10 research outputs found

    What is an intelligent system?

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    The concept of intelligent system has emerged in information technology as a type of system derived from successful applications of artificial intelligence. The goal of this paper is to give a general description of an intelligent system, which integrates previous approaches and takes into account recent advances in artificial intelligence. The paper describes an intelligent system in a generic way, identifying its main properties and functional components, and presents some common categories. The presented description follows a practical approach to be used by system engineers. Its generality and its use is illustrated with real-world system examples and related with artificial intelligence methods

    A Study to Assess Users’ Preferences for Intelligent Personal Assistance and Improve their Mass Adoption

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    Despite the dissemination and wide availability of Intelligent Personal Assistants (IPA), such systems have not reached the popularity expected. One reason for this is the users\u27 lack of trust in IPA and their providers. Another reason is the IPA\u27s limited performance and skill set, which in turn is due to the intentional segregation of IPAs in proprietary ecosystems. Enabling IPAs to communicate and exchange data with each other could help IPAs improve performance and thus their acceptance among users. Further, certifications and suitable marketing strategies can also contribute towards their mass adop-tion, by fostering user\u27s trust in IPA and their providers. To better understand the incentives necessary to instigate mass adoption of interoperable IPAs, this paper presents a survey which captures the po-tential users\u27 attitude towards interoperable IPAs and their attitude towards different marketing strate-gies which could increase users’ trust in IPAs. The ultimate purpose of this ongoing research is to develop design recommendations and an efficient incentive system that can foster the mass adoption of IPAs

    Improving Energy Efficiency by Advanced Traffic Control Systems

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    The problem of traffic congestion is particularly acute in urban areas in which the possibilities for the physical increase of capacities are limited or nonexistent. Traffic congestion has a direct impact on the emission, energy efficiency and fuel consumption of personal vehicles. Several projects in the European Union are focused on solving this problem (both at the physical level – automotive industry, as well as at the traffic management level). This paper explores the possibility of the implementation of advanced traffic control systems in urban areas in which driving behavior involves a multitude of stopand-go actions, lower speeds in lower vehicle gears. Since this type of driving behavior affects vehicle fuel consumption and emission, relevant evaluation parameters were defined (queue length, average vehicle speed, etc.). A demonstration corridor in the city of Zagreb was chosen and a simulation model based on the traffic data collected in real traffic situations developed. The basis for further research is laid down to allow the application of the proposed model and adaptive traffic control algorithms to the greater urban traffic network

    Pilot Implementation of Public Transport Priority in The City of Zagreb

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    The problem with traffic congestion is particularly expressed in urban areas where possibilities for physical increment of capacity are limited or impossible. Significant in the approach to solving this problem is the usage of Public Transport (PT) and the implementation of various advanced control measures that can improve the quality of overall public transport system. The main objective of this research is to explore the possibilities of implementation of adaptive traffic control on signalized intersections giving priority to public transport vehicles through urban traffic network in the city of Zagreb. The possibilities of implementing public transport priority (PTP) technique in the city of Zagreb are analyzed because of specific traffic situations on defined corridors (location of stops, distance between intersections, etc.). With proper usage of PTP techniques (e.g. adequate detector positions, good estimation of PT vehicle arrival time at intersection) the total tram travel time can be significantly reduced. The Level of Service at intersection may be approximately retained because cross-street traffic demand was not ignored. According to technological level of traffic control system in the city of Zagreb, global implementation of PTP is not possible. So, for each intersection the PTP algorithm was developed separately, but mutual traffic influence of all intersections on the corridor was considered. The cooperative concept application within urban traffic control is considered as well

    Modelación del comportamiento del tráfico de transporte público en la Avenida Boyacá entre la Avenida Américas y la Calle 127 de la ciudad de Bogotá mediante dinámica de sistemas

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    Trabajo de investigaciónEl estudio y análisis del transporte público en ciudades como Bogotá, surge como necesidad de identificar los factores y variables cualitativas y cuantitativas que interactúan, estableciendo parámetros que permiten reconocer el comportamiento del mismo y generan estrategias para posibles intervenciones que se pueden realizar buscando la mejora continua del sistema. Se desarrolla este proyecto para la construcción de un modelo mediante dinámica de sistemas en el tramo comprendido entre la Avenida de las Américas y la Avenida Calle 127 de la Avenida Boyacá, determinando las causas que afectan a los usuarios del Sistema Integrado de Transporte Público (SITP), utilizando los recursos disponibles y generando propuestas para satisfacer la demanda de pasajeros y las necesidades de cumplimiento de tiempos en la movilidad.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. IDENTIFICACIÓN DE LOS ELEMENTOS QUE COMPONEN EL SISTEMA DE MOVILIDAD EN EL TRAMO ESTUDIADO MEDIANTE LA RECOPILACIÓN DE INFORMACIÓN PROVENIENTE DE FUENTES OFICIALES Y LA RECOLECCIÓN DE DATOS PARA LA CARACTERIZACIÓN DE FACTORES CRÍTICOS. 3. DIAGNÓSTICO DE LOS ELEMENTOS QUE INTERACTÚAN EN EL SISTEMA DE MOVILIDAD DE TRANSPORTE PÚBLICO ACTUAL EN EL TRAMO DE LA AVENIDA BOYACÁ COMPRENDIDO ENTRE LA AVENIDA LAS AMÉRICAS Y LA AVENIDA BOYACÁ. 4. PROPUESTA PARA ESTABLECER LOS INDICADORES DE FLUJO DE MOVILIDAD PARA LA CONSTRUCCIÓN DEL MODELO MATEMÁTICO DEL SISTEMA. 5. GENERACIÓN DEL MODELO DE OPERACIÓN DE TRÁFICO DE PASAJEROS DE TRANSPORTE PÚBLICO MEDIANTE DINÁMICA DE SISTEMAS Y HERRAMIENTAS DE MULTIANÁLISIS. CONCLUSIONES RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Industria


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    Trabalho de projecto de mestrado, Engenharia Informática (Engenharia de Software) Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2019Este relatório foi realizado no âmbito da disciplina de Dissertação/Projeto de Engenharia Informática do 2º ano de Mestrado em Engenharia Informática da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa e reporta o trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito do projeto SMART CITY BUS: FLEXIBLETRANSPORT.AI na empresa Card4B – Systems, S.A, projeto que está relacionado com a temática dos transportes públicos e pretende desenvolver um conjunto de mecanismos e soluções que têm por objetivo melhorar o funcionamento destes. Nos dias de hoje, os serviços públicos de mobilidade em meios urbanos (serviços de transportes) são maioritariamente divididos em dois tipos, antagónicos: serviços coletivos regulares com horários e percursos pré-definidos (ex. carreiras da Carris) e serviços a pedido (ex. táxis, Uber). A flexibilidade dos serviços a pedido tem um acréscimo de preço significativo face aos serviços coletivos regulares, o que restringe a sua utilização por vastas camadas da população. Com as tecnologias existentes nas áreas de informação e de comunicação começa a ser possível obter informação sobre os movimentos e a concentração dos cidadãos na malha urbana. Estas tecnologias permitem ainda gerir de forma mais dinâmica grandes frotas de veículos de transportes, pelo que é expectável o aparecimento de serviços coletivos com trajetos e horários mais flexíveis, dinâmicos e ajustados aos padrões de mobilidade dos utilizadores deste tipo de transporte. Este trabalho consistiu na implementação e alteração de um sistema de transportes inteligentes (STI), que permite a um utilizador executar a função pretendida sem dificuldades no menor tempo possível, com uma arquitetura modular, permitindo a independência de módulos e uma instalação simples do sistema, com módulos de back-end e frond-end. As implementações e alterações efetuadas originam melhoramentos no sistema, como uma troca de mensagens mais rápida por parte de um WebService, novas funcionalidades em vários módulos e ainda um conversor que permite a integração de dados no sistema, sendo estes dados provenientes de diferentes empresas clientes. O trabalho realizado permite a compra de bilhetes em papel por parte dos motoristas e das bilheteiras, e ainda a validação de passes em dispositivos presentes nos autocarros. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido sobre uma plataforma que é explorada comercialmente pela empresa Card4B – Systems, S.A, o que levou a que existissem algumas restrições de divulgação de detalhes e/ou implementações dos diferentes componentes que constituem o sistema. Neste sentido, e de acordo com as regras da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, foram elaboradas duas versões do presente relatório (uma versão pública e outra confidencial). Na versão pública, a atual, o sistema é descrito por meio das suas funcionalidades, sendo omitidos os detalhes dos mecanismos internos, bem como a sua implementação. No que diz respeito à versão confidencial, os aspetos omitidos na versão pública são descritos em detalhe de forma a descrever o trabalho que foi feito durante este estágio. No que diz respeito à plataforma resultante deste projeto e às funcionalidades implementadas, esta permite um controlo pormenorizado de dados existentes no sistema, permitindo avaliar o sistema atual com base na informação existentes nas variadas bases de dados de cada módulo e comparar o estado do sistema antes e depois das alterações realizadas.This report was done in the context of the course of Computer Engineering Dissertation/Project, as part of the 2nd year of MSc in Computer Engineering of the School of Sciences of the University of Lisbon. It reports the work developed under the SMART CITY BUS: FLEXIBLETRANSPORT.AI project that ran at the company CARD4B – Systems, S.A. The SMART CITY BUS: FLEXIBLETRANSPORT.AI project is related to public transportation theme and aims to develop a set of mechanisms and solutions to improve the efficiency of public transportation systems. Nowadays, public mobility services in urban areas (transportation services) are divided in two antagonistic types: regular collective services with predetermined schedules and routes (e.g. Carris buses) and services on request (e.g. Taxis, Uber). The flexibility of on-demand services has a significant price compared with regular collective services, which restricts their use by many sectors of the population. Based on information and communication technologies, it is now possible to obtain information about the movements and concentration of citizens in the urban network. These technologies also allow a more dynamic management over large fleets of transport vehicles, so it is expected that new services with more flexibility, dynamic routes and schedules will appear, adjusted to user needs and fleets. The work reported here consisted on the implementation and modification of an intelligent transport system, designed to present a modular architecture, allowing the modules independence and a simple system installation, with backend and front-end modules. Besides those capabilities it presents a user-friendly interaction, allowing users to execute the desired function without difficulties in the shortest possible time. The implementations and changes lead to improvements in the system, such as faster exchange of messages by a Webservice, new functionalities in several modules and a converter that allows the integration of data in the system, being this data coming from different client companies. The work done allows the purchase of paper tickets by drivers and ticket offices, as well as the validation of passes inside buses. This work was developed on a commercial platform that is exploited by the Card4B - Systems, S.A company, which led to some restrictions on the description of details and/or implementations of the different components that make up the system. In this sense, and in accordance with the rules of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, two versions of this report (a public and a confidential version) have been created and delivered. In the public version, the current one, the system is described through its functionalities, being omitted the details of the internal mechanisms, as well as their implementations. Regarding to the confidential version, all modules, mechanisms and functionalities are described in detail. In terms of final solution, it allows a detailed control of existing data in the system, allowing to evaluate the current system status based on information coming from the various databases of each module and compare the state of the system before and after the changes made

    implications to CRM and public policy

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    Thesis(Doctoral) --KDI School:Ph.D in Public Policy,2017With the advent of the Internet and Mobile Communications, the nature of communication has changed significantly over the past few decades .The promotion of technologies among the common people has been found to be an important element of public policy to reduce the digital divide. The rapid advancement of information technology (IT), automation systems and data communications systems leads to improvement of intelligent transport systems (ITS). ITS covers all branches of transportation and involves all dynamically interacting elements of transportation system, i.e. transport means, infrastructure, drivers and commuters. However, few researches have been carried out in the context of public sectors, especially that involving ITS. The purpose of this study is to investigate the justice dimensions that influence satisfaction and public confidence in the context of ITS and to explore implications to Citizen/Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and public policy. This study investigates the following research questions: i) Do levels of perceived justice (distributive, procedural and interactional) in ITS environment affect levels of satisfaction/dissatisfaction? ii) Do levels of satisfaction form ITS affect levels of public confidence? iii) Do levels of dissatisfaction form ITS affect levels of willingness to complain? iv) Do levels of dissatisfaction form ITS affect levels of complaining behavior? v) Do levels of complaining behavior in ITS environment affect levels of satisfaction with complaint handling when the complaints are resolved based on three dimensions (distributive, procedural and interactional)of justice? vi) Do levels of willingness to complain in ITS environment affect levels of public confidence? vii) Do levels of satisfaction with complaint handling in ITS environment affect levels of public confidence? The findings of this study imply that ITS users are more importantly perceive to equity and equality issues, or distributive justice. The employment of ITS should not be limited to the technical aspects of ITS, but should focus more attention on the subjective domain of justice. The results of this study also have important implications for public complaint handling in terms of increasing public satisfaction with ITS, which is crucial for CRM.Part I: Exploring Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction and Public Confidence in the ITS Environment; Implications to CRM and Public Policy Part II: ComparingSatisfaction/Dissatisfaction and Public Confidence in the ITS Environment in Public and Private Transportation Part III: Implementation Strategy of ITS in Developing CountriesdoctoralpublishedA. K. M. Anisur RAHMAN

    An Intelligent Assistant for Public Transport Management

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    Abstract. This paper describes the architecture of a computer system conceived as an intelligent assistant for public transport management. The goal of the system is to help operators of a control center in making strategic decisions about how to solve problems of a fleet of buses in an urban network. The system uses artificial intelligence techniques to simulate the decision processes. In particular, a complex knowledge model has been designed by using advanced knowledge engineering methods that integrates three main tasks: diagnosis, prediction and planning. Finally, the paper describes two particular applications developed following this architecture for the cities of Torino (Italy) and Vitoria (Spain).

    Entre écran de fumée et terrain fertile pour des politiques agricoles urbaines . La souveraineté alimentaire en Suisse comme concept nirvana.

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    This paper describes the architecture of a computer system conceived as an intelligent assistant for public transport management. The goal of the system is to help operators of a control center in making strategic decisions about how to solve problems of a fleet of buses in an urban network. The system uses artificial intelligence techniques to simulate the decision processes. In particular, a complex knowledge model has been designed by using advanced knowledge engineering methods that integrates three main tasks: diagnosis, prediction and planning. Finally, the paper describes two particular applications developed following this architecture for the cities of Torino (Italy) and Vitoria (Spain)