27 research outputs found

    Модели управления качеством обработки требований к программному обеспечению

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    В статье предлагается подход к управлению качеством обработки требований к программному обеспечению, который основывается на системном подходе и стандартах ISO. Выделены цели функционирования процесса анализа и обработки требований, рассмотрены его основные свойства, особенности взаимодействия с другими процессами жизненного цикла программных систем. Предложена концепция управления качеством входной, выходной информацией и самим процессом анализа и обработки требований.An approach to quality requirements management for software is outlined. This approach is based on system approach and ISO standards. Purposes of the system requirements analysis process activity were defined; its main properties and specific of interaction with other lifecycle processes were considered. The concept of quality control of the input, output information and the process of the system requirements analysis process was proposed

    Модели управления качеством обработки требований к программному обеспечению

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    В статье предлагается подход к управлению качеством обработки требований к программному обеспечению, который основывается на системном подходе и стандартах ISO. Выделены цели функционирования процесса анализа и обработки требований, рассмотрены его основные свойства, особенности взаимодействия с другими процессами жизненного цикла программных систем. Предложена концепция управления качеством входной, выходной информацией и самим процессом анализа и обработки требований.An approach to quality requirements management for software is outlined. This approach is based on system approach and ISO standards. Purposes of the system requirements analysis process activity were defined; its main properties and specific of interaction with other lifecycle processes were considered. The concept of quality control of the input, output information and the process of the system requirements analysis process was proposed

    Issue Starvation in Software Development: A Case Study on the Redmine Issue Tracking System Dataset

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    In computing, starvation refers to the scenario when a process does not get required resources to complete its work. This mainly happens due to very simple priority based scheduling algorithms. Issues in software development require resources too and which issue will get the required resources depend on its priority. So the question is: Does starvation occur in Software Development too? The authors tried to answer the question with the help of their prepared dataset named as “Redmine Dataset”. Redmine is one of the popular web-based project management tool as well as an Issue Tracking Systems which also provide role-based access control. Currently, the Redmine ITS has more than 13000 issues and the number of issues is increasing time to time being. The authors have analyzed the Redmine dataset and found that starvation also occurred for issues in Software Development. The authors believe that this finding will steer the Software Engineering community for conducting research on advanced prioritization techniques which will resolve Issue starvation. Furthermore, the authors have provided few future research directions where this dataset can be used

    Adding Value to Software Requirements: An Empirical Study in the Chinese Software Industry

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    The rapid growth of the Chinese software industry has attracted attention from all over the world. Meanwhile, software requirements selection has a crucial impact on the final value of a software product and the satisfaction of stakeholders. This paper presents an empirical study, which focuses on the decision-making criteria for requirements selection in market-driven software development projects in international companies in China. The outcome shows that some criteria, such as business strategy, customer satisfaction, and software features, are more important than others when making decisions for requirements selection

    A Specification for Designing Requirement Prioritization Artifacts

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    The importance of prioritizing requirements stems from the fact that not all requirements can usually be met with available time and resource constraints. Although several papers have been published in this domain, they mainly focus on descriptive research endeavors to suggest different requirement prioritization approaches. Prescriptive research dealing with design science for a systematic and holistic understanding of the prioritization process is still scarce. The gap motivates our research, which aims at arriving at a set of design principles that explains the form and function of software requirement prioritization artifacts. We resort to a non-experimental approach using content analysis to identify and analyze articles on requirement prioritization published up to 2009 in order to arrive at the set of initial design principles. This subsequently is evaluated based on expert feedbacks. We close the paper by indicating our research continuation plans, and highlighting issues for future considerations

    Managing requirements in market-driven software project: Agile methods view

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    Vrijeme do plasiranja na tržište i nedovoljno početno saznanje o potrebama dva su značajna problema po kojima se organiziranje potreba kod projekata razvijanja softvera za tržište razlikuje od projekata za softver po narudžbi. Ti se problemi mogu riješiti primjenom agilnih metodologija razvoja softvera kad se radi o tržišno orijentiranom softveru budući da Agilne metode naglašavaju dinamički pristup organiziranju potreba usko povezan s iterativnim ciklusom isporuke. U ovom radu, dinamički pristup Agilnih metoda definiranju potreba koristi se za uspješnu implementaciju složenog tržišno orijentiranog softverskog projekta.Time-to-market and insufficient initial requirements are two significant challenges that make managing requirements for market-driven software projects different from custom-made software projects. These challenges can be resolved by using agile software development methodologies for market-driven software development as agile methods put emphasis on a dynamic approach for requirement engineering which works closely with an iterative release cycle. In this study, dynamic requirement engineering approach of Agile methods was used for the successful implementation of market-driven complex software project

    An Experimental, Tool-Based Evaluation of Requirements Prioritization Techniques in Distributed Settings

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    In this paper, we compare and analyze three common techniques for prioritizing software requirements: Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Cumulative Voting (CV) and Likert Scale Technique (LST). These techniques are based on a ratio scale and are applied within this research as part of a hierarchical approach to requirements analysis on different levels of abstraction. For the systematic evaluation of these techniques in distributed settings, a controlled experimental setting was developed and carried out via the Internet. Therefore, a particular Web application was developed and data from 199 subjects was collected. The overall results indicate that LST is a simple, fast, and well-scaling prioritization technique, whereas slightly less precise than the other two techniques. However if accuracy is an important criterion, and a more complicated and slower technique is accepted, CV has proven to be most adequate. For the AHP, particularly when used with many requirements, a recommendation cannot be given because of poor scalability

    The Structures of Computation: A Distributed Cognitive Analysis of Requirements Evolution in Diverse Software Development Environments

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    Despite decades of research, effective requirements engineering (RE) remains a significant challenge for software development projects. In addition, the study of RE processes has failed to keep pace with dramatic changes in IS development practice. In this study, we frame RE as a fundamentally socio-technical computational task in which diverse social actors and artifacts collaboratively “compute” the requirements for an envisioned software system. Through the perspective of distributed cognition, we analyze the distributed RE activities of three IS development projects, representing distinct methodological approaches. We develop models of the computational structures of these projects to support a novel analytical basis for comparison and contrast of three development methodologies - structured development, agile development, and open source software development

    An integrated approach for requirement selection and scheduling in software release planning

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    It is essential for product software companies to decide which requirements should be included in the next release and to make an appropriate time plan of the development project. Compared to the extensive research done on requirement selection, very little research has been performed on time scheduling. In this paper, we introduce two integer linear programming models that integrate time scheduling into software release planning. Given the resource and precedence constraints, our first model provides a schedule for developing the requirements such that the project duration is minimized. Our second model combines requirement selection and scheduling, so that it not only maximizes revenues but also simultaneously calculates an on-time-delivery project schedule. Since requirement dependencies are essential for scheduling the development process, we present a more detailed analysis of these dependencies. Furthermore, we present two mechanisms that facilitate dynamic adaptation for over-estimation or under-estimation of revenues or processing time, one of which includes the Scrum methodology. Finally, several simulations based on real-life data are performed. The results of these simulations indicate that requirement dependency can significantly influence the requirement selection and the corresponding project plan. Moreover, the model for combined requirement selection and scheduling outperforms the sequential selection and scheduling approach in terms of efficiency and on-time delivery. \u