68 research outputs found

    A Scale for B2B eCommerce Website Customer Satisfaction

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    Business to Business (B2B) e-commerce has become increasingly important in e-commerce. However there is little research on the definition and evaluation of user satisfaction with B2B website. Traditional scales, like User Information Satisfaction (UIS), End-User Computer Satisfaction (EUCS) and Customer Information Satisfaction (CIS) focus on the individual users of Information System (IS) and are not suitable to the B2B business environment. In this article, we establishe a scale of B2B Ecommerce Website Customer Satisfaction (B2B-ECWCS) with five dimensions and highlight the significant factors in the B2B-ECWCS scale. We then present the results of testing and validating the scale with customer data of Alibaba, the largest B2B business in China


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    This study is aimed at analyzing validity and reliability of service questionnaires tomeasure the level of customer satisfaction at the University of Muhammadiyah Gresik.There were three questionnaires to be developed for services; at units and university level,at Study Program services, and at services of learning evaluation by lecturers. By usingquantitative descriptive analysis of SPSS application, the results showed that the averagevalues of Cronbach alpha for the three types of the questionnaires were 0.778 to 0.806,0.874 to 0.884, 0.964 to 0.966, and in consecutive, their r values were 0.806, 0.884, and0.966. Thus three of these questionnaires fulfilled the validity and reliability for bothCornbach alpha and r value that was already above 0.3 or approaching one. Therefore, thethree questionnaires are acceptable to explore customer satisfaction data used at theUniversity of Muhammadiyah Gresik

    Assessing Website Performance In The Line Of The Is Impact Model

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    This research proposal presents a novel study that aims to contribute to the understanding of factors that impact on the performance of Australian university business school websites. The proposed study addresses the current limitations of website performance measurement and incorporates a multilevel perspective that accounts for user and organisational perspectives on website performance. This study adopts the IS-Impact model, developed by G able et al. (2008) as its primary theoretical foundation and applies Shannon & Weaver’s (1949) Communication Theory to develop a conceptual model of website performance as a tool for understanding multilevel website usage as a measure of website performance. The study employs a two-phase quantitative survey research method incorporating an exploratory and confirmatory phase. The exploratory phase aims to test the completeness and the applicability of the IS-Impact model’s dimensions and measures in the university website context. The confirmatory phase aims to further validate the model and instrument derived from the exploratory phase, as well as to reconfirm the model and measures using quantitative data


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    Keberhasilan sebuah Perguruan Tinggi di Fakultas Teknik salah satunya ditentukan oleh fasilitas dan kualitas media pembelajaran baik secara Hardwere ataupun Softwere dan Dosennya yang bermutu. Melihat perilaku mahasiswa dizaman modern sekarang tidak dipungkiri diperlukan Terobosan baru dalam segi pembelajaran. Media aplikasi Interaktif E-Lerarning untuk Skala Universitas ini hadir untuk menjembatani itu semua, antara Dosen dengan mahasiswa, yang diharapkan agar mahasiswa bisa lebih terbantu dan lebih efektif dalam pembelajaran karena setiap mahasiswa bisa mengakses materi dan tugasnya jika mahasiswa terjadi halangaan diakibatkan sakit atau keperluan jadi tidak tertinggal dari teman-temannya. Model pengembangan Sistem pada penelitian ini menggunakan pengembangan sistem Extreme Programming (XP) salah satunya mengembangkan perangkat lunak lebih sederhana dan bisa diterima oleh pengguna yang lain. Penelitian ini terbagi menjadi dua tahap. Tahap pertama meliputi Pengembangan dan Implementasi e-learning dan tahap kedua meliputi pengukuran, evaluasi berupa pembuatan model dan instrumen pengukuran. Adapun model dan instrumen pengukuran pada penelitian ini didasarkan pada model Customer Information Satisfaction (CIS), di mana setelah dilakukan pemilihan dan pengujian diperoleh 5 dimensi pengukuran yaitu customer service, security, ease of use, information content, dan innovation. Selanjutnya, berdasarkan 5 dimensi ini disusun instrumen pengukuran yang terdiri dari 14 butir ditambah satu butir yang mengukur kepuasan pengguna secara keseluruhan. Sedangkan survey dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner ke semua program studi secara proposional tergantung jumlah mahasiswa aktif tahun akademik berjala


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    It is always costly to attract new customers, so the managers always try to find ways to retain their current customers and concentrate on different factors which enhances the customer loyalty among the customers of the organizations. This research attempts to find the factors of customer loyalty and their relationships with banking industry in one of the developing countries i.e. Pakistan. Then analyzing the relationship among different factors a model for the customer loyalty is proposed at the end of the research. In order to do this, a questionnaire is designed and validated, then based on the data which were gained from the 316 respondents' answers to the designed questionnaire, the analysis is done and the results and the relations among the factors are explained. Perceived Quality, Satisfaction, Trust, Switching Cost and Commitment are the factors which influence the Loyalty of the customers. Theses factors also influence each other as well. The relationships of different factors with each other are also studied and the SPSS software is used to analyze the data gathered from the respondents.customer loyalty, banking sector, perceived quality

    The Influence of Techno stress and Organizational-Is Related Support on User Satisfaction in Government Organizations: A Proposed Model and Literature Review

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    Empirical evidence on the issue of satisfaction towards certain computer applications or systems has guided organizations in the implementation process of information systems (IS). What is more important, findings of the previous studies in the IS field have proved that user satisfaction is one dimension of IS success and needs to be carefully managed during the implementation process. Consequently, organizations are increasingly concerned about ensuring that employees have gained satisfaction about the IS that they use. Organizations also need to investigate user opinions about the system, and where its faults lie. Though there are a great number of studies on IS, little attention has been given to the influence of technostress and organizational IS-related support on IS success in government organizations of Malaysia. Two hypotheses were generated from the previous studies which link technostress, organizational IS-related support with user satisfaction. These hypotheses will be tested in the future. The results from the research would contribute useful insights in EHRM studies. Particularly, the results would help the government organizations in Malaysia to improve their implementation of HRMIS

    Customer Satisfaction with Cell Phone Banking in South Africa

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing satisfaction with cell phone banking in South Africa. The study followed a qualitative approach in which in-depth interviews were conducted with a set of South African cell phone banking users. Thematic analysis was employed to analyse the data. It was confirmed that factors known to influence satisfaction with other electronic services such as Internet banking were of relevance for cell phone banking too, i.e. Service Quality; Information Quality, System Quality; Transaction and Payment Quality, Perceived Usefulness, Innovativeness, Trust and Security. In addition it was found that prior electronic banking experience, the type of phone used and the type of banking service employed play a secondary role in influencing customer cell phone banking satisfaction. These findings are discussed and implications drawn

    The descriptive analysis of aesthetic appeal, layout and functionality, and financial security: case study for the Indonesia e-commerce

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the e-servicescape of Indonesian website based on customer perception in Surabaya - Indonesia. E-servicescape concept comprises three main components; firstly is website aesthetic appeal which evaluate design originality, visual appeal, and entertainment aspect; secondly is website layout and functionality which evaluate features functionality, information relevancy, customization features, and interaction features; finally website financial security which evaluate perceived security and payment easiness. There were 200 respondents who frequently purchase product via online are collected through purposive sampling technique. Structural equation modelling was used to analyze the research data. The findings revealed descriptive charateristic of online shopping behavior as well as the customer evaluation on web e-servicescape


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    Perceived usefulness is a level which a person believes that users of a particular system will to improve the person's work. The perception of e-service quality is assessment of the consumer regarding the extent to which a website to facilitate the efficient and effective expenditures in terms of purchase, and shipping. E-loyalty program is the process of making the consumer has feel liked, enriched, smart by their companies and it takes to build relationships and the intensity of the relationship between consumers with online retailers. This research aims to research more about the influence of perceived usefulness, e-service quality, and e-loyalty programs of interest to use the website Gramedia online. In this research is used in the study of conclusive causal research. The techniques to take sampling used isnon-probability sampling. This type of method used is the purposive sampling. The sample used was 150 consumer websites Gramedia online. The Data were collectedby questionnaire. The data were analysed using multiple linear regression analysis. The analysis’ result shew that the perceived usefulness, e-service quality, and e-loyalty program had significant in using the website Gramedia online. In this study, it was found that the perceived usefulness cannot be a moderator for the relationship between e-service quality, and e-loyalty towards interest using the website Gramedia online
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