15 research outputs found

    An Interpolated Dynamic Navigation Function

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    The E-star algorithm is a path planning method capable of dynamic replanning and user-configurable path cost interpolation. It calculates a navigation function as a sampling of an underlying smooth goal distance that takes into account a continuous notion of risk that can be controlled in a fine-grained manner. E-star results in more appropriate paths during gradient descent. Dynamic replanning means that changes in the environment model can be repaired to avoid the expenses of complete replanning. This helps compensating for the increased computational effort required for interpolation. We present the theoretical basis and a working implementation, as well as measurements of the algorithm\'s precision, topological correctness, and computational effort

    Replanning of multiple autonomous vehicles in material handling

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    The fully automated docks in Australia present opportunities for applications of autonomous vehicles and engineering innovation. When planning tasks to be done by multi-autonomous vehicles in an enclosed area with a known dynamic map (i.e. bi-directional path network), there are many issues that have not yet been comprehensively solved. The real world presents more complexity than the initial algorithms addressed. There are problems that occur due to interaction with the real-world. This means autonomous vehicles can stop, are affected, or face problems, and hence tasks and vehicles' paths and motion need to be replanned. In order to replan, a greater understanding of the state of vehicles, the state of the map, and importantly the importance of tasks and vehicles is definitely needed. This paper explores the improvements made to replanning by gaining a thorough understanding of the map and then utilising map information to make the best, most efficient replanning decision. Five replanning Methods are investigated and four Options which combine the Methods in different ways, are tested in this research. A map analysis Method is also presented. Simulation studies show that map information based replanning is the most efficient Method out of those tested. © 2006 IEEE

    SLAM and exploration using differential evolution and fast marching

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    The exploration and construction of maps in unknown environments is a challenge for robotics. The proposed method is facing this problem by combining effective techniques for planning, SLAM, and a new exploration approach based on the Voronoi Fast Marching method. The final goal of the exploration task is to build a map of the environment that previously the robot did not know. The exploration is not only to determine where the robot should move, but also to plan the movement, and the process of simultaneous localization and mapping. This work proposes the Voronoi Fast Marching method that uses a Fast Marching technique on the Logarithm of the Extended Voronoi Transform of the environment"s image provided by sensors, to determine a motion plan. The Logarithm of the Extended Voronoi Transform imitates the repulsive electric potential from walls and obstacles, and the Fast Marching Method propagates a wave over that potential map. The trajectory is calculated by the gradient method

    Path Planning for Mobile Robot Navigation using Voronoi Diagram and Fast Marching

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    For navigation in complex environments, a robot need s to reach a compromise between the need for having efficient and optimized trajectories and t he need for reacting to unexpected events. This paper presents a new sensor-based Path Planner w hich results in a fast local or global motion planning able to incorporate the new obstacle information. In the first step the safest areas in the environment are extracted by means of a Vorono i Diagram. In the second step the Fast Marching Method is applied to the Voronoi extracted a reas in order to obtain the path. The method combines map-based and sensor-based planning o perations to provide a reliable motion plan, while it operates at the sensor frequency. The m ain characteristics are speed and reliability, since the map dimensions are reduced to an almost uni dimensional map and this map represents the safest areas in the environment for moving the robot. In addition, the Voronoi Diagram can be calculated in open areas, and with all kind of shaped obstacles, which allows to apply the proposed planning method in complex environments wher e other methods of planning based on Voronoi do not work.This work has been supported by the CAM Project S2009/DPI-1559/ROBOCITY2030 I

    Multi-robot deployment planning in communication-constrained environments

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    A lo largo de los últimos años se ha podido observar el aumento del uso de equipos de robots en tareas en las cuales es imposible o poco eficiente la intervención de los humanos, e incluso que implica un cierto grado de riesgo para una persona. Por ejemplo, monitorización de entornos de difícil acceso, como podrían ser túneles, minas, etc. Éste es el tema en el que se ha enfocado el trabajo realizado durante esta tesis: la planificación del despliegue de un equipo de agentes para la monitorización de entornos.La misión de los agentes es alcanzar unas localizaciones de interés y transmitirle la información observada a una estación base estática. Ante la ausencia de una infraestructura de comunicaciones, una transmisión directa a la base es imposible. Por tanto, los agentes se deben coordinar de manera autónoma, de modo que algunos de ellos alcancen los objetivos y otros realicen la función de repetidor para retransmitir la información.Nos hemos centrado en dos líneas de investigación principales, relacionadas con dos maneras del envío de la información a la estación base. En el primer enfoque, los agentes deben mantener un enlace de comunicación con la base en el momento de alcanzar los objetivos. Con el fin de, por ejemplo, poder interactuar desde la base con un robot que ha alcanzado el objetivo. Para ello hemos desarrollado un método que obtiene las posiciones óptimas para los agentes utilizados a modo de repetidor. A continuación, hemos implementado un método de planificación de caminos de modo que los agentes pudiesen navegar el máximo tiempo posible dentro de zonas con señal. Empleando conjuntamente ambos métodos, los agentes extienden el área de cobertura de la estación base, estableciendo un enlace de comunicación desde la misma hasta los objetivos marcados.Utilizando este método, el equipo es capaz de lidiar con variaciones del entorno si la comunicación entre los agentes no se pierde. Sin embargo, los eventos tan comunes e irrelevantes para los seres humanos, como el simple cierre de una puerta, pueden llegar a ser críticos para el equipo de robots. Ya que esto podría interrumpir la comunicación entre el equipo. Por ello, hemos propuesto un método distribuido para que el equipo sea capaz de reconectarse, formando una cadena hacia un objetivo, en escenarios donde haya variaciones con respecto al mapa inicial que poseían los robots.La segunda parte de la presente tesis se ha centrado en misiones de recopilación de datos de un entorno. Aquí la comunicación con la estación base, en el instante de alcanzar un objetivo, no es necesaria y a menudo imposible. Por tanto, en este tipo de escenarios, es más eficiente que algunos agentes, llamados trabajadores, recopilen datos del entorno, y otros, denominados colectores, reúnan la información de los que trabajan para periódicamente retransmitirla a la base. De este modo tan solo los colectores realizan largos viajes a la estación base, mientras que los trabajadores emplean la mayor parte de su tiempo exclusivamente a la recopilación de datos.Primero, hemos desarrollado dos métodos para la planificación de caminos para la sincronización entre los trabajadores y colectores. El primero, muestrea el espacio de manera aleatoria, para obtener una solución lo más rápido posible. El segundo, usando FMM, es más lento, pero obtiene soluciones óptimas.Finalmente, hemos propuesto una técnica global para la misión de recopilación de datos. Este método consiste en: encontrar el mejor balance entre la cantidad de trabajadores y colectores, la mejor división del escenario en áreas de trabajo para los trabajadores, la asociación de los trabajadores para transmitir los datos recopilados a los colectores o directamente a la estación base, así como los caminos de los colectores. El método propuesto trata de encontrar la mejor solución con el fin de entregar la mayor cantidad de datos y que el tiempo de "refresco" de los mismos sea el menor posible.<br /

    Field D* pathfinding in weighted simplicial complexes

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references.The development of algorithms to efficiently determine an optimal path through a complex environment is a continuing area of research within Computer Science. When such environments can be represented as a graph, established graph search algorithms, such as Dijkstra’s shortest path and A*, can be used. However, many environments are constructed from a set of regions that do not conform to a discrete graph. The Weighted Region Problem was proposed to address the problem of finding the shortest path through a set of such regions, weighted with values representing the cost of traversing the region. Robust solutions to this problem are computationally expensive since finding shortest paths across a region requires expensive minimisation. Sampling approaches construct graphs by introducing extra points on region edges and connecting them with edges criss-crossing the region. Dijkstra or A* are then applied to compute shortest paths. The connectivity of these graphs is high and such techniques are thus not particularly well suited to environments where the weights and representation frequently change. The Field D* algorithm, by contrast, computes the shortest path across a grid of weighted square cells and has replanning capabilites that cater for environmental changes. However, representing an environment as a weighted grid (an image) is not space-efficient since high resolution is required to produce accurate paths through areas containing features sensitive to noise. In this work, we extend Field D* to weighted simplicial complexes – specifically – triangulations in 2D and tetrahedral meshes in 3D

    Advances in Robot Navigation

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    Robot navigation includes different interrelated activities such as perception - obtaining and interpreting sensory information; exploration - the strategy that guides the robot to select the next direction to go; mapping - the construction of a spatial representation by using the sensory information perceived; localization - the strategy to estimate the robot position within the spatial map; path planning - the strategy to find a path towards a goal location being optimal or not; and path execution, where motor actions are determined and adapted to environmental changes. This book integrates results from the research work of authors all over the world, addressing the abovementioned activities and analyzing the critical implications of dealing with dynamic environments. Different solutions providing adaptive navigation are taken from nature inspiration, and diverse applications are described in the context of an important field of study: social robotics