1,955 research outputs found


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    In the last decades the population in United States with Hispanic roots, comprised of many different races, such as Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Peruvians, and Spaniards, with also including individuals who either speak Spanish as native language or whose families or ancestors are native to countries in Latin America, have increased exponentially to reach 54.1 million people in 2014. By 2050, United States is expected to become the largest Spanish speaking country in the world, will constitute 30%, and Hispanics the majority group within the country. (Rojas and Pinon, 2014). More than 35 million Latinos claim to speak Spanish at home, despite the language policies that tend to put a hindrance to the development of bilingualism, Hispanic media channels such as Telemundo (NBC Universal), and Univision (Televisa) have become spaces that provide maintenance, dissemination and development of Spanish, particularly in the context of cultural and media consumption in private and public environments in United States, especially in cities with highly Latino population such as: Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, Dallas, and Phoenix. However, these numbers are not being equally representing in media industry, where according to the National Latino Arts, Education, and Media Institute, in 2014 Latinos in numerous cases are portraying in mainstream media as a thrives, drug dealers, or comedians, perpetuating inaccurate, and negative stereotypes toward Hispanic communities. Besides that, their presence in executive positions is almost inexistent, only 1 of the 52 top media executives has a Latino heritage. At the other side, immigration, particularly from Latin American countries has been prevalent within the American political news and main part of the U.S national agenda over the past two decades, in 2007 the Pew Research Center concluded that 55% of Americans claimed that illegal immigration should be a top priority for the government (Keeter, 2009), concern that has been extensively cover media in all formats, as everyone for instance seen along the last presidential campaign. Understanding the origins of stereotype content is important for at least two major reasons. First, stereotype content shapes groups’ typical behaviors because these beliefs about groups not only describe typical attributes but also often function as prescriptive rules for appropriate behavior., specially within the American society where according to the American Press Institute more than 90% of Americans get the news every day through television, Second, stereotype content is crucial for understanding and ameliorating prejudice and discrimination, which arises when group members’ stereotypical attributes are miss-matched to the requirements of social roles. (Rojas, 2002) This research examines how Mexicans Male individuals are representing in the Telemundo Chicago news 5 p.m. edition from Monday to Friday, seeking answer questions as Does the Mexican population in Chicago feels equally and truly represented by Hispanic media

    The role of metadata in the presentation of türbe in digital environment

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    Savremene tehnologije omogućavaju prezentaciju raznolikih objekata pokretnog i nepokretnoga kulturnog naslijeđa u digitalnom okruženju na nove i kreativne načine, što je na međunarodnom nivou rezultiralo izgradnjom brojnih i raznovrsnih digitalnih zbirki koje su kreirale informacijske i druge ustanove. Budući da je vidljivost takvih zbirki u virtualnom prostoru ovisna o bogatstvu metapodataka dodijeljenih izvorima u zbirkama, očekivano je ove inicijative pratio i razvoj u domeni metapodataka. S tim u vezi, a s obzirom na to da do sada nije istražena uloga metapodataka u predstavljanju turbeta kao vrlo specifičnih objekata bosanskohercegovačkog nepokretnog kulturnog naslijeđa u online okruženju, cilj ovoga istraživanja je identificirati koji standardi metapodataka ili njihove kombinacije mogu biti korišteni za obradu turbeta u Omeka Classic okruženju, a na tom tragu, kreirati zbirku odabranog korpusa turbeta, dostupnu u otvorenom pristupu, pri čemu se korpus istraživanja odnosi na turbeta koja su proglašena nacionalnim spomenicima u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se unutar radnog prostora Omeka Classic platforme za publiciranje sadržaja na webu, korištenjem predefiniranih polja metapodataka Dublin Core i VRA Core u kombinaciji, mogu zadovoljiti elementarne potrebe obrade korpusa, na pregledan, ujednačen i informativan način, ali se u tom pogledu donose i naznake budućeg razvoja zbirke u kontekstu njenog semantičkog bogaćenja.Modern technologies enable the presentation of diverse movable and immovable cultural heritage objects in a digital environment in new and creative ways, which at the international level has resulted in the development of numerous and diverse digital collections created by information and other institutions. Since the visibility of such collections in the virtual environment depends on the wealth of metadata assigned to the sources in the collections, as expected, these initiatives were accompanied by development in the metadata domain. In this regard, and considering that the role of metadata in the presentation of turbe as very specific objects of the immovable cultural heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the online environment has not been examined so far, the goal of this research is to identify which metadata standards or their combinations can be used for the description of turbe in Omeka Classic environment, and consequently to create a collection of the selected corpus of turbe, available in open access, whereby the corpus of research refers to turbe (türbe/tomb) that are named as national monuments in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The results of the research indicate that within the workspace of the Omeka Classic web publishing platform by using the predefined Dublin Core and VRA Core metadata fields in combination, the basic needs of corpus description can be met in a clear, uniform, and informative way, but in this regard, indications of the future development of the collection in the context of its semantic enrichment are also provided


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    In the specific literature, success may be achieved by two important attributes: competitiveness and sustainability. Competitive advantage represents an essential criterion for surviving on the tourist market and defines the ability of one destination to use these resources effectively and in the long term. The paper work continue a study begun last year by the same authors about tourist perception of attractiveness of the two tourist SPA destinations (Buziaş and Băile Felix) on a different market segment (18-35 years old people). This time, we undertake an analysis on SC Turism Felix SA in order to determine and underline the tourist competitiveness through sustainability and financial efficiency (tourism performance indicators evolution, market share, turnover, investment volume, financial returns and costs).Competitive advantage, financial efficiency, sustainability, SPA

    GIS and Land History: the documentation of the ancient Aosta Dukedom

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    GIS technology has been recognised as one of the best instruments able to join and relate data coming from different disciplines involved in a documentation process of Cultural Heritage objects. The RecorDIM (Recording, Documentation and Information Management) project defined some general rules to be followed when GIS technology is used to share documentation results among all the possible users (e.g. conservators, restorers, land planners, etc.). The aim of the paper is to show a real application of the proposed rules inside an Interreg III-A (community initiative seeking to favour the harmonious and even development of European territory by encouraging cross-border cooperation) ALCOTRA (Alpi Latine COoperazione TRAnsfrontaliera) project managed by the Italian Valle d'Aosta Region. The Valle d'Aosta Region assigned to the Politecnico di Torino research group (teachers of the High School on Cultural Heritage and Landscape) the goal of placing the results of the archaeological and historical investigations inside a not structured GIS files. This particular approach will allow the integration of the collected data in the regional GIS used for land planning and land risk assessment. This approach required a planning of the recording strategies adopted by the different specialists involved in the project and the structuring of the collected data in a way that could allow the dissemination of the results among all the land planners at every scale (from regional scale up to urban scale). The proposed approach will allow an easy and direct access to the results of historical and archaeological investigations to the specialists involved in the plan of future landscapes and land uses

    A bibliometric analysis of publications within the scope of cultural heritage tourism and digitalization

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    In this study, it is aimed to reveal the current situation and development level of publications made within the scope of cultural heritage tourism and digitalization in international literature. Studies on cultural heritage tourism and digitalization in the international literature between 1975-2021 were examined within certain parameters. Scientific studies on the subject were revealed by scanning the Web of Science (WOS) database. As a result of the searches, a total of 264 scientific publications on "Cultural Heritage Tourism and Digital and Digitalization" were found. The data were subjected to bibliometric analysis using the VOSviewer program. All publications were classified according to many criteria such as "number of publications, publication types, publication years, authors, countries, languages, research areas, places of publication, citations, institutions" and the data obtained were tabulated. In addition, "the most collaborating authors, institutions, countries, the most used keywords, the most cited authors, documents, sources and countries" were subjected to bibliometric analysis in studies on the subject of "Cultural Heritage Tourism and Digital and Digitalization". It is thought that the findings obtained from the study will contribute to this field and shed light on the researchers who are interested in the subject, especially since a limited number of studies have been conducted within the scope of cultural heritage tourism and digitalization.Bu çalışmada, uluslararası yazında kültürel miras turizmi ve dijitalleşme kapsamında yapılan yayınların mevcut durumunun ve gelişim düzeyinin ortaya konması amaçlanmaktadır. Kültürel miras turizmi ve dijitalleşme ile ilgili 1975-2021 yılları arasında uluslararası yazında yer alan çalışmalar belirli parametreler dâhilinde incelenmiştir. Konuya ilişkin yapılan bilimsel çalışmalar, Web of Science (WOS) veri tabanı taranarak ortaya konmuştur. Yapılan aramalar sonucunda “Cultural Heritage Tourism and Digital and Digitalization” konulu toplam 264 bilimsel yayına ulaşılmıştır. Veriler VOSviewer programından yararlanılarak bibliyometrik analize tabi tutulmuştur. Tüm yayınlar, “yayın sayıları, yayın türleri, yayın yılları, yazarlar, ülkeler, diller, araştırma alanları, yayımlandıkları yerler, atıflar, kurumlar” gibi birçok kritere göre sınıflandırılmış ve elde edilen veriler tablolaştırılmıştır. Ayrıca “Cultural Heritage Tourism and Digital and Digitalization” konusuna ilişkin yapılan çalışmalarda “en fazla iş birliği yapan yazarlar, kurumlar, ülkeler, en fazla kullanılan anahtar kelimeler, en fazla atıf alan yazarlar, dokümanlar, kaynaklar ve ülkeler” bibliyometrik analize tabi tutulmuştur. Çalışmadan elde edilen bulguların, özellikle kültürel miras turizmi ve dijitalleşme kapsamında sınırlı sayıda araştırma yapılmış olması nedeniyle bu alana katkı sunacağı ve konuya ilgi duyan araştırmacılara ışık tutacağı düşünülmektedir

    Analysis of Ecotourism Development Potential in Protected Areas in the Republic of Croatia and Recommendations

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    Apart from the traditional summer–seasonal tourism offer at the Adriatic coast and islands, other forms of sustainable tourist activities in the continental part of Croatia are not developed enough. Although important, the capacities in protected natural areas, national parks and nature parks are not sufficiently used. In this article, besides the theory of ecotourism, world experience and standards related to tourism development in protected natural areas, the results of the survey on visitors’ perception of the tourist offer in North-Western part of the Republic of Croatia (mountainous part of Gorski Kotar and Lika, including the whole of Velebit and Velika Kapela) are presented. It covers four National Parks (Plitvice Lakes, Paklenica, Northern Velebit and Risnjak) and the Nature Park Velebit. It is a typical karst area with all its characteristics. The results of the survey conducted during the summer of 2004 present in detail the visitors’ perception of the national parks and the nature park as well as their quality and availability of the tourist offer. The recommendation regarding ecotourism development in protected natural areas in Croatia refers to the preparation of overall marketing for all protected areas and joint promotion at Croatian and international market

    GIS methods and analysis of archaeological layers in the Toplica district (Serbia)

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    In this paper, we are explaining a decade long investigation of historical, sacral and archaeological sites in the Toplica District (Serbia) as one of the significant cultural heritage sites in Europe with more than 226 objects with different time of origin. The survey was carried out for the purpose of better recognizing the archaeological potential. In science like archaeology, static objects, if not dynamized, remain unrecognizable to the general public, regardless of their historical and archaeological importance. Historical changes during the period of more than 7,000 years, with many sites of cultural heritage in this district, were recognized. Ordinary kriging was employed through Quantum Geographical Information System (QGIS) and System for Automated Geoscientific Analysis (SAGA). The positions of historical objects are registered, from the Neolithic period to modern times. With the help of GIS and geo-statistical methods, archaeological and historical layers can be rediscovered and better recognized. GIS algorithm ordinary kriging was used to complete the cultural heritage potential and archaeological valorization of the objects with geo-spatial dispersion. As a final product, we have obtained maps with historical and archaeological locations. For the first time, we used a scientific name for contour lines (archlines) with an equal number of archaeological units per density. In the end, archaeological and historical objects and their features were shown with the support of geographical and GIS methods


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    The valorisation of archaeological sites represents a fundamental action for the social and economic development of a country. An archaeological park is often a territory characterized by significant testimonies of antiquity of great landscape value. For this reason, it should be configured as an authentic outdoor museum, enriched by natural, environmental, architectural and urban components. In order to fulfill these requirements, it is fundamental the elaboration of a coherent scientific project of preservation, fruition and valorisation of the area, which merge the different components necessary for the establishment of an archaeological museum-park. One of the most critical aspects related to the fruition of archaeological sites is the accessibility to areas and routes, not always – if ever – designed for people with reduced mobility, also temporary (for example elderly, obese, visually impaired, etc.). In general, an established principle used in the new design is to pay attention to the so-called wide users, in accordance with the international guidelines summarized in the concept of Universal Design. In particular, this paper presents the use of three-dimensional models obtained from laser scanning surveys for the design of walking trails for people with reduced mobility in the Tusculum Archaeological-Cultural Park. The work was based on the fundamental implementation of the three-dimensional survey with terrestrial laser scanning for the construction and the control of the complex morphology of the site, and on the subsequent integration of models of the intervention in the three-dimensional reality "as-built" of the site. The obtained infographic model allowed to study and simulate the impact of the routes for people with reduced mobility, and to verify its efficiency in the historical and landscape context. Moreover, it was possible to verify the construction of other facilities in the real conditions of the site