596 research outputs found

    SCREEN: Learning a Flat Syntactic and Semantic Spoken Language Analysis Using Artificial Neural Networks

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    In this paper, we describe a so-called screening approach for learning robust processing of spontaneously spoken language. A screening approach is a flat analysis which uses shallow sequences of category representations for analyzing an utterance at various syntactic, semantic and dialog levels. Rather than using a deeply structured symbolic analysis, we use a flat connectionist analysis. This screening approach aims at supporting speech and language processing by using (1) data-driven learning and (2) robustness of connectionist networks. In order to test this approach, we have developed the SCREEN system which is based on this new robust, learned and flat analysis. In this paper, we focus on a detailed description of SCREEN's architecture, the flat syntactic and semantic analysis, the interaction with a speech recognizer, and a detailed evaluation analysis of the robustness under the influence of noisy or incomplete input. The main result of this paper is that flat representations allow more robust processing of spontaneous spoken language than deeply structured representations. In particular, we show how the fault-tolerance and learning capability of connectionist networks can support a flat analysis for providing more robust spoken-language processing within an overall hybrid symbolic/connectionist framework.Comment: 51 pages, Postscript. To be published in Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 6(1), 199

    Learning Fault-tolerant Speech Parsing with SCREEN

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    This paper describes a new approach and a system SCREEN for fault-tolerant speech parsing. SCREEEN stands for Symbolic Connectionist Robust EnterprisE for Natural language. Speech parsing describes the syntactic and semantic analysis of spontaneous spoken language. The general approach is based on incremental immediate flat analysis, learning of syntactic and semantic speech parsing, parallel integration of current hypotheses, and the consideration of various forms of speech related errors. The goal for this approach is to explore the parallel interactions between various knowledge sources for learning incremental fault-tolerant speech parsing. This approach is examined in a system SCREEN using various hybrid connectionist techniques. Hybrid connectionist techniques are examined because of their promising properties of inherent fault tolerance, learning, gradedness and parallel constraint integration. The input for SCREEN is hypotheses about recognized words of a spoken utterance potentially analyzed by a speech system, the output is hypotheses about the flat syntactic and semantic analysis of the utterance. In this paper we focus on the general approach, the overall architecture, and examples for learning flat syntactic speech parsing. Different from most other speech language architectures SCREEN emphasizes an interactive rather than an autonomous position, learning rather than encoding, flat analysis rather than in-depth analysis, and fault-tolerant processing of phonetic, syntactic and semantic knowledge.Comment: 6 pages, postscript, compressed, uuencoded to appear in Proceedings of AAAI 9

    Concurrent Lexicalized Dependency Parsing: The ParseTalk Model

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    A grammar model for concurrent, object-oriented natural language parsing is introduced. Complete lexical distribution of grammatical knowledge is achieved building upon the head-oriented notions of valency and dependency, while inheritance mechanisms are used to capture lexical generalizations. The underlying concurrent computation model relies upon the actor paradigm. We consider message passing protocols for establishing dependency relations and ambiguity handling.Comment: 90kB, 7pages Postscrip


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    Simple Recurrent Networks (SRNs) have been widely used in natural language tasks. SARDSRN extends the SRN by explicitly representing the input sequence in a SARDNET self-organizing map. The distributed SRN component leads to good generalization and robust cognitive properties, whereas the SARDNET map provides exact representations of the sentence constituents. This combination allows SARDSRN to learn to parse sentences with more complicated structure than can the SRN alone, and suggests that the approach could scale up to realistic natural language

    Uniform Representations for Syntax-Semantics Arbitration

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    Psychological investigations have led to considerable insight into the working of the human language comprehension system. In this article, we look at a set of principles derived from psychological findings to argue for a particular organization of linguistic knowledge along with a particular processing strategy and present a computational model of sentence processing based on those principles. Many studies have shown that human sentence comprehension is an incremental and interactive process in which semantic and other higher-level information interacts with syntactic information to make informed commitments as early as possible at a local ambiguity. Early commitments may be made by using top-down guidance from knowledge of different types, each of which must be applicable independently of others. Further evidence from studies of error recovery and delayed decisions points toward an arbitration mechanism for combining syntactic and semantic information in resolving ambiguities. In order to account for all of the above, we propose that all types of linguistic knowledge must be represented in a common form but must be separable so that they can be applied independently of each other and integrated at processing time by the arbitrator. We present such a uniform representation and a computational model called COMPERE based on the representation and the processing strategy.Comment: 7 pages, uses cogsci94.sty macr

    Spoken language processing in the hybrid connectionist architecture SCREEN

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    In this paper we describe a robust, learning approach to spoken language understanding. Since interactively spoken and computationally analyzed language often contains many errors, robust connectionist networks are used for providing a flat screening analysis. A screening analysis is a shallow flat analysis based on category sequences at various syntactic, semantic and dialog levels. Rather than using tree or graph representations a screening analysis uses category sequences in order to support robustness and learning. This flat screening analysis is examined in the context of the system SCREEN (Symbolic Connectionist Robust EnterprisE for Natural language). Starting with the word hypotheses generated by a speech recognizer, we give an overview of the architecture, and illustrate the flat robust processing at the levels of syntax, semantics, and dialog acts. While early connectionist models were often limited to a single network and a small task, the hybrid connectionist SCREEN system is an important step towards exploring connectionist techniques in larger hybrid symbolic/connectionist environments and for real-world problemsBased on our experience with SCREEN, hybrid connectionist techniques show a lot of potential for supporting robustness in interactive spoken language processing

    Learning dialog act processing

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    In this paper we describe a new approach for learning dialog act processing. In this approach we integrate a symbolic semantic segmentation parser with a learning dialog act network. In order to support the unforeseeable errors and variations of spoken language we have concentrated on robust data-driven learning. This approach already compares favorably with the statistical average plausibility method, produces a segmentation and dialog act assignment for all utterances in a robust manner, and reduces knowledge engineering since it can be bootstrapped from rather small corpora. Therefore, we consider this new approach as very promising for learning dialog act processing

    Towards Incremental Parsing of Natural Language using Recursive Neural Networks

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    In this paper we develop novel algorithmic ideas for building a natural language parser grounded upon the hypothesis of incrementality. Although widely accepted and experimentally supported under a cognitive perspective as a model of the human parser, the incrementality assumption has never been exploited for building automatic parsers of unconstrained real texts. The essentials of the hypothesis are that words are processed in a left-to-right fashion, and the syntactic structure is kept totally connected at each step. Our proposal relies on a machine learning technique for predicting the correctness of partial syntactic structures that are built during the parsing process. A recursive neural network architecture is employed for computing predictions after a training phase on examples drawn from a corpus of parsed sentences, the Penn Treebank. Our results indicate the viability of the approach andlay out the premises for a novel generation of algorithms for natural language processing which more closely model human parsing. These algorithms may prove very useful in the development of eÆcient parsers