24,809 research outputs found


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    Decision Support Systems and Workflow Management Systems have become essential tools for some business and scientific field. This thesis propose a new hybrid architecture for problem solving expertise and decision-making process, that aims to support high-quality research in the field of bioinformatics and system biology. The first part of the dissertation introduces the project to which belong this thesis work, i.e. the “Bioinformatics Organized Resources - an Intelligent System” (BORIS) project of the ICAR-CNR; the main goal of BORIS is to provide an helpful and effective support to researchers or experimentalist, that have no familiarity with tools and techniques to solve computational problems in bioinformatics and system biology. In the second part of the thesis, the proposed hybrid architecture is described in detail; it introduces a three-dimensional space for the BORIS system, where the viewpoints of declarative, procedural and process approaches are considered. Using the proposed architecture, the system is able to help the experimentalist choosing, for a given problem, the right tool at the right moment, to generate a navigable Workflow at different abstraction layers, extending current workflow management systems and to free the user from implementation details, assisting him in the correct configuration of algorithms/services. A case study about extraction of protein complexes from proteinprotein interaction networks is presented, in order to show how the system faces a problem and how it interacts with the user

    Mean-Field Theory of Meta-Learning

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    We discuss here the mean-field theory for a cellular automata model of meta-learning. The meta-learning is the process of combining outcomes of individual learning procedures in order to determine the final decision with higher accuracy than any single learning method. Our method is constructed from an ensemble of interacting, learning agents, that acquire and process incoming information using various types, or different versions of machine learning algorithms. The abstract learning space, where all agents are located, is constructed here using a fully connected model that couples all agents with random strength values. The cellular automata network simulates the higher level integration of information acquired from the independent learning trials. The final classification of incoming input data is therefore defined as the stationary state of the meta-learning system using simple majority rule, yet the minority clusters that share opposite classification outcome can be observed in the system. Therefore, the probability of selecting proper class for a given input data, can be estimated even without the prior knowledge of its affiliation. The fuzzy logic can be easily introduced into the system, even if learning agents are build from simple binary classification machine learning algorithms by calculating the percentage of agreeing agents.Comment: 23 page

    Pemilihan kerjaya di kalangan pelajar aliran perdagangan sekolah menengah teknik : satu kajian kes

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    This research is a survey to determine the career chosen of form four student in commerce streams. The important aspect of the career chosen has been divided into three, first is information about career, type of career and factor that most influence students in choosing a career. The study was conducted at Sekolah Menengah Teknik Kajang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Thirty six form four students was chosen by using non-random sampling purpose method as respondent. All information was gather by using questionnaire. Data collected has been analyzed in form of frequency, percentage and mean. Results are performed in table and graph. The finding show that information about career have been improved in students career chosen and mass media is the main factor influencing students in choosing their career

    Evaluation of IoT-Based Computational Intelligence Tools for DNA Sequence Analysis in Bioinformatics

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    In contemporary age, Computational Intelligence (CI) performs an essential role in the interpretation of big biological data considering that it could provide all of the molecular biology and DNA sequencing computations. For this purpose, many researchers have attempted to implement different tools in this field and have competed aggressively. Hence, determining the best of them among the enormous number of available tools is not an easy task, selecting the one which accomplishes big data in the concise time and with no error can significantly improve the scientist's contribution in the bioinformatics field. This study uses different analysis and methods such as Fuzzy, Dempster-Shafer, Murphy and Entropy Shannon to provide the most significant and reliable evaluation of IoT-based computational intelligence tools for DNA sequence analysis. The outcomes of this study can be advantageous to the bioinformatics community, researchers and experts in big biological data