6 research outputs found

    An Improved Upper Bound for SAT

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    We show that the CNF satisfiability problem can be solved O(1.2226m)O^*(1.2226^m) time, where mm is the number of clauses in the formula, improving the known upper bounds O(1.234m)O^*(1.234^m) given by Yamamoto 15 years ago and O(1.239m)O^*(1.239^m) given by Hirsch 22 years ago. By using an amortized technique and careful case analysis, we successfully avoid the bottlenecks in previous algorithms and get the improvement

    A Multivariate Complexity Analysis of Qualitative Reasoning Problems

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    Qualitative reasoning is an important subfield of artificial intelligence where one describes relationships with qualitative, rather than numerical, relations. Many such reasoning tasks, e.g., Allen's interval algebra, can be solved in 2O(nlogn)2^{O(n \cdot \log n)} time, but single-exponential running times 2O(n)2^{O(n)} are currently far out of reach. In this paper we consider single-exponential algorithms via a multivariate analysis consisting of a fine-grained parameter nn (e.g., the number of variables) and a coarse-grained parameter kk expected to be relatively small. We introduce the classes FPE and XE of problems solvable in f(k)2O(n)f(k) \cdot 2^{O(n)}, respectively f(k)nf(k)^n, time, and prove several fundamental properties of these classes. We proceed by studying temporal reasoning problems and (1) show that the Partially Ordered Time problem of effective width kk is solvable in 16kn16^{kn} time and is thus included in XE, and (2) that the network consistency problem for Allen's interval algebra with no interval overlapping with more than kk others is solvable in (2nk)2k2n(2nk)^{2k} \cdot 2^{n} time and is included in FPE. Our multivariate approach is in no way limited to these to specific problems and may be a generally useful approach for obtaining single-exponential algorithms

    Quantum Speed-ups for Boolean Satisfiability and Derivative-Free Optimization

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    In this thesis, we have considered two important problems, Boolean satisfiability (SAT) and derivative free optimization in the context of large scale quantum computers. In the first part, we survey well known classical techniques for solving satisfiability. We compute the approximate time it would take to solve SAT instances using quantum techniques and compare it with state-of-the heart classical heuristics employed annually in SAT competitions. In the second part of the thesis, we consider a few classically well known algorithms for derivative free optimization which are ubiquitously employed in engineering problems. We propose a quantum speedup to this classical algorithm by using techniques of the quantum minimum finding algorithm. In the third part of the thesis, we consider practical applications in the fields of bio-informatics, petroleum refineries and civil engineering which involve solving either satisfiability or derivative free optimization. We investigate if using known quantum techniques to speedup these algorithms directly translate to the benefit of industries which invest in technology to solve these problems. In the last section, we propose a few open problems which we feel are immediate hurdles, either from an algorithmic or architecture perspective to getting a convincing speedup for the practical problems considered

    Efficient local search for Pseudo Boolean Optimization

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    Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog

    An improved upper bound for SAT

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    We give a randomized algorithm for testing satisfiability of Boolean formulas in conjunctive normal form with no restriction on clause length. Its running time is at most 2 n(1−1/α) up to a polynomial factor, where α = ln(m/n) + O(ln ln m) and n, m are respectively the number of variables and the number of clauses in the input formula. This bound is asymptotically better than the previously best known 2 n(1−1 / log(2m)) bound for SAT