2,398 research outputs found

    Efficient management of backtracking in and-parallelism

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    A backtracking algorithm for AND-Parallelism and its implementation at the Abstract Machine level are presented: first, a class of AND-Parallelism models based on goal independence is defined, and a generalized version of Restricted AND-Parallelism (RAP) introduced as characteristic of this class. A simple and efficient backtracking algorithm for R A P is then discussed. An implementation scheme is presented for this algorithm which offers minimum overhead, while retaining the performance and storage economy of sequent ial implementations and taking advantage of goal independence to avoid unnecessary backtracking ("restricted intelligent backtracking"). Finally, the implementation of backtracking in sequential and AND-Parallcl systems is explained through a number of examples

    Independence in constraint logic programs

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    Studying independence of literals, variables, and substitutions has proven very useful in the context of logic programming (LP). Here we study independence in the broader context of constraint logic programming (CLP). We show that a naive extrapolation of the LP definitions of independence to CLP is unsatisfactory (in fact, wrong) for two reasons. First, because interaction between variables through constraints is more complex than in the case of logic programming. Second, in order to ensure the efUciency of several optimizations not only must independence of the search space be considered, but also an orthogonal issue - "independence of constraint solving." We clarify these issues by proposing various types of search independence and constraint solver independence, and show how they can be combined to allow different independence-related optimizations, from parallelism to intelligent backtracking. Sufficient conditions for independence which can be evaluated "a-priori" at run-time are also proposed. Our results suggest that independence, provided a suitable definition is chosen, is even more useful in CLP than in LP

    Relating goal scheduling, precedence, and memory management in and-parallel execution of logic programs

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    The interactions among three important issues involved in the implementation of logic programs in parallel (goal scheduling, precedence, and memory management) are discussed. A simplified, parallel memory management model and an efficient, load-balancing goal scheduling strategy are presented. It is shown how, for systems which support "don't know" non-determinism, special care has to be taken during goal scheduling if the space recovery characteristics of sequential systems are to be preserved. A solution based on selecting only "newer" goals for execution is described, and an algorithm is proposed for efficiently maintaining and determining precedence relationships and variable ages across parallel goals. It is argued that the proposed schemes and algorithms make it possible to extend the storage performance of sequential systems to parallel execution without the considerable overhead previously associated with it. The results are applicable to a wide class of parallel and coroutining systems, and they represent an efficient alternative to "all heap" or "spaghetti stack" allocation models

    An abstract machine for restricted and-parallel execution of logic programs

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    Although the sequential execution speed of logic programs has been greatly improved by the concepts introduced in the Warren Abstract Machine (WAM), parallel execution represents the only way to increase this speed beyond the natural limits of sequential systems. However, most proposed parallel logic programming execution models lack the performance optimizations and storage efficiency of sequential systems. This paper presents a parallel abstract machine which is an extension of the WAM and is thus capable of supporting ANDParallelism without giving up the optimizations present in sequential implementations. A suitable instruction set, which can be used as a target by a variety of logic programming languages, is also included. Special instructions are provided to support a generalized version of "Restricted AND-Parallelism" (RAP), a technique which reduces the overhead traditionally associated with the run-time management of variable binding conflicts to a series of simple run-time checks, which select one out of a series of compiled execution graphs

    Independence in CLP Languages

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    Studying independence of goals has proven very useful in the context of logic programming. In particular, it has provided a formal basis for powerful automatic parallelization tools, since independence ensures that two goals may be evaluated in parallel while preserving correctness and eciency. We extend the concept of independence to constraint logic programs (CLP) and prove that it also ensures the correctness and eciency of the parallel evaluation of independent goals. Independence for CLP languages is more complex than for logic programming as search space preservation is necessary but no longer sucient for ensuring correctness and eciency. Two additional issues arise. The rst is that the cost of constraint solving may depend upon the order constraints are encountered. The second is the need to handle dynamic scheduling. We clarify these issues by proposing various types of search independence and constraint solver independence, and show how they can be combined to allow dierent optimizations, from parallelism to intelligent backtracking. Sucient conditions for independence which can be evaluated \a priori" at run-time are also proposed. Our study also yields new insights into independence in logic programming languages. In particular, we show that search space preservation is not only a sucient but also a necessary condition for ensuring correctness and eciency of parallel execution

    A Framework for Efficient Execution of Logic Programs.

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    The focus of this dissertation is to develop an efficient framework for sequential execution of logic programs. Within this framework the logic programs are executed by pruning the goal-search tree whenever applicable. Three new concepts for pruning of computation during execution of logic programs are introduced. (1) Failure-binding. A Failure-binding for a literal is a binding which when applied to the literal fails the goal obtained from the literal. Failure-bindings for a literal are identified by analyzing the goal-tree of a goal which is obtained from the literal. The failure-bindings for a literal are used for intelligent backtracking based on the generator-consumer approach. Intelligent backtracking based on failure-bindings prune the computation of search space which lead to late detection of failure. (2) Failure-solution. A Failure-solution of a goal is unacceptable to some other subgoal in the forward execution. Failure-solutions of a goal are identified by analyzing the history of computation, during execution. Failure-solutions of the goals are used for intelligent forward execution. Intelligent forward execution prunes the computation of search space which leads to repeated failure resulting from repeated successes of a goal. (3) Forward jumping. Forward jumping is a method to avoid reexecution of some subgoals after backtracking (instead of naive forward execution after backtracking). Forward jumping is based on the dynamic subgoal dependencies in a rule. Such jumping prunes the computation of the search spaces which leads to the same sequences of successes of subgoals after backtracking. To facilitate the implementation of these concepts a new data structure, called segmented-stack, is defined. The space complexity of a segmented stack is linear in the number of nodes in the stack. Depth-first search as well as breadth-first search are very easily implemented on a segmented-stack during execution of logic programs. Execution of logic programs on a segmented-stack allows association of the search space, as well as the solutions, of a goal with the frame of the goal. This enables implementation of intelligent backtracking, intelligent forward execution and forward jumping. The search based on each of these paradigms is proved to be sound and complete. It is also shown that the implementation of these paradigms preserves the order of results obtained by Prolog. The effects of the non-logical operators, in Prolog, on the paradigms are studied. The search based on the these paradigms is compared individually, and collectively, with the standard search by Prolog

    A segment-swapping approach for executing trapped computations

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    We consider the problem of supporting goal-level, independent andparallelism (IAP) in the presence of non-determinism. IAP is exploited when two or more goals which will not interfere at run time are scheduled for simultaneous execution. Backtracking over non-deterministic parallel goals runs into the wellknown trapped goal and garbage slot problems. The proposed solutions for these problems generally require complex low-level machinery which makes systems difficult to maintain and extend, and in some cases can even affect sequential execution performance. In this paper we propose a novel solution to the problem of trapped nondeterministic goals and garbage slots which is based on a single stack reordering operation and offers several advantages over previous proposals. While the implementation of this operation itself is not simple, in return it does not impose constraints on the scheduler. As a result, the scheduler and the rest of the run-time machinery can safely ignore the trapped goal and garbage slot problems and their implementation is greatly simplified. Also, standard sequential execution remains unaffected. In addition to describing the solution we report on an implementation and provide performance results. We also suggest other possible applications of the proposed approach beyond parallel execution

    Experimenting with independent and-parallel prolog using standard prolog

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    This paper presents an approximation to the study of parallel systems using sequential tools. The Independent And-parallelism in Prolog is an example of parallel processing paradigm in the framework of logic programming, and implementations like <fc-Prolog uncover the potential performance of parallel processing. But this potential can also be explored using only sequential systems. Being the spirit of this paper to show how this can be done with a standard system, only standard Prolog will be used in the implementations included. Such implementations include tests for parallelism in And-Prolog, a correctnesschecking meta-interpreter of <fc-Prolog and a simulator of parallel execution for <fc-Prolog

    Divided we stand: Parallel distributed stack memory management

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    We present an overview of the stack-based memory management techniques that we used in our non-deterministic and-parallel Prolog systems: &-Prolog and DASWAM. We believe that the problems associated with non-deterministic and-parallel systems are more general than those encountered in or-parallel and deterministic and-parallel systems, which can be seen as subsets of this more general case. We develop on the previously proposed "marker scheme", lifting some of the restrictions associated with the selection of goals while keeping (virtual) memory consumption down. We also review some of the other problems associated with the stack-based management scheme, such as handling of forward and backward execution, cut, and roll-backs
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