4 research outputs found

    Intelligent Diagnosis and Smart Detection of Crack in a Structure from its Vibration Signatures

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    In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the development of structural health monitoring for vibrating structures, especially crack detection methodologies and on-line diagnostic techniques. In the current research, methodologies have been developed for damage detection of a cracked cantilever beam using analytical, fuzzy logic, neural network and fuzzy neuro techniques. The presence of a crack in a structural member introduces a local flexibility that affects its dynamic response. For finding out the deviation in the vibrating signatures of the cracked cantilever beam the local stiffness matrices are taken into account. Theoretical analyses have been carried out to calculate the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the cracked cantilever beam using local stiffness matrices. Strain energy release rate has been used for calculating the local stiffness of the beam. The fuzzy inference system has been designed using the first three relative natural frequencies and mode shapes as input parameters. The output from the fuzzy controller is relative crack location and relative crack depth. Several fuzzy rules have been developed using the vibration signatures of the cantilever beam. A Neural Network technique using multi layered back propagation algorithm has been developed for damage assessment using the first three relative natural frequencies and mode shapes as input parameters and relative crack location and relative crack depth as output parameters. Several training patterns are derived for designing the Neural Network. A hybrid fuzzy-neuro intelligent system has been formulated for fault identification. The fuzzy controller is designed with six input parameters and two output parameters. The input parameters to the fuzzy system are relative deviation of first three natural frequencies and first three mode shapes. The output parameters of the fuzzy system are initial relative crack depth and initial relative crack location. The input parameters to the neural controller are relative deviation of first three natural frequencies and first three mode shapes along with the interim outputs of fuzzy controller. The output parameters of the fuzzy-neuro system are final relative crack depth and final relative crack location. A series of fuzzy rules and training patterns are derived for the fuzzy and neural system respectively to predict the final crack location and final crack depth.To diagnose the crack in the vibrating structure multiple adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (MANFIS) methodology has been applied. The final outputs of the MANFIS are relative crack depth and relative crack location. Several hundred fuzzy rules and neural network training patterns are derived using natural frequencies, mode shapes, crack depths and crack locations. The proposed research work aims to broaden the development in the area of fault detection of dynamically vibrating structures. This research also addresses the accuracy for detection of crack location and depth with considerably low computational time. The objective of the research is related to design of an intelligent controller for prediction of damage location and severity in a uniform cracked cantilever beam using AI techniques (i.e. Fuzzy, neural, adaptive neuro-fuzzy and Manfis)

    Multiple Damage Identification of Beam Structure Using Vibration Analysis and Artificial Intelligence Techniques

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    This thesis investigates the problem of multiple damage detection in vibrating structural members using the dynamic response of the system. Changes in the loading patterns, weakening/degeneration of structures with time and influence of environment may cause cracks in the structure, especially in engineering structures which are developed for prolonged life. Hence, early detection of presence of damage can prevent the catastrophic failure of the structures by appropriately monitoring the response of the system. In recent times, condition monitoring of structural systems have attracted scientists and researchers to develop on line damage diagnostic tool. Primarily, the structural health monitoring technique utilizes the methodology for damage assessment using the monitored vibration parameters. In the current analysis, special attention has been focused on those methods capable of detecting multiple cracks present in system by comparing the information for damaged and undamaged state of the structure. In the current research, methodologies have been developed for damage detection of a cracked cantilever beam with multiple cracks using analytical, Finite Element Analysis (FEA), fuzzy logic, neural network, fuzzy neuro, MANFIS, Genetic Algorithm and hybrid techniques such as GA-fuzzy, GA-neural, GA-neuro- fuzzy. Analytical study has been performed on the cantilever beam with multiple cracks to obtain the vibration characteristics of the beam member by using the expressions of strain energy release rate and stress intensity factor. The presence of cracks in a structural member introduces local flexibility that affects its dynamic response. The local stiffness matrices have been measured using the inverse of local dimensionless compliance matrix for finding out the deviation in the vibrating signatures of the cracked cantilever beam from that of the intact beam. Finite Element Analysis has been carried out to derive the vibration indices of the cracked structure using the overall flexibility matrix, total flexibility matrix, flexibility matrix of the intact beam. From the research done here, it is concluded that the performance of the damage assessment methods depends on several factors for example, the number of cracks, the number of sensors used for acquiring the dynamic response, location and severity of damages. Different artificial intelligent model based on fuzzy logic, neural network, genetic algorithm, MANFIS and hybrid techniques have been designed using the computed vibration signatures for multiple crack diagnosis in cantilever beam structures with higher accuracy and considerably low computational time

    Dynamic Analysis of Cracked Rotor in Viscous Medium and its Crack Diagnosis Using Intelligent Techniques

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    Fatigue cracks have high potential to cause catastrophic failures in the rotor which can lead to catastrophic failure if undetected properly and in time. This fault may interrupt smooth, effective and efficient operation and performance of the machines. Thereby the importance of identification of crack in the rotor is not only for leading safe operation but also to prevent the loss of economy and lives.The condition monitoring of the engineering systems is attracted by the researchers and scientists very much to invent the automated fault diagnosis mechanism using the change in dynamic response before and after damage. When the rotor with transverse crack immersed in the viscous fluid, analysis of cracked rotor is difficult and complex. The analysis of cracked rotor partially submerged in the viscous fluid is widely used in various engineering systems such as long spinning shaft used drilling the seabed for the extracting the oil, high-speed turbine rotors, and analysis of centrifuges in a fluid medium. Therefore, dynamic analysis of cracked rotor partially submerged in the viscous medium have been presented in the current study. The theoretical analysis has been performed to measure the vibration signatures (Natural Frequencies and Amplitude) of multiple cracked mild steel rotor partially submerged in the viscous medium. The presence of the crack in rotor generates an additional flexibility. That is evaluated by strain energy release rate given by linear fracture mechanics. The additional flexibility alters the dynamic characteristics of cracked rotor in a viscous fluid. The local stiffness matrix has been calculated by the inverse of local dimensionless compliance matrix. The finite element analysis has been carried out to measure the vibration characteristics of cracked rotor partially submerged in the viscous medium using commercially available finite element software package ANSYS. It is observed from the current analysis, the various factors such as the viscosity of fluid, depth and position of the cracks affect the performance of the rotor and effectiveness of crack detection techniques. Various Artificial Intelligent (AI) techniques such as fuzzy logic, hybrid BPNN-RBFNN neural network, MANFIS and hybrid fuzzy-rule base controller based multiple faults diagnosis systems are developed using the dynamic response of rotating cracked rotor in a viscous medium to monitor the presence of crack. Experiments have been conducted to authenticate the performance and accuracy of proposed methods. Good agreement is observed between the results