534,630 research outputs found

    Resources on the Historical Study of Jesus

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    Jesus of Nazareth has been the center of significant media attention in recent years. Even before Mel Gibson\u27s The Passion of the Christ, Jesus had been the focus of featu re articles in Time, Newsweek, and U.S. News and World Report. Jesus was also the subject of television documentaries by PBS, A&E, T LC, the History Channel, the Discovery Channel and even a fu ll length prime time special by ABC News. Most presentations focus on Jesus as a man of history. In fact, the last 20 yea rs have been part of what scholars are now calling the Third Quest for the historical Jesus, which is generally characterized by serious attempts to understand Jesus of Nazareth in the historical context of first century Palestine. This essay will highlight some of these historical studies beginning with an introduction to the various Quests for Jesus, but focusing primarily on the Third Quest which began in the mid-1980\u27s and continues unabated even today

    [Review of] Beverley Ormerod. An Introduction to the French Caribbean Novel

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    Beverley Ormerod displays real expertise in An Introduction to the French Caribbean Novel. She is a West Indian herself, and she knows the background and culture of the Caribbean: its African slave origins and the present quest for pan-Caribbean identity. After post-graduate research at the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris , she earned her doctorate in French at Cambridge University. When necessary, she translates the French originals into English. She also knows various creoles of the islands and appreciates the linguistic variety there. She has taught Caribbean literature for twenty years

    Unaccompanied minors seeking for protection in the European Union: will a fair and adequate asylum system ever see the light?

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    SUMMARY 1. Introduction. – 2. Coping with an “Enhanced Vulnerability”: the Case of Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Minors. – 3. Accommodating Migrants and Promoting the Development of the Host Country: Two Birds with One Stone? – 4. The Protection of Asylum Seeking Minors in Europe: an Overview. – 4.1. The Protection of Unaccompanied Minors Under the European Convention on Human Rights. – 4.2. The European Union: the Quest to Accommodate and Protect Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Minors. – 5. Rethinking the Common European Asylum System to Provide an Effective Response to the Migration Challenge. – 5.1. The Current Deficiencies of the CEAS and the Struggle to Ensure the Protection of Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Minors. – 5.2. Reforming the CEAS to Foster the Best Interest of the Child: a (Possible) Step Forward. – 6. New Proposals, Old Problems: Will an Adequate Asylum System Ever See the Light?

    The Local Relevance of Human Rights: A Methodological Approach

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    This paper proposes a methodology for examining the use and relevance of human rights in local communities as they quest to change their reality of poverty, social exclusion or marginalisation. The methodology draws on an innovative conceptual approach denominated ‘localising human rights,’ a process which takes the human rights needs and claims formulated by local people as a basis for further interpreting and elaborating human rights in the context of economic globalisation. This paper, through a literature review of interdisciplinary methodological approaches and participatory case studies, offers an introduction on how local communities’ use of human rights can be researched in the context of field studies.

    Double-Mode Stellar Pulsations

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    The status of the hydrodynamical modelling of nonlinear multi-mode stellar pulsations is discussed. The hydrodynamical modelling of steady double-mode (DM) pulsations has been a long-standing quest that is finally being concluded. Recent progress has been made thanks to the introduction of turbulent convection in the numerical hydrodynamical codes which provide detailed results for individual models. An overview of the modal selection problem in the HR diagram can be obtained in the form of bifurcation diagrams with the help of simple nonresonant amplitude equations that capture the DM phenomenon.Comment: 34 pages, to appear as a chapter in Nonlinear Stellar Pulsation in the Astrophysics and Space Science Library (ASSL), Editors: M. Takeuti & D. Sasselov (prints double column with pstops '2:[email protected](22.0cm,-2cm)[email protected](22.0cm,11.0cm)' in.ps out.ps

    Effective Theory of Superfluid Quark Matter

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    We provide a brief introduction to the high density effective theory of QCD. As an application, we consider the instanton correction to the perturbatively generated gap in the color superconducting phase. We show that the instanton correction becomes large for mu = 1.25 GeV in N_f=2 QCD, and for mu = 750 MeV in N_f=3 QCD with a massive strange quark. We also study some other numerical issues related to the magnitude of the gap. We find, in particular, that a renormalization group improved gap equation does not give results that are substantially different from a gap equation with a fixed coupling.Comment: 15 pages, to appear in the proceedings of the KIAS-APCTP Symposium on Astro-Hadron Physics "Compact Stars: Quest for New States of Dense Matter", World Scientific, in pres

    Hybrid quantum computing with ancillas

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    In the quest to build a practical quantum computer, it is important to use efficient schemes for enacting the elementary quantum operations from which quantum computer programs are constructed. The opposing requirements of well-protected quantum data and fast quantum operations must be balanced to maintain the integrity of the quantum information throughout the computation. One important approach to quantum operations is to use an extra quantum system - an ancilla - to interact with the quantum data register. Ancillas can mediate interactions between separated quantum registers, and by using fresh ancillas for each quantum operation, data integrity can be preserved for longer. This review provides an overview of the basic concepts of the gate model quantum computer architecture, including the different possible forms of information encodings - from base two up to continuous variables - and a more detailed description of how the main types of ancilla-mediated quantum operations provide efficient quantum gates.Comment: Review paper. An introduction to quantum computation with qudits and continuous variables, and a review of ancilla-based gate method

    Sigurðar saga fóts (The Saga of Sigurðr Foot): A Translation

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    This is the first English translation of the short Icelandic romance Sigurðar saga fóts, with an introduction presenting the evidence for its dating and immediate literary context. Like most Icelandic romances, Sigurðar saga is a bridal-quest story; the support of a foster-brother is key to the hero winning the bride; and the foster-brothers start out as opponents before recognising their mutual excellence and swearing foster-brotherhood. Uniquely, however, the men who become foster-brothers begin by competing for the same bride (Signý): the eponymous Sigurðr fótr wins Signý only because Ásmundr gives her to him in exchange for foster-brotherhood. Ásmundr’s decision can be read as demonstrating with unusual starkness the superior importance in much Icelandic romance of homosocial relationships over heterosexual ones, giving the saga a certain paradigmatic status. Translating the saga in an open-access forum and reconstructing its literary context will, we hope, encourage further analyses

    Sigurðar saga fóts (The Saga of Sigurðr Foot): A Translation

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    This is the first English translation of the short Icelandic romance Sigurðar saga fóts, with an introduction presenting the evidence for its dating and immediate literary context. Like most Icelandic romances, Sigurðar saga is a bridal-quest story; the support of a foster-brother is key to the hero winning the bride; and the foster-brothers start out as opponents before recognising their mutual excellence and swearing foster-brotherhood. Uniquely, however, the men who become foster-brothers begin by competing for the same bride (Signý): the eponymous Sigurðr fótr wins Signý only because Ásmundr gives her to him in exchange for foster-brotherhood. Ásmundr’s decision can be read as demonstrating with unusual starkness the superior importance in much Icelandic romance of homosocial relationships over heterosexual ones, giving the saga a certain paradigmatic status. Translating the saga in an open-access forum and reconstructing its literary context will, we hope, encourage further analyses

    The use of web-quests for training primary school teachers to support the diagnosis of cognitive interests of younger students

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    У статті розкрита проблема використання web-квестів у професійній підготовці майбутніх учителів початкової школи до діагностичного супроводу розвитку пізнавальних інтересів молодших школярів. Подано основні компоненти web-квесту: вступ, де чітко описані головні ролі учасників і сценарій квесту; основні завдання квесту; список інформаційних ресурсів; хід роботи; критерії та параметри оцінки web-квесту; висновок. Висвітлено методику організації web-квесту «Вчитель-діагност».В статье раскрыта проблема использования web-квестов в профессиональной подготовке будущих учителей начальной школы к диагностическому сопровождению развития познавательных интересов младших школьников. Представлены основные компоненты web-квеста: введение, где четко описаны главные роли участников и сценарий квеста, предварительный план работы; основные задания; список информационных ресурсов; ход работы; критерии и параметры оценки web-квеста; заключение. Подана методика организации web-квеста «Учитель-диагност».The article deals with the problem of using web-quests in the professional training of primary school teachers to support diagnostic of cognitive interests juniors. The basic components of a web-quest: an introduction, which clearly describes the roles of the main quest and script; the main task of the quest; list of information resources; progress; criteria and parameters evaluation web-quest; conclusion. Deals with the methodology of web-quest "Тeacher-diagnostician"