29 research outputs found

    MOG - A smart mobile system for interactive museum visits

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    In this work we propose an integrated system to manage and enhance the museums visiting experience for the general public, providing a more comfortable, intelligent and interactive way to visit multiple museums without the need for several mobile applications, whilst giving a tool to museum curators that allows them to easily manage and extend the content displayed to each individual visitor. For that purpose, our approach was to develop a single mobile application, a module to an open-source Content Management System (CMS), namely Drupal 8, and incorporate location information inferred by the capture of BLE's signals (beacons). The proposed prototype features an Android application that will be used by the visitors where they can access the available information about several museums, and combined with BLE's, will display information about the museum and spaces of the museum where the visitor is (or is planning to visit). This application gives the option to choose from several languages that are provided and managed by each museum.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An IoT-aware AAL System to Capture Behavioral Changes of Elderly People

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    The ageing of population is a phenomenon that is affecting the majority of developed countries around the world and will soon affect developing economies too. In recent years, both industry and academia are focused on the development of several solutions aimed to guarantee a healthy and safe lifestyle to the elderly. In this context, the behavioral analysis of elderly people can help to prevent the occurrence of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and frailty problems. The innovative technologies enabling the Internet of Things (IoT) can be used in order to capture personal data for automatically recognizing changes in elderly people behavior in an unobtrusive, low-cost and low-power modality. This work aims to describe the ongoing activities within the City4Age project, funded by the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Commission, mainly focused on the use of IoT technologies to develop an innovative AAL system able to capture personal data of elderly people in their home and city environments. The proposed architecture has been validated through a proof-of-concept focused mainly on localization issues, collection of ambient parameters, and user-environment interaction aspects

    De destinos turísticos inteligentes a regiones turísticas inteligentes

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    There is growing interest in developing smart tourism beyond individual smart destinations, but research and practice currently do not supply the necessary conceptualizations that could inform smart tourism development at a regional level. This paper argues that this is the case because of smart tourism’s roots in smart city ideas and literature. It discusses the main pillars of smart tourism and smart destinations and then illustrates how pervasive urban biases are in the smart development arena. The paper then highlights the many ways in which these are problematic for reaching regional smart tourism understandings and designing appropriate regional-level strategies. It calls for smart tourism regions to be defined beyond clusters of individual smart destinations and across all domains of smartness.Existe un creciente interés en el desarrollo del turismo inteligente más allá de los destinos inteligentes individuales, pero actualmente la investigación y la práctica no son capaces de ofrecer las conceptualizaciones necesarias que permitan conformar el desarrollo turístico inteligente en un nivel regional. Este artículo plantea si esto se debe a las raíces que el turismo inteligente tiene en las ideas de ciudades inteligentes y en la literatura. Se discuten los pilares principales del turismo inteligente y de los destinos inteligentes y, después, se ilustra cómo los sesgos urbanos generalizados existen en el área de desarrollo inteligente. Este artículo, después, resalta las múltiples formas en las que estos sesgos son problemáticos para la consecución de un entendimiento sobre el turismo inteligente regional y para el diseño de estrategias apropiadas para un nivel regional. Es necesario que las regiones turísticas inteligentes sean definidas como algo más que agrupaciones de destinos inteligentes individuales y en los que sean aplicables todos los dominios de inteligencia

    An interactive location system for smart places

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    In this work, we describe a prototype that was developed as an inte- grated system that provides relevant information in an interactive way when in- side of complex buildings, such as museums, hospitals, shopping malls, amongst others. To accomplish this, the system uses an Indoor Location and Tracking System taking advantage of BLE devices and Bluetooth capabilities of mobile devices. This prototype is also composed of an open-source Content Management System (based on Drupal 8), that allows the system operators to upload and manage the information provided to the mobile users, with the pos- sibility of uploading files extracted from BIM tools. The resulting system is af- fordable for Smart Places while being comfortable and interactive for the users


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    This study aims to examine innovative solutions to enhance the tourist experience and visitor localization within the Bossea Cave, one of the most important karstic caves in Italy, located in the municipality of Frabosa Soprana. The lack of advanced technological tools for managing cave structures and modernizing visitor tours creates a significant opportunity for the integration of new technologies. The researchers propose a low-cost and modular hardware infrastructure, consisting of a series of single-board computers distributed throughout the cave, acting as local web servers to provide visitors with customizable multimedia content, accessible through a web application on their personal devices via a local Wi-Fi network. This infrastructure also enables visitor localization based on their connection point within the cave, with the additional goal of testing the ultra-wideband (UWB) wireless technology in this complex and humid environment. The UWB technology offers high-precision localization, even in indoor environments and caves, where GNSS signals are not available. Overall, the study provides a promising solution to enhance the visitor experience and offers opportunities for cave management and research

    BLE Beacons for Indoor Positioning at an Interactive IoT-Based Smart Museum

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) can enable smart infrastructures to provide advanced services to the users. New technological advancement can improve our everyday life, even simple tasks as a visit to the museum. In this paper, an indoor localization system is presented, to enhance the user experience in a museum. In particular, the proposed system relies on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons proximity and localization capabilities to automatically provide the users with cultural contents related to the observed artworks. At the same time, an RSS-based technique is used to estimate the location of the visitor in the museum. An Android application is developed to estimate the distance from the exhibits and collect useful analytics regarding each visit and provide a recommendation to the users. Moreover, the application implements a simple Kalman filter in the smartphone, without the need of the Cloud, to improve localization precision and accuracy. Experimental results on distance estimation, location, and detection accuracy show that BLE beacon is a promising solution for an interactive smart museum. The proposed system has been designed to be easily extensible to the IoT technologies and its effectiveness has been evaluated through experimentation

    Deep learning and Internet of Things for tourist attraction recommendations in smart cities

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    The version of record is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00521-021-06872-0We propose a tourist attraction IoT-enabled deep learning-based recommendation system to enhance tourist experience in a smart city. Travelers will enter details about their travels (traveling alone or with a companion, type of companion such as partner or family with kids, traveling for business or leisure, etc.) as well as user side information (age of the traveler/s, hobbies, etc.) into the smart city app/website. Our proposed deep learning-based recommendation system will process this personal set of input features to recommend the tourist activities/attractions that best fit his/her profile. Furthermore, when the tourists are in the smart city, content-based information (already visited attractions) and context-related information (location, weather, time of day, etc.) are obtained in real time using IoT devices; this information will allow our proposed deep learning-based tourist attraction recommendation system to suggest additional activities and/or attractions in real time. Our proposed multi-label deep learning classifier outperforms other models (decision tree, extra tree, k-nearest neighbor and random forest) and can successfully recommend tourist attractions for the first case [(a) searching for and planning activities before traveling] with the loss, accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score of 0.5%, 99.7%, 99.9%, 99.9% and 99.8%, respectively. It can also successfully recommend tourist attractions for the second case [(b) looking for activities within the smart city] with the loss, accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score of 3.7%, 99.5%, 99.8%, 99.7% and 99.8%, respectively.This work has been supported by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación of Spain under project PID2019-108713RB-C51/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version