426 research outputs found

    Steganalytic Methods for the Detection of Histogram Shifting Data Hiding Schemes

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    Peer-reviewedIn this paper, several steganalytic techniques designed to detect the existence of hidden messages using histogram shifting schemes are presented. Firstly, three techniques to identify specific histogram shifting data hiding schemes, based on detectable visible alterations on the histogram or abnormal statistical distributions, are suggested. Afterwards, a general technique capable of detecting all the analyzed histogram shifting data hiding methods is suggested. This technique is based on the effect of histogram shifting methods on the ¿volatility¿ of the histogram of the difference image. The different behavior of volatility whenever new data are hidden makes it possible to identify stego and cover images

    Adaptive Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for Digital Images Based on Histogram Shifting

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    Existing histogram based reversible data hiding schemes use only absolute difference values between the neighboring pixels of a cover image. In these schemes, maxima and minima points at maximum distance are selected in all the blocks of the image which causes shifting of the large number of pixels to embed the secret data. This shifting produces more degradation in the visual quality of the marked image. In this work, the cover image is segmented into blocks, which are classified further into complex and smooth blocks using a threshold value. This threshold value is optimized using firefly algorithm. Simple difference values between the neighboring pixels of complex blocks have been utilized to embed the secret data bits. The closest maxima and minima points in the histogram of the difference blocks are selected so that number of shifted pixels get reduced, which further reduces the distortion in the marked image. Experimental results prove that the proposed scheme has better performance as compared to the existing schemes. The scheme shows minimum distortion and large embedding capacity. Novelty of work is the usage of negative difference values of complex blocks for secret data embedding with the minimal number of pixel shifting

    Reversible Data Hiding Using Hybrid Method of Difference Expansion on Medical Image

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    Data hiding in the image can cause permanent distortion (irreversible), in other applications such as medical images, distortion can cause misdiagnosis. To overcome these problems, a special scheme is required for the embedding data on medical image. Reversible data hiding is a scheme that can restore the image to original image without distortion after the embedded information is extracted. Difference Expansion (DE) is one of the schemes in reversible data hiding that is simple and easy to implement. In this paper, we propose two schemes based a hybrid combination of DE to increase on capacity and visual quality. Medical image has characteristics is the large of smooth block areas, in which DE method is applied to the non-smooth areas image. We used four different medical images to evaluate the proposed scheme. The results showed that the proposed scheme has a high capacity and better visual quality than the original scheme and similar schemes have been proposed previously. Embedding capacity of the proposed scheme is up to 0.66 bpp with visual quality of PSNR value is up to 48 dB

    Separable Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Two-Dimensional Histogram Modification

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    An efficient method of completely separable reversible data hiding in encrypted images is proposed. The cover image is first partitioned into nonoverlapping blocks and specific encryption is applied to obtain the encrypted image. Then, image difference in the encrypted domain can be calculated based on the homomorphic property of the cryptosystem. The data hider, who does not know the original image content, may reversibly embed secret data into image difference based on two-dimensional difference histogram modification. Data extraction is completely separable from image decryption; that is, data extraction can be done either in the encrypted domain or in the decrypted domain, so that it can be applied to different application scenarios. In addition, data extraction and image recovery are free of any error. Experimental results demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed scheme

    Survey on Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Using POB Histogram Method

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    This paper describes a survey on reversible data hiding in encrypted images. Data hiding is a process to embed useful data into cover media. Data invisibility is its major requirement. Data hiding can be done in audio, video, image, text, and picture. Here use an image for data hiding especially digital images and existing method (Histogram Block Shift Base Method) HBSBM or POB. Now a day's reversible data hiding in encrypted images is in use due to its excellent property which is original cover image can be recovered with no loss after extraction of the embedded data. Also, it protects the original data. According to the level and kind of application one or more data hiding methods is used. Data hiding can be done in audio, video, text, and image and other forms of information. Some data hiding techniques emphasize on digital image security, some on the robustness of digital image hiding process while other's main focus is on imperceptibility of a digital image. The capacity of digital information which has to hide is also the main concern in some of the applications. The objective of some of the papers mentioned below is to achieve two or more than two parameters i.e. Security, robustness, imperceptibility and capacity but some of the parameters are trade-off which means only one can be achieved on the cost of other. So the data hiding techniques aiming to achieve maximum requirements i.e. security, robustness, capacity, imperceptibility etc. and which can be utilized in the larger domain of applications is desired. Related work for techniques used for data hiding in a digital image is described in this paper

    Reversible data hiding method by extending reduced difference expansion

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    To keep hiding secret data in multimedia files, such as video, audio, and image considers essential for information security. Image, for instance, as the media aids data insertion securely. The use of insertion technique must ensure a reliable process on retaining data quality and capacity. However, a trade-off between the resulted image quality and the embedded payload capacity after the embedding process often occurs. Therefore, this research aims at extending the existing method of integrating confidential messages using the Reduced Difference Expansion (RDE), transform into a medical image by changing the base point, block size, and recalculating of difference. The results display that the proposed method enhances the quality of the stego image and capacity of the hidden message