7 research outputs found

    Model Komputasi Cerdas Proaktif untuk Monitoring Proyek-proyek Teknologi Informasi Menggunakan Sistem Multiagen Otonomos

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    Model komputasi cerdas proaktif merupakan satu bagian penting dari pendekatan sistem kecerdasan buatan yang dapat diterapkan untuk persoalan yang bersifat dinamis dan terdistribusi. Termasuk untuk mendukung otomasisasi dari kegiatan manajemen proyek dalam sebuah perusahaan. Misalnyai untuk mengetahui secara otomatis dan realtime dari ketepatan ataupun ketidaksesuaian antara jadwal yang telah ditetapkan dibandingkan dengan pelaksanaan proyek. Pada makalah ini dikaji, didesain, dan dievaluasi sebuah model komputasi proaktif untuk monitoring pelaksanaan proyek-proyek berbasis agen cerdas. Metode prometheues digunakan untuk membangun prototip. Kode program dibangun dengan bahasa Jadex agen framework. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, agen-agen cerdas otonomos yang dibangun terlihat telah mampu menunjukkan kemampuan proaktif setiap saat untuk mencari dan menyajikan informasi monitoring proyek terhadap beberapa uji sampel data proyek teknologi informasi yang disimulasikan. Katakunci: komputasi proaktif, agen cerdas, monitoring proyek, proyek teknologi informasi

    Model Komputasi Cerdas Proaktif Untuk Monitoring Proyek-proyek Teknologi Informasi Menggunakan Sistem Multiagen Otonomos

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    Model komputasi cerdas proaktif merupakan satu bagian penting dari pendekatan sistem kecerdasan buatan yang dapat diterapkan untuk persoalan yang bersifat dinamis dan terdistribusi. Termasuk untuk mendukung otomasisasi dari kegiatan manajemen proyek dalam sebuah Perusahaan. Misalnyai untuk mengetahui secara otomatis dan realtime dari ketepatan ataupun ketidaksesuaian antara jadwal yang telah ditetapkan dibandingkan dengan pelaksanaan proyek. Pada makalah ini dikaji, didesain, dan dievaluasi sebuah model komputasi proaktif untuk monitoring pelaksanaan proyek-proyek berbasis agen cerdas. Metode prometheues digunakan untuk membangun prototip. Kode program dibangun dengan bahasa Jadex agen framework. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, agen-agen cerdas otonomos yang dibangun terlihat telah mampu menunjukkan kemampuan proaktif setiap saat untuk mencari dan menyajikan informasi monitoring proyek terhadap beberapa uji sampel data proyek teknologi informasi yang disimulasikan. Katakunci: komputasi proaktif, agen cerdas, monitoring proyek, proyek teknologi informasi

    Analyzing Mappings and Properties in Data Warehouse Integration

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    The information inside the Data Warehouse (DW) is used to take strategic decisions inside the organization that is why data quality plays a crucial role in guaranteeing the correctness of the decisions. Data quality also becomes a major issue when integrating information from two or more heterogeneous DWs. In the present paper, we perform extensive analysis of a mapping-based DW integration methodology and of its properties. In particular, we will prove that the proposed methodology guarantees coherency, meanwhile in certain cases it is able to maintain soundness and consistency. Moreover, intra-schema homogeneity is discussed and analysed as a necessary condition for summarizability and for optimization by materializing views of dependent queries

    An intelligent data integration approach for collaborative project management in virtual enterprises

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    The increasing globalization and flexibility required by companies has generated new issues in the last decade related to the managing of large scale projects and to the cooperation of enterprises within geographically distributed networks. ICT support systems are required to help enterprises share information, guarantee data-consistency and establish synchronized and collaborative processes. In this paper we present a collaborative project management system that integrates data coming from aerospace industries with a main goal: to facilitate the activity of assembling, integration and the verification of a multi-enterprise project. The main achievement of the system from a data management perspective is to avoid inconsistencies generated by updates at the sources' level and minimizes data replications. The developed system is composed of a collaborative project management component supported by a web interface, a multi-agent data integration system, which supports information sharing and querying, and web-services that ensure the interoperability of the software components. The system was developed by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Gruppo Formula S.p.A. and tested by Alenia Spazio S.p.A. within the EU WINK Project (Web-linked Integration of Network based Knowledge-IST-2000-28221)

    Metodološki aspekti optimizacije resursa u mrežnom dijagramu

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    U ovoj disertaciji biće prikazani osnovni elementi svakog projekta kao i životni ciklus projekta. Analiziraće se organizacione forme za upravljanje projektima kao i metodologija mrežnog planiranja. Prikazaće se minimizacija troškova projekta, raspored resursa u mrežnom dijagramu, kao i analiza troškova po metodi PERT/COST i analiza vremena korišćenjem modifikovane PERT metode. Ovaj rad predstavlja nadogradnju i nastavak istraživanja započetih u magistarskom radu pod nazivom ″Neke mogućnosti optimizacije resursa u mrežnom dijagramu″. Na primeru informacionog sistema Fakulteta prikazaće se optimizacija mrežnog dijagrama. Analiziraće se trajanje, broj kritičnih puteva i broj aktivnosti na kritičnom putu, posmatrana korelacija je ispitivana po linearnoj regresiji i krivolinijskoj geometrijskoj progresiji. Ispitivaće se i višestruka korelacija između pomenutih veličina. Za svaku aktivnost u projektu biće prikazani odgovarajući dekompozicioni dijagrami u programu BPWin. Za posmatrani informacioni sistem biće kreiran programski kod u programu Visual Basic, takođe će posmatrani projekat biti analiziran u programu MS Project.This dissertation will present the basic elements of any project as well as project life cycle. It will be analyzed organizational forms of project management methodology of network planning. It will be displayed minimal cost, schedule resources in the network diagram, and cost analysis according to the method PERT / cost analysis, using the modified PERT methods. This paper is an upgrade and further exploration initiated in MA thesis titled Some optimization capabilities of resources in a network diagram. On example of the Faculty information system will be displayed optimization of network diagrams. It will be analyzed duration, the number of critical paths, number of activities on the critical path, the observed correlation was tested by linear regression and geometric progression. It will be examined and multiple correlation between these quantities. For each activity in the project will be presented an appropriate decomposition diagram in BPwin program. The observed information system will be created the code in Visual in Basic, the project will also be analyzed and observed in MS Project

    DOI: 10.1007/s11280-005-2322-7 An Intelligent Data Integration Approach for Collaborative Project Management in Virtual Enterprises

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    The increasing globalization and flexibility required by companies has generated new issues in the last decade related to the managing of large scale projects and to the cooperation of enterprises within geographically distributed networks. ICT support systems are required to help enterprises share information, guarantee dataconsistency and establish synchronized and collaborative processes. In this paper we present a collaborative project management system that integrates data coming from aerospace industries with a main goal: to facilitate the activity of assembling, integration and the verification of a multienterprise project. The main achievement of the system from a data management perspective is to avoid inconsistencies generated by updates at the sources ’ level and minimizes data replications. The developed system is composed of a collaborative project management component supported by a web interface, a multi-agent data integration system, which supports information sharing and querying, and web-services that ensure the interoperability of the software components. The system was developed by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Gruppo Formula S.p.A. and tested by Alenia Spazio S.p.A. within the EU WINK Project (Web-linked Integration of Network based Knowledge