112 research outputs found

    Upper bounds for packings of spheres of several radii

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    We give theorems that can be used to upper bound the densities of packings of different spherical caps in the unit sphere and of translates of different convex bodies in Euclidean space. These theorems extend the linear programming bounds for packings of spherical caps and of convex bodies through the use of semidefinite programming. We perform explicit computations, obtaining new bounds for packings of spherical caps of two different sizes and for binary sphere packings. We also slightly improve bounds for the classical problem of packing identical spheres.Comment: 31 page

    An Inequality for Circle Packings Proved by SemidefiniteProgramming

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    A geometric inequality among three triangles, originating in circle packing problems, is introduced. In order to prove it, we reduce the original formulation to the nonnegativity of a polynomial in four real indeterminates. Techniques based on sum of squares decompositions, semidefinite programming and symmetry reduction are then applied to provide an easily verifiable nonnegativity certificat

    Sphere packing bounds via spherical codes

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    The sphere packing problem asks for the greatest density of a packing of congruent balls in Euclidean space. The current best upper bound in all sufficiently high dimensions is due to Kabatiansky and Levenshtein in 1978. We revisit their argument and improve their bound by a constant factor using a simple geometric argument, and we extend the argument to packings in hyperbolic space, for which it gives an exponential improvement over the previously known bounds. Additionally, we show that the Cohn-Elkies linear programming bound is always at least as strong as the Kabatiansky-Levenshtein bound; this result is analogous to Rodemich's theorem in coding theory. Finally, we develop hyperbolic linear programming bounds and prove the analogue of Rodemich's theorem there as well.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figure

    The Strong Dodecahedral Conjecture and Fejes Toth's Conjecture on Sphere Packings with Kissing Number Twelve

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    This article sketches the proofs of two theorems about sphere packings in Euclidean 3-space. The first is K. Bezdek's strong dodecahedral conjecture: the surface area of every bounded Voronoi cell in a packing of balls of radius 1 is at least that of a regular dodecahedron of inradius 1. The second theorem is L. Fejes Toth's contact conjecture, which asserts that in 3-space, any packing of congruent balls such that each ball is touched by twelve others consists of hexagonal layers. Both proofs are computer assisted. Complete proofs of these theorems appear in the author's book "Dense Sphere Packings" and a related preprintComment: The citations and title have been update

    Packing ellipsoids with overlap

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    The problem of packing ellipsoids of different sizes and shapes into an ellipsoidal container so as to minimize a measure of overlap between ellipsoids is considered. A bilevel optimization formulation is given, together with an algorithm for the general case and a simpler algorithm for the special case in which all ellipsoids are in fact spheres. Convergence results are proved and computational experience is described and illustrated. The motivating application - chromosome organization in the human cell nucleus - is discussed briefly, and some illustrative results are presented

    The Gaussian core model in high dimensions

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    We prove lower bounds for energy in the Gaussian core model, in which point particles interact via a Gaussian potential. Under the potential function teαt2t \mapsto e^{-\alpha t^2} with 0<α<4π/e0 < \alpha < 4\pi/e, we show that no point configuration in Rn\mathbf{R}^n of density ρ\rho can have energy less than (ρ+o(1))(π/α)n/2(\rho+o(1))(\pi/\alpha)^{n/2} as nn \to \infty with α\alpha and ρ\rho fixed. This lower bound asymptotically matches the upper bound of ρ(π/α)n/2\rho (\pi/\alpha)^{n/2} obtained as the expectation in the Siegel mean value theorem, and it is attained by random lattices. The proof is based on the linear programming bound, and it uses an interpolation construction analogous to those used for the Beurling-Selberg extremal problem in analytic number theory. In the other direction, we prove that the upper bound of ρ(π/α)n/2\rho (\pi/\alpha)^{n/2} is no longer asymptotically sharp when α>πe\alpha > \pi e. As a consequence of our results, we obtain bounds in Rn\mathbf{R}^n for the minimal energy under inverse power laws t1/tn+st \mapsto 1/t^{n+s} with s>0s>0, and these bounds are sharp to within a constant factor as nn \to \infty with ss fixed.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figur