) with sharp boundaries, this paper integrates robustly matched lines for improving dense matching, and proposes a non-local disparity refinement of building edges through an iterative least squares plane adjustment approach. In our method, we first extract and match straight lines in images using epipolar constraints, then detect building edges from these straight lines by comparing matching results on both sides of straight lines, and finally we develop a non-local disparity refinement method through an iterative least squares plane adjustment constrained by matched straight lines to yield sharper and more accurate edges. Experiments conducted on both satellite and aerial data demonstrate that our proposed method is able to generate more accurate DSM with sharper object boundaries