48 research outputs found

    A Multi-Criteria Approach for Irrigation Water Management

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    The major implications that the European Union (EU) Water Framework Directive (WFD) may have in irrigated agriculture were analysed using alternative water policy measures. The consequences of policy change were evaluated in a case study (Baixo Alentejo, Portugal), using a Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) model that simulates farmers’ preferred behaviour. The study compares the effects of water pricing (volumetric and flat tariffs) and consumption quotas, in farmer’s income, water agency revenues, agricultural employment and water demand for irrigation. Model results indicate that the adjustments in farmer’s responses are dependent on the policy strategy enforced and on the policy level.Water Framework Directive, Flat Pricing, Volumetric Pricing, Multi- Objective Programming, Water Management, Portugal,

    Weighted Goal Programming and Penalty Functions: Whole-farm Planning Approach Under Risk

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    The paper presents multiple criteria approach to deal with risk in farmer’s decisions. Decision making process is organised in a framework of spreadsheet tool. It is supported by deterministic and stochastic mathematical programming techniques applying optimisation concept. Decision making process is conceptually divided into seven autonomous modules that are mutually linked up. Beside the common maximisation of expected income through linear programming it enables also reconstruction of current production practice. Income risk modelling is based on portfolio theory resting on expected value, variance (E,V) paradigm. Modules dealing with risk are therefore supported with quadratic and constrained quadratic programming. Non-parametric approach is utilised to estimate decision maker’s risk attitude. It is measured with coefficient of risk aversion, needed to maximise certainty equivalent for analysed farms. Multiple criteria paradigm is based on goal programming approach. In contribution focus is put on benefits and possible drawbacks of supporting weighted goal programming with penalty functions. Application of the tool is illustrated with three dairy farm cases. Obtained results confirm advantage of utilizing penalty function system. Beside greater positiveness it proves as useful approach for fine tuning of the model enabling imitation of farmer’s behaviour, which is due to his/her conservative nature not perfect or rational. Results confirm hypothesis that single criteria decision making, based on maximisation of expected income, might be biased and does not necessary lead to the best - achievable option for analysed farm.goal programming, risk modelling, risk aversion, production planning, Risk and Uncertainty,

    An ANP (Analytic Network Process)-based Multi-Criteria Decision Approach for The Selection of Sugar-Cane Industry Development

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    Acknowledging the issue of energy sustainability, the sugar industry has begun to look at plans to sell electricity to address energy sustainability issues. A scenario with the potential to sell excess electricity motivates this research to analyze the strategies of the sugar industry development. In such situations an ANP approach is applied for the selection of appropriate strategies. This study analyzes the potential for electricity sales in two alternative plant development strategies of three sugarcane industries which from the results, Strategy A (cogeneration scheme) allows to sell electricity for 223-293 days while strategy B (independent power plant scheme) allows to sell throughout the year. The result also shows that by using ANP, it is found that strategy A is better than strategy

    Dynamic Analysis of Land Prices with Flexible Risk Aversion Coefficients

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    Land Economics/Use, Risk and Uncertainty,

    Using DEA to estimate the importance of objectives for decision makers

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    In this paper we establish further connections between DEA and Multi-criteria Decision Analysis by suggesting a particular way to estimate preference weights for different objectives using DEA. We claim that the virtual multipliers obtained from a standard DEA model are not suitable to measure the preferences of a decision maker. Our suggestion takes advantage of the parallelism between DEA and the methodology proposed by Sumpsi et al. (1997) by projecting each unit on a linear combination of the elements of the pay-off matrix. Finally, we make an application of the proposed methodology to agricultural economics in a case study with Spanish data.Data Envelopment Analysis, Multicriteria Decision Analysis, preferences, weights, virtual multipliers.

    Estimating utility functions of Greek dairy sheep farmers: A multicriteria mathematical programming approach

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    Mathematical programming models are commonly used to approach decision making in livestock farms. The majority of these models assume gross margin maximisation as the sole objective of farmers. In this study an alternative multicriteria model is built to test the hypothesis of the multiplicity of the objectives of Greek sheep farmers. A farm typology is constructed to account for diversified farm structures and a non-interactive methodology is used to elicit the utility function of farmers. The results of the analysis indicate that the multicriteria model allows for a better representation of the farms, compared to the gross margin maximisation model

    Multiple goals in farmers’ decision making: The case of sheep farming in Western Greece

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    Management strategies and performance differ among farmers, as a result of different, multiple and often conflicting goals. Many approaches to building farm level models that incorporate multiple goals have been developed over the years, most of which share a common weakness. The determination of the goals to be used as attributes in the utility function is the result of a highly interactive process with the individual farmer, often difficult to implement. In this study, we use a non-interactive methodology, described in recent literature, to elicit the utility function of selected sheep farmers in western Greece, since farmers often appear reluctant to answer straightforward questions about their goals and preferences. ΀he results indicate that sheep farmers aim at the achievement of multiple goals, and that the maximization of gross margin is an important attribute in the utility function of mainly larger farms with a commercial orientation. The minimization of purchased forage, family labor and cost of hired labor are also important goals, especially for small and less commercial family farms. The multi objective farm level model built reproduces the Greek sheep farmers’ behavior more accurately and can replace the single objective model in decision making or agricultural planning problems.Sheep farming, mixed integer programming, multiple goals, noninteractive elicitation, Livestock Production/Industries, C61, D21, Q12,

    Management System for Harvest Scheduling: The Case of Horticultural Production in Southeast Spain

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    horticultural farmer, optimization, planning, mathematical programming, marketing, cooperative, Agribusiness, Crop Production/Industries, Demand and Price Analysis, Farm Management, Land Economics/Use,

    Evaluation of Risk Factors in Agriculture: An Application of the Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) Methodolog

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    Engler, A (reprint author), Univ Talca, Fac Ciencias Agr, Av Lircay S-N, Talca, Chile.Risk in the agricultural sector has multiple dimensions or factors and prioritization of these can support decision making. On the other hand, knowing the importance of these risk factors for distinct agricultural activities and how they vary according to geographic zone constitutes relevant information for agricultural development. The objective of this study was to prioritize risk factors that are highly relevant for farmers in Central South Chile. The multicriteria Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) methodology was used to define a decision structure with four risk factors or criteria: climate, price and direct cost variability, human factor, and commercialization. In general, results obtained showed that there are no important imbalances in the weightings of different risk factors. Price and cost variability was the most important factor (0.30) whereas climate was the least important (0.20). It also confirmed that there are spatial differences in the weightings obtained for the distinct risk factors which determine distinct risk levels for the respective agricultural activities according to geographic region


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    The major implications that the European Union (EU) Water Framework Directive (WFD) may have in irrigated agriculture were analysed using alternative water policy measures. The consequences of policy change were evaluated in a case study (Baixo Alentejo, Portugal), using a Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) model that simulates farmers’ preferred behaviour. The study compares the effects of water pricing (volumetric and flat tariffs) and consumption quotas, in farmer’s income, water agency revenues, agricultural employment and water demand for irrigation. Model results indicate that the adjustments in farmer’s responses are dependent on the policy strategy enforced and on the policy level