8,028 research outputs found

    Ensemble Streamflow Forecasting Using an Energy Balance Snowmelt Model Coupled to a Distributed Hydrologic Model with Assimilation of Snow and Streamflow Observations

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    In many river basins across the world, snowmelt is an important source of streamflow. However, detailed snowmelt modeling is hampered by limited input data and uncertainty arising from inadequate model structure and parametrization. Data assimilation that updates model states based on observations, reduces uncertainty and improves streamflow forecasts. In this study, we evaluated the Utah Energy Balance (UEB) snowmelt model coupled to the Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting (SAC‐SMA) and rutpix7 stream routing models, integrated within the Research Distributed Hydrologic Model (RDHM) framework for streamflow forecasting. We implemented an ensemble Kalman filter for assimilation of snow water equivalent (SWE) observations in UEB and a particle filter for assimilation of streamflow to update the SAC‐SMA and rutpix7 states. Using leave one out validation, it was shown that the modeled SWE at a location where observations were excluded from data assimilation was improved through assimilation of data from other stations, suggesting that assimilation of sparse observations of SWE has the potential to improve the distributed modeling of SWE over watershed grid cells. In addition, the spatially distributed snow data assimilation improved streamflow forecasts and the forecast volume error was reduced. On the other hand, the assimilation of streamflow observations did not provide additional forecast improvement over that achieved by the SWE assimilation for seasonal forecast volume likely due to there being little information content in streamflow at the forecast date prior to its rising during the melt period and this application of particle filter being better suited for shorter timescales

    Multi-source data assimilation for physically based hydrological modeling of an experimental hillslope

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    Data assimilation has recently been the focus of much attention for integrated surface–subsurface hydrological models, whereby joint assimilation of water table, soil moisture, and river discharge measurements with the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) has been extensively applied. Although the EnKF has been specifically developed to deal with nonlinear models, integrated hydrological models based on the Richards equation still represent a challenge, due to strong nonlinearities that may significantly affect the filter performance. Thus, more studies are needed to investigate the capabilities of the EnKF to correct the system state and identify parameters in cases where the unsaturated zone dynamics are dominant, as well as to quantify possible tradeoffs associated with assimilation of multi-source data. Here, the CATHY (CATchment HYdrology) model is applied to reproduce the hydrological dynamics observed in an experimental two-layered hillslope, equipped with tensiometers, water content reflectometer probes, and tipping bucket flow gages to monitor the hillslope response to a series of artificial rainfall events. Pressure head, soil moisture, and subsurface outflow are assimilated with the EnKF in a number of scenarios and the challenges and issues arising from the assimilation of multi-source data in this real-world test case are discussed. Our results demonstrate that the EnKF is able to effectively correct states and parameters even in a real application characterized by strong nonlinearities. However, multi-source data assimilation may lead to significant tradeoffs: the assimilation of additional variables can lead to degradation of model predictions for other variables that are otherwise well reproduced. Furthermore, we show that integrated observations such as outflow discharge cannot compensate for the lack of well-distributed data in heterogeneous hillslopes.</p

    To improve model soil moisture estimation in arid/semi-arid region using in situ and remote sensing information

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    Soil moisture plays a key role in water and energy exchange in the land hydrologic process. Effective soil moisture information can be used for many applications in weather and hydrological forecasting, water resources, and irrigation system management and planning. However, to accurate modeling of soil moisture variation in the soil layer is still very challenging. In this study, in situ and remote sensing information of near-surface soil moisture is assimilated into the Noah land surface model (LSM) to estimate deep-layer soil moisture variation. The sequential Monte Carlo-Particle Filter technique, being well known for capability of modeling high nonlinear and non-Gaussian processes, is applied to assimilate surface soil moisture measurement to the deep layers. The experiments were carried out over several locations over the semi-arid region of the US. Comparing with in situ observations, the assimilation runs show much improved from the control (non-assimilation) runs for estimating both soil moisture and temperature at 5-, 20-, and 50-cm soil depths in the Noah LSM. © 2012 Springer-Verlag

    Hydrologic and Agricultural Earth Observations and Modeling for the Water-Food Nexus

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    In a globalizing and rapidly-developing world, reliable, sustainable access to water and food are inextricably linked to each other and basic human rights. Achieving security and sustainability in both requires recognition of these linkages, as well as continued innovations in both science and policy. We present case studies of how Earth observations are being used in applications at the nexus of water and food security: crop monitoring in support of G20 global market assessments, water stress early warning for USAID, soil moisture monitoring for USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service, and identifying food security vulnerabilities for climate change assessments for the UN and the UK international development agency. These case studies demonstrate that Earth observations are essential for providing the data and scalability to monitor relevant indicators across space and time, as well as understanding agriculture, the hydrological cycle, and the water-food nexus. The described projects follow the guidelines for co-developing useable knowledge for sustainable development policy. We show how working closely with stakeholders is essential for transforming NASA Earth observations into accurate, timely, and relevant information for water-food nexus decision support. We conclude with recommendations for continued efforts in using Earth observations for addressing the water-food nexus and the need to incorporate the role of energy for improved food and water security assessment

    A Bayesian Consistent Dual Ensemble Kalman Filter for State-Parameter Estimation in Subsurface Hydrology

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    Ensemble Kalman filtering (EnKF) is an efficient approach to addressing uncertainties in subsurface groundwater models. The EnKF sequentially integrates field data into simulation models to obtain a better characterization of the model's state and parameters. These are generally estimated following joint and dual filtering strategies, in which, at each assimilation cycle, a forecast step by the model is followed by an update step with incoming observations. The Joint-EnKF directly updates the augmented state-parameter vector while the Dual-EnKF employs two separate filters, first estimating the parameters and then estimating the state based on the updated parameters. In this paper, we reverse the order of the forecast-update steps following the one-step-ahead (OSA) smoothing formulation of the Bayesian filtering problem, based on which we propose a new dual EnKF scheme, the Dual-EnKFOSA_{\rm OSA}. Compared to the Dual-EnKF, this introduces a new update step to the state in a fully consistent Bayesian framework, which is shown to enhance the performance of the dual filtering approach without any significant increase in the computational cost. Numerical experiments are conducted with a two-dimensional synthetic groundwater aquifer model to assess the performance and robustness of the proposed Dual-EnKFOSA_{\rm OSA}, and to evaluate its results against those of the Joint- and Dual-EnKFs. The proposed scheme is able to successfully recover both the hydraulic head and the aquifer conductivity, further providing reliable estimates of their uncertainties. Compared with the standard Joint- and Dual-EnKFs, the proposed scheme is found more robust to different assimilation settings, such as the spatial and temporal distribution of the observations, and the level of noise in the data. Based on our experimental setups, it yields up to 25% more accurate state and parameters estimates

    Modeling of GRACE-Derived Groundwater Information in the Colorado River Basin

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    Groundwater depletion has been one of the major challenges in recent years. Analysis of groundwater levels can be beneficial for groundwater management. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s twin satellite, Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE), serves in monitoring terrestrial water storage. Increasing freshwater demand amidst recent drought (2000–2014) posed a significant groundwater level decline within the Colorado River Basin (CRB). In the current study, a non-parametric technique was utilized to analyze historical groundwater variability. Additionally, a stochastic Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model was developed and tested to forecast the GRACE-derived groundwater anomalies within the CRB. The ARIMA model was trained with the GRACE data from January 2003 to December of 2013 and validated with GRACE data from January 2014 to December of 2016. Groundwater anomaly from January 2017 to December of 2019 was forecasted with the tested model. Autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation plots were drawn to identify and construct the seasonal ARIMA models. ARIMA order for each grid was evaluated based on Akaike’s and Bayesian information criterion. The error analysis showed the reasonable numerical accuracy of selected seasonal ARIMA models. The proposed models can be used to forecast groundwater variability for sustainable groundwater planning and management